Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Satan's system

System bestii biblijnej to system ludu oddanego szatanowi, który tworzy tutaj na ziemi subkulturę węża, szatana, Lucyfera, Remfana, Apolla itd.

In Portugal, the military will help search for potentially infected people.


Another frontier in taking away people's freedom is being pushed.

Portuguese military services will be catching the potentially infected. All according to the principle of small steps...


Na tym etapie wojsko będzie tylko i aż  WYŁAPYWAĆ Portugalczyków i informować ich o potencjalnym zagrożeniu, ale …

Onet is slowly revealing its religion through the example of actress Betty White.,2b83378a


Out of probably hundreds of photos of the actress, the one above was chosen.

So we are introduced not only to the faith of Betty White, a little-known but very senior actress, but also to the revealing of


Rok 2022 jak kilka razy już …

Does covidism meet the definition of the word cult? Rapper YOBIYO reveals the illuminati contract.

I found this meme on the Internet, which I converted to Polish conditions quoting definitions from the Polish Language Dictionary.


Masks, distancing, and vaccination have already become a religious practice and as much a rite as possible.


Na starym kanale nagrałem odcinek, w którym to omówiłem …

New Year's Eve tickets with two for vaccinated and unvaccinated.

I have consistently said that the most important element in the fight against the Khazar subculture is the rejection of their culture.


Poles who feel to be patriots should stop supporting their culture and in this case the culture of not only satanic music but also the culture of segregation.

Wspieranie kultury wykluczenia jest …

Something worse than the Sanhedrin is being set up: a ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN ORDER TO PROKE.

People are too busy with themselves to notice their shackles and the fact that they live in a PRISON PLANET.

By the way, I recommend the site

Czasami mam dość informowania ludzi co się dzieje na świecie, gdyż mam wrażenie, że stale pisuję dla tych samych, że …

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