Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Satan's system

System bestii biblijnej to system ludu oddanego szatanowi, który tworzy tutaj na ziemi subkulturę węża, szatana, Lucyfera, Remfana, Apolla itd.

Scientist: "this is a toxic attack on our population and must be stopped immediately!"

Dr Ryan Cole – Certified anatomic and clinical pathologist with subspecialty training and 20 years of experience in dermatopathology and a special interest in molecular diagnostics, immunology doctor
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny – lekarka o ogromnym doświadczeniu i wiedzy z posiadanymi specjalizacjami w alergologii i …

Slovenia: The nurse showed 3 types of stab bottles: one with salt for the initiates and two for the public.


Wczoraj wybuchł wielki skandal w Słowenii, a dziś cała Słowenia mówi o wielkim szczepieniu. Naczelna pielęgniarka Uniwersyteckiego Centrum Medycznego, ośrodka klinicznego w Lublanie, która zajmuje się przyjmowaniem butelek i zrezygnowała, wyszła przed kamery i wyjęła butelki  z płynami. Pokazywała …

Gates has been exposed as a media sponsor around the world. He donated $319 million.

The struggle continues.

Masses of people are fighting for the truth to come out and one of them is investigative journalist Alan Macleod, who has released financial data:


Billionaire Bill Gates potajemnie przeznaczył 319 milionów dolarów na wybrane media głównego nurtu na


The Dutch are deliberately infecting themselves with Corona to avoid getting stabbed.

This system exposes itself even in the cursory methods of defending people against stabbings.



There are announcements like this on Facebook:



„Dobry wieczór, czy jest ktoś, kto ma koronę w pobliżu Haarlemu? Raczej koronę niż strzykawkę” – wynika z …

CROATIA - Police stop traffic to shake hands with protesters. Don't be divided.

The Croats come from the southern part of Poland. Unlike the Poles, they have a greater sense of nationality, national identity and perhaps this is due to the lesser influence of Khazaria... We welcomed them the best in Europe and they now hate us very much.



Masońsko-chazarski …

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