This is one of the few evolutions I believe in...
The lies of this world
This is one of the few evolutions I believe in...
The film with the actors depicts a clueless troublemaker challenging the plandemic, who ...dies, and the policeman in the hospital mockingly says at the end to the deceased " "The talk is not getting any better, I'll be off. But take it easy, I'll hit the exit.""
Too bad, ...
There is no need at all to wait for robotization. People are already like robots. Zero cause-and-effect thinking, and lots of hypnosis.
Getting rid of thinking in favor of the TV has a big cost. Not just on a micro level. A social one, among other things.
Found online:
Right at the outset, I invite all those who negate me to leave the blog. Find yourselves sources of comments adequate to your wisdom. Do not practice hypocrisy.
If I were a DJ, I would include a song called Something Going On by the Bomfunk MC's.
Although ...
Yesterday I wanted to reset myself from heavy topics and so I decided to dust off the TV remote.
So I made my temporary peace with 42 inches and cruised the canals. ..
Good, canal cruising. That's probably a good term, although a better one seems ...
To, że systemowe media piszą prawdę o tym, o czym my doskonale wiemy od wielu miesięcy wynika ze skomasowanego ataku lewicy na rząd. Gwarantuję Wam, że perspektywa zmieniłaby się gdyby to PO i sld razem z Hołownią rządziy.
Poszukiwanie obcego życia jest najważniejszym priorytetem astronomów w ciągu najbliższych dziesięciu lat.
Tak wynika z ważnego, sponsorowanego przez NASA raportu. Jak donosi Independent, ludzkość musi kontynuować polowanie na światy, które mogą być domem dla innych rodzajów życia.
To z …