Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: World War III

Russia gives NATO 48 hours to sign security peace treaty.

The meter has started to beat. I think the war could start this weekend. Why do I think that?


Rzeczniczka Białego Domu Jen Psaki  oświadczyła, że “Jesteśmy w punkcie, w którym Rosja może w dowolnym momencie dokonać ataku na Ukrainę”.

Od czego zależy …

World War 3 closer. Iran launches 16 ballistic missiles capable of attacking Israel.

I am not writing this article for views. Anyway, the topic stopped being popular a long time ago when nothing happened after some spectacular actions in the world.

Zaliczyć można do nich: zabicie tuż przed plandemią irańskiego generała Sulejmaniego, kwietniowe ćwiczenia …

What is happening on the Polish-Belarusian border?

Right at the outset, I invite all those who negate me to leave the blog. Find yourselves sources of comments adequate to your wisdom. Do not practice hypocrisy.




If I were a DJ, I would include a song called Something Going On by the Bomfunk MC's.

Mimo, że …

Wojna jest kwestią czasu. Polscy żołnierze zauważyli na terenie RP trzy umundurowane osoby, z bronią długą”

Lukashenko, Putin's faithful companion and obedient servant of the World Bank, is provoking the Polish services to fire shots. It is getting hotter and hotter on the border and I am not writing about it for sensationalism, because everyone can see what is happening.

Jak podaje portal …

China tested a supersonic nuclear missile circling the entire earth, and US intelligence knew nothing about it.


U.S. intelligence agencies were taken by surprise when China secretly tested in August low-orbit supersonic missile able to carry a weapon nuclear, reported barely last Saturday Financial Times  . The weapon circled the globe before falling on its target.


Successful missile test ...

Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops defy the stabbing order.

Hundreds of thousands of U.S. service members remain unvaccinated or only partially vaccinated against coronavirus.


Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, wskaźnik szczepień wojskowych wzrósł od sierpnia, kiedy przywódcy Departamentu Obrony, działając na podstawie dyrektywy prezydenta Joe Bidena, poinformowali 2,1 miliona żołnierzy, że szczepienia …

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