Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Satan's system

System bestii biblijnej to system ludu oddanego szatanowi, który tworzy tutaj na ziemi subkulturę węża, szatana, Lucyfera, Remfana, Apolla itd.

Australian politician: 'c-19 vaccine contains nanotechnology; for self-assembly inside PEOPLE'


Senator from Australia Malcolm Ieuan Roberts while appearing on the television show "Maria Zee Uncensored" Roberts dropped a bombshell of information about COVID-19 vaccines. He told the audience that there is evidence of nanotechnology in Pfizer's vaccine. Then showed images that appear to be self-organizing ...

Lancaster - a freelance journalist - asks Mariupol residents about Russian attacks on civilian areas.

I commissioned the translation of this video to show that the mainstream is deceiving people and the truth is different just like it was with covid-19.
Do you watch TV? Check to see if things are going that way.
Nie popieram ani Rosji ani Ukrainy gdyż Biblia mówi, że cały świat …

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