Category: Conflicts and Wars
Conflicts and Wars
Fleeing Ukrainians testify that Zelenski's Nazi forces bombed their own population
It's not a new video as it's from a week ago, but since you're sending me this, some of you probably haven't watched it:
Husband Russia and Wife Ukraine.
Found online:
The Khazarian operation codenamed "Resettlement of Ukrainians" and the prophecy of Micah for Poland.
Zelenski: "We will not forgive hundreds of victims and thousands of sufferings; neither will God."
Just a reminder that I'm banned again on chazarbook.
Another Zelenskian reference to God.
Another time, earlier this comedian said:
Nie łudźmy się, albo może do naiwnych chrześcijan napiszę: nie łudźcie się, Zełeński gra rolę dobrego gliny …
Mem speaks a thousand words. Don't trust pastors. Don't give in to this psychological operation.
At the same time, the sheep became all believers under the authority of the Zionist-Khazarian pastors.
Any pastor who sanctifies Ukraine and Zelenski is a deceiver.
But not just a deceiver but a murderer, for he is complicit in the deaths of many young men.
Poniżej Putin …
Currently there is only one martyrdom. HELPING THE CITIZENS OF UKRAINE? GET A GRIP, HOLY MOLY!
There is no other martyrdom than Ukrainian.
But Poles are excluded....
The neighbors could be in rich Germany, France, Austria, but they are in Poland.
May there be more films like this.
But people are stupid. Migrants will earn more than Poles.
How the world will welcome the antichrist with open hands using Zelensky as an example.
To, że Zełenski stał się już bohaterem ponadnarodowym, nie mam żadnych wątpliwości, ale bezkrytyczne przyjęcie go jako wyzwoliciela Ukrainy kiedy dyryguje nim NATO, pokazuje nie tyle infantylność świata w tym mocną naiwność i brak poznania Boga przez Polaków, a dowodzi …
Ukrainian bishops want to fix Russia by entrusting it to the so-called Mother of God.
I guess there is no greater curse than dedicating a country to the so-called Mother (not) of God.
We know well from history that the granting of the title of Queen of Poland was connected with the loss of Poland's power. Since then there have been ONLY disasters: