Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

In what ways has God set his people apart?

Jest wiele grup, które są wściekłe na tematykę, której się podejmuję. Kiedy pisuję o szabacie, pojawiają się czasem komentarze “znowu ten szabat”. Tak jakby to Prawo włożone w serce miało być ciężarem. Znowu to Prawo włożone w serce….Eh co ja mam z tym detektywem prawdy…Muszę takie rzeczy tu czytać…

Such a delinquent becomes depressed because of the Sabbath. But there are more differing topics and people would like to set me up to write not what I, the AUTHOR, want to write but what particular groups would like to write. If that were the case, the blog should be: Catholic, Marian, Messianic, Judaic, ecumenical, charismatic, pro-worldly, etc. etc.

To niezadowoleni muszą zmienić sobie czytelnie, a nie ja pisanie…

Jednak blog jest dla nich na tyle atrakcyjny, że pozostają tutaj, mimo robienia sobie zeń szwedzkiego stołu…




(12) Then the LORD said to Moses: (13) Say also to the children of Israel, It is necessary that you observe my Sabbaths, for this is a sign between me and you throughout all your generations, that you may know that I am the LORD who sanctifies you. (14) So observe the Sabbath, for it is holy to you. Whoever violates it will be put to death. For everyone who does work on that day will be cut off from among his people. (15) For six days one will do work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of rest, a saint for the LORD. Whoever does work on the Sabbath day will suffer death. (16) Therefore the children of Israel will observe the Sabbath, keeping the Sabbath throughout all generations as an eternal law(17) It is an everlasting sign between me and the children of Israel, for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he ceased and rested. Exodus


  1. The Sabbath sanctifies.

W jaki sposób Szabat może uświęcać? Tak samo jak przed Paschą według tradycji staroizraelskiej szuka się w domu produktów spożywczych zrobionych na zakwasie co symbolizuje grzech, tak przy Szabacie pilnujemy się aby nie łamać dyscypliny odpoczynku. Ciekawie to nazwałem nieprawdaż? Taki jakby oksymoron “dyscyplina odpoczynku” :-).

It's a fact, people often don't even know how to rest. But it is not only rest, it is also faithfulness to God. I believe that many Christians rest, celebrate on Sunday out of ignorance. For example, in China. Bad teachings go top-down by pastors, not bottom-up from the man himself, who needs to personally know the Word of God uncontaminated. Here it should be top-down, but straight from heaven.


2. A day of rest holy to the Lord.

Isn't it strange that the apostate church of the Roman empire and the shit-talking emperor of the same Roman empire that persecuted Christians forbade the celebration of Saturday in the year 321, and declared the venerable day of the sun (Sunday) a holiday? Well nominal Christians celebrate it. Christians rest on the same day as the whole world. Therefore, there is no separation.



3. SThe people of Israel will observe the Sabbath, keeping the Sabbath through all generations as an eternal law.


In his letter to the Romans, the apostle Paul writes that we are grafted by faith into the olive tree - which is Israel; we are grafted into the promises and covenant made with Abraham and have the same rights and responsibilities.



4. Eternal sign.


17) It is an everlasting sign between me and the children of Israel, for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he ceased and rested.

We know well, if only from Paul's letters, that we are the promised seed of Abraham as numerous as the stars in the sky. Therefore, Christians who do not celebrate the Sabbath do not accept this sign between God and His children. This is rebellion. It is one thing not to know, but it is another to know about it and rebel.

Either we are implanted in Israel or we are not. Either the Lord Jesus founded a new religion or He did not.



The whole world celebrates Sunday, which is a symbol of submission to the angel of this world. Look how different our cognitions all are. Just today, I posted about a Christian woman who defended Santa Claus as a man. She truly believes in the rightness of this holiday. Then we have the Adventists, who admittedly celebrate the Sabbath but are divided on ecumenism. Thus I have demonstrated that we all differ in our knowledge and degree of sanctification.


How important was the giving of the Sabbath before Moses received the Decalogue:


He is an everlasting sign between me and the children of Israel, for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he ceased and rested. (18) And when he had finished speaking with Moses on Mount Sinai, the LORD gave him two tablets of testimony, tablets of stone written with the finger of God.”


Written not by Moses as some manipulate or subconsciously ape the lie that the Decalogue is the Law of Moses. God personally with his finger wrote.

First there was instruction about the Sabbath and then Moses received the tablets from God.

Co ważne, Bóg dał dekalog w krytycznym dla ludu i całej sytuacji momencie. W tym czasie Izrael popełnił grzech bałwochwalstwa. Czy Bóg o tym nie wiedział…. Wiadomo, że tak.


As this passage explains, the Sabbath was meant to commemorate God as our personal Creator, King i Judge (Rdz 1: 31-2: 2). Jest to „znak”, że Bóg wyróżnił nas jako Swój własny, cenny lud. W późniejszym przedstawieniu Tory przez Mojżesza nakazano nam pamiętać o dniu szabatu w świetle Bożego odkupienia: „Pamiętajcie, że byliście niewolnikami w Egipcie i że Pan, wasz Bóg, wyprowadził was stamtąd potężną ręką i wyciągniętą rękę. Dlatego Pan, Bóg twój, nakazał ci obchodzić dzień szabatu “(Pwt 5:15). Innymi słowy, Sabat jest cotygodniowym przypomnieniem, że Pan jest zarówno naszym Stwórcą, jak i naszym Odkupicielem …


Is this no longer true of the new Israel? Do we not belong to the people of God? False Protestantism is deceiving you.


The idea that Sunday replaces the Sabbath in God's calendar is therefore simply false, and there is no evidence that Jesus called His followers to rest on any day of the week other than the Sabbath. There is no such instruction anywhere! Nowhere in the Bible.


