Bill Gates to Hell during a recent interview promoting his new book admitted that he and his foundation experts:
„nie rozumieli, że jest to dość niski wskaźnik śmiertelności i że jest to choroba głównie u osób starszych, podobna do grypy, …
Bill Gates to Hell during a recent interview promoting his new book admitted that he and his foundation experts:
„nie rozumieli, że jest to dość niski wskaźnik śmiertelności i że jest to choroba głównie u osób starszych, podobna do grypy, …
Politicians from the Bulgarian Renaissance party announced that they respect the symbols, but the Ukrainian flag should be displayed at the embassy. In addition, the party chairman threatened to sue the mayor for treason.
" Vazrazhdane " (Revival) explains that even today flag will be ...
Before I comment on this message I ask you to see what picture of Putin was used.
Angry, angry. We're supposed to dislike him. This is manipulation.
The bad guys are on both sides, or even all sides, but we are supposed to hate Putin.
Putin jest …
The prediction of Matthias Berninger, who was State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and now heads the "Public and Sustainable Development" department at Bayer AG, is drastic to say the least. He states:
..."In 2023 we will experience one of the greatest famines in human history"
Red Cross in a new statement that also contradicts their own social media posts, said it would not use the blood of vaccinated individuals for COVID-19 treatment convalescent plasma in immunocompromised patients, contrary to current FDA guidance.
Szef ONZ ostrzega przed 3 wojną światową i ktoś mógłby sobie pomyśleć, że to jest tak na postrach. Czy na pewno? Owszem, bez względu na to czy ta wojna będzie na naszym terenie czy nie jest to teatr. Bez …
What they are doing is not stupidity. It is a calculating and ruthless plan and if there is a World War 3 involving so-called Poland, know that Khazaria is behind this plan.
Jeśli możemy mówić o jakiejś głupocie, to tylko o głupocie …
Kanał emisjTV niestety jest mocno prokatolickim portalem a jego lider Karczorowski mocno popiera niestety Brauna…
It is a pity that complaining about Ukrainization, he does not see the role of the papacy and the Catholic government in it.
Jednak jednorazowo można obejrzeć ten odcinek z …
It's interesting that the country where the communist EU is based sets limits on 5G deployment.
W jednym z trzech odpowiedników polskich województw regionie władze Walonii ustaliły, że w oparciu o zalecenia panelu ekspertów limit emisji z masztów …
Sometimes I wonder if there is a point to this blog. This is probably the second time I've written this in a few months.
People were as foolish as they still are.
Nie ma przyrostu obudzonych. Ja nawet nie winszuję sobie narodzenia na nowo w Jezusie, …