Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Actor Dax Shepard says he doesn't "protect" his 6- and 8-year-old daughters' virginity "If his daughters are horny and want to have sex"

The frontier of demoralization is moving faster than national borders.

Every time I think this is the bottom, it turns out there is another bottom and another bottom.

To think that we have not yet matched the bottom of Noah's time.

Normalny człowiek będzie coraz bardziej sfrustrowany w tej nowoczesnej rzeczywistości….


Dax Shepard aktor znany z filmu “Idiokracja”  mówi, że nie będzie chronił cnót swoich córek, jeśli chodzi o uprawianie seksu — a nawet rozmawiał o seksie ze swoimi dwiema córkami, które mają zaledwie 6 i 8 lat.




Such statements shape public opinion and are part of the culture of decline.

Dax added;


“nie chcę, aby moje córki uprawiały seks, aby uzyskać aprobatę kogoś, but if my daughters are horny and want to have sex - it was my favorite activity, it remains my favorite activity; I would be lying if I said I was in any way opposed to this activity." 


The world of pedophilia, i.e. Holyvoodoo, and the democrats want to break down the already failing morality and get cohabitation with children legalized.


Virginity until marriage in those days is a relic. According to the Torah, an individual who touched (had intercourse with) a young woman had to marry her and pay her father (father-in-law) 30 shekels, which is the equivalent of today's monthly salary.


Z drugiej strony ostatnio zastanawiam się, czy nie wpuszczono nas w maliny z pojęciem ślubu. W tym świecie uznaje się za małżeństwo tylko pary, które mają papier z urzędu, a w myśl rozumienia biblijnego – kiedy mężczyzna i kobieta staną się jednym ciałem – kryterium stania się małżeństwem jest współżycie znane nam jako seks.

This leads to promiscuity, because someone who has had, say, 5 sexual partners the moment he legalizes a relationship with a sixth partner becomes legally married in the eyes of the office and in the eyes of pastors, and the previous debauched life does not count.

This is the result of rejecting God's Law, which pastors fight so hard against by calling it Judaism.

Maybe I'll make a video or write an article about it.



The world will fall, but woe to those through whom there is rebuke.


Updated: 25 November 2021 — 15:46

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  1. In the Romani religion when a man has sex with a woman he is already married before God and people. No other law applies. Unfortunately, not everyone respects this law these days.

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