Category: Antichrist
Naziści złapani przez rosyjskie wojsko. Kogo popierają systemowi pastorzy, media i….Polacy.
Dochód gwarantowany już w Polsce. Jakie będą konsekwencje?
Macron wants to create a BIS European Union. Will it be a resurrection of the Roman Empire?
It seemed that the Jesuit alumni would not surprise us with anything, that everything is already arranged, and yet it seems that something new awaits us.
Macron said at the beginning of his first term that he would "govern like Jupiter."
Time nazwał go liderem Europy …
Bitcoin tattoo fashion.
Photo Twitter.
There won't be much of a problem with tattoo adoption even in a seemingly conservative-indicating age group like retirees.
The love of money is not manifested by wealth at all. You can be wealthy but frugal, generous, and help others.
Jednak …
How the antichrist will deceive the world.
I commissioned a translation of the video, which for some won't be news at all, but given how some Christians have come to believe in celebrity and now succumb to the rhetoric of a merely aggrieved state it's worth warning.
Zwolenników pochwycenia przed Wielkim Uciskiem film ten może …
Even Catholic priests are concerned about the act of entrusting Ukraine and Russia to the so-called "mother goddess.
The priest himself notes that the word "sin" is not in this confession. He calls the act a rot.
Ale wiecie co jest najbardziej w tym niesamowite? To, że żaden, ale to absolutnie żaden pastor z Polinu, nie jest zaniepokojony tym aktem zawierzenia, a …
Praying for Putin's death.
Facebook allows 'big piss under Russian embassy' action. It's not heckling.
If someone is going to be hypocritical then we can safely say that they are "hypocritical like Facebook".
Actually like KhazarBook, only who cares...
It is in Lucifer's world that morality is relative.
Tak jest w kwestii Rosji. Ci niezbyt mądrzy hejterzy Rosji, wywieszający …
Zelenski nominated for the Nobel Prize?
“Grupa europejskich polityków zaapelowała do Norweskiego Komitetu Noblowskiego o ponowne otwarcie procedury zgłaszania kandydatów do Pokojowej Nagrody Nobla, co umożliwiłoby nominowanie prezydenta Ukrainy Wołodymyra Zełenskiego”
Khazarian system, Khazarian nominations and Khazarian awards.
Jeśli komitet się zgodzi …