Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The pandemic will be with us until EVERYONE on earth receives the Covid-19 vaccine.

The unscrupulous enemies of God and humanity are carrying out this Luciferian plan further and further.



Yesterday during the G7 meeting Angela Merkel, the ambassador of the Church of Rome announced that:

The coronavirus pandemic can only be considered defeated if everyone in the world has been vaccinated against Covid-19,



Speaking to reporters, Merkel said she emphasized in her remarks to the group that "the pandemic will not end until all the people in the world are vaccinated." adding: "Everyone must participate."

"The [coronavirus] pandemic in particular has shown how far apart we are around the world.

On Friday, the head of the EU executive Ursula von der Leyen said the bloc would put up 100 million euros ($121 million) to fund the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine in Africa.



100 million the evil EU will put up from our taxes for depopulation.

It is amazing how people through their own stupidity sponsor genocide and crippling of others.


Once again, the Word of God is bowed down, which is like a Swedish table even for pastors. It is their passivity and agency over the last 50 years that has led to much suffering. Hardly surprising since God's Law is unacceptable.

What is going on is just dry information to many teaching. Never mind autism cerebral palsy and now anaphylactic shocks or deaths.

Here is Catholicism. Behold the rule of Rome, the Vatican, which was named after the demon Vaticanus.

The name "Vatican City" comes from the Latin vaticinius, vaticinia, vaticinium meaning prophetic, foretelling, foretelling, foreboding.

Catholicism is a religion of death, with a death cult and an associated curse.


I have no grudge against these ignorant pastors.

But those who act willfully and are in ecumenism with Rome are already waiting for God's punishment.


To jest niesamowite, że jest wojna, o której ludzie nie wiedzą że ona ma miejsce…



Military operation kowid-19 is just gaining momentum. The worst is yet to come, but,


„Pan jest pasterzem moim, Niczego mi nie braknie. (2) He grazes me in the green meadows. He leads me to the still waters. (3) He comforts my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. (4) Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff will comfort me. (5) You set a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. (6) Dobroć i łaska towarzyszyć mi będą Przez wszystkie dni życia mego. I zamieszkam w domu Pana przez długie dni.” Psalm 23





Updated: 20 February 2021 — 20:53

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