Category: The biblical beast
Zelenski: "we will become a 'great Israel' with its own face".
Tak zwane teorie spiskowe już dawno przestały być teoriami spiskowymi, ale pojawił się gorszy problem. Otóż ludzie poznający prawdę osadzili swoją wiarę TYLKO i wyłącznie w spiskach pomijając fakt, iż spiski nie zbawiają od śmierci drugiej a Jezus tak.…
Ministry of Health released data: 156tys of people died after vaccination.
Twenty-four thousand people died after a single dose, so it is clear that the more doses, the greater the loss of immunity.
Some house churches are also Zionist.
Below I paste the text of our brother in faith who shares his testimony. With his permission of course:
Chwala Bogu za Ciebie..jako ,że podczas plandemi trafiłem na ten profil, i dzięki darowi poznania, który posiadasz, i dzielisz sie nim, …
Putin sends children to the front. Russian drama.
Just a reminder that I have been banned from fey for a month starting today.
When some make martyrdom of Ukrainians others make Putin a savior from Deep State, child trafficking in Ukraine, but the truth is different:
Jeśli Polacy masowo nie …
Kaufland in service of the beast system. 666 reasons to avoid this market.
Probably soon every market will show its faith.
This time, my reader sent me photos that I put together.
Według mojej oceny kiedy będzie już znak bestii, ostatnia jego faza, zapewne tatuaż elektroniczny, wszyscy, którzy będą go mieć będą mieć przywileje…
The government of England has released a report confirming that full-blown stabbings now account for 9 out of every 10 deaths per celebrity.
Even quite a bit before the war, I wrote and said that the war was to, among other things, cover up murders with potions.
KhazarBook censors me, and so I had to change certain words.
The latest figures released by the UK's Health Security Agency confirm a dramatic increase in deaths among the triple stabbing population, ...
A propaganda war and not a real war.
I am copying a very interesting comment by my reader James, which I agree with because the Spirit of Truth shows God's children the truth. The comment is about the cameras in Kiev and the war in Ukraine:
Gdy media głównego nurtu pisały o ciężkich walkach, bombardowaniu itd. …
The next installment of totalitarianism, or war as the BIS covariate.
First it was banned to criticize the pandemic. Now it is threatened to criticize the actions of the situation around Ukraine.
Przecież wiadomo było od dawna, że Putin wysysa swój naród tak samo jak Chazarowie Ukrainę. Jednak nadszedł czas, że nie wolno mówić nic złego o kolejnym poziomie budowli …
It's been 30 days of being banned on fey.
I'm amazed that a significant number of fans, after my ban, didn't bother to look at the blog to verify that I was still writing.
Ban minął, ale komu – ni styczny fejs dał mi jeszcze jedną karę: POSTY BĘDĄ …