Było to nie do pomyślenia, że posłuszny Ojcu Jezus porzuci Prawo Ojca. Teraz się uczy, że Jezus po to musiał przestrzegać szabatu aby inni nie musieli. To gdzie jest naśladownictwo Jezusa? W czym? W byciu miłym? Jak to pisuję spryciarze nominalni mówią “to się obrzezaj”. Jeśli tak, to módl się do obrazu Jezusa….. Wszak jeśli nie ma 4 przykazania to i drugiego. Jeśli przestrzegasz drugie to się obrzezaj. Ale sam fakt takiego zwrotu złośliwego świadczy o braku narodzenia.


Yeshua, Jesus, Yehoshua did not abrogate the Fourth Commandment in light of the Cross, just as He did not abrogate the commandment against adultery (Matt. 5:28) or murder (1 John 3:15).


Troublesome Lord's Day.


O tym też pisałem ale chyba w komentarzu. Oczywiście ważne jest, aby zawsze czytać Pismo Święte w kontekście, ponieważ często eliminuje to potencjalne źródła błędnej interpretacji. Na przykład ci, którzy starają się usprawiedliwić zmianę z soboty na niedzielę jako „Dzień Pański”, argumentowali, że instrukcja Pawła, by oferować datki w „pierwszym dniu tygodnia” (tj. Nie w szabat) ujawnia, że ​​najwcześniejsi chrześcijanie czcili  w niedzielę dzień Pana (1 Kor. 16: 2). Biorąc jednak pod uwagę żydowskie/hebrajskie  pochodzenie apostoła Pawła, bardziej prawdopodobne jest zrozumienie jego prośby, jeśli chodzi o unikanie zakazu obchodzenia się z pieniędzmi w dzień szabatu (który tradycyjnie uważano za bluźnierczą praktykę). Co więcej, chociaż prawdą jest, że Jeszua został wzbudzony z martwych w sobotni wieczór (tj. Przed wschodem słońca pierwszego dnia tygodnia), jasne jest, że czyn Boży, polegający na wskrzeszeniu Jego Syna, miał miejsce dopiero po zakończeniu dnia szabatu. … Bóg nawet nie wykonał dzieła zmartwychwstania w dzień szabatu! Szabat musiał się skończyć.

Zresztą to jest ciekawe, że niektórzy liczą zmartwychwstanie i  od piątku wychodzi im 3 dni…. Szok.




Perhaps the most popular argument that Sunday should replace the Sabbath because "the Lord's Day" comes from the argument that the Holy Spirit was given on "Pentecost Sunday." However, this raises the question of whether Pentecost (Shavuot) actually took place on Sunday and not on another day of the week. Recall that the Torah commanded that 49 days be counted from the "day after Shabbat" of Passover until Shavuot, or "Pentecost."




The Sabbath will be celebrated during the millennium.


The Sabbath will be revered in the Millennial Kingdom to come, and even in the heavenly state. Speaking of the coming Kingdom of God that will be established on earth, the prophet Isaiah prophesied:


|I stanie się tak, że od nowiu do nowiu księżyca i od szabatu do szabatu przychodzić będzie wszelkie ciało, aby oddać pokłon przede mną, mówi PAN.” Izajasza


That is, before there was a Sabbath, now there isn't and later there will be?




Ponieważ ta wizja dotyczy proroczej przyszłości, jasne jest, że dzień szabatu będzie przestrzegany. Podobnie, w niebiańskim Jeruzalem, mówi się, że Drzewo Życia wydaje „dwanaście rodzajów owoców, przynosząc swoje owoce każdego miesiąca” (Obj. 22: 2). Zauważ, że „dwanaście owoców” (καρποὺς δώδεκα) z Drzewa Życia są bezpośrednio związane z „dwunastoma miesiącami” roku żydowskiego (κατὰ μῆνα ἕκαστον ἀποδιδοῦν τὸν καρπὸν αὐτοῦ: „każdego miesiąca wydającego swój owoc”). Innymi słowy, sekwencja świąt (moedim) – w tym szabat – zawsze miała na celu nauczyć nas wielkiego objawienia o Bogu. Dlatego Bóg stworzył Słońce i Księżyc dla znaków i „wyznaczonych czasów” (Rdz 1, 14). Jak jest również napisane: „Stworzył księżyc, aby wyznaczył wyznaczone czasy słońce zna swój czas na zachodzenie” (Psalm 104: 19). Zwróćmy też uwagę, że w większości tekstu Objawienia 22:14 czytamy: „Błogosławieni, którzy wypełniają Jego przykazania (Μακάριοι οἱ ποιοῦντες τὰς ἐντολὰς αὐτοῦ), aby mieli dostęp do Drzewa Życia …” Wiara i posłuszeństwo są dwiema stronami tej samej monety.

Lud Boży pozostaje w szabacie. Szabat jest rozkoszą – nie ciężarem; czas na świętowanie osobistego odpoczynku w naszym Mesjaszu Jezusie  (Iz. 58:13; Hebr. 4: 9). Rzeczywiście wszyscy, którzy czczą szabat – w tym „cudzoziemcy” Izraela – wyjawiają, że czczą Pana i wierzą w Jego obietnice:


|(1) Thus says the LORD: Watch for judgment and do justice, for the coming of my salvation and the manifestation of my righteousness are near. (2) Blessed is the man who does this, and the son of man who keeps it, who observes the Sabbathwho guards his hand so that it does no evil. (3) Therefore let not the foreigner who has joined himself to the LORD say: the LORD has surely separated me from his people. Nor let the eunuch say: Behold, I am a dry tree. (4) For thus says the LORD concerning the eunuchs who observe my Sabbaths and choose what pleases me and keep my covenant: (5) I will give them a place in my house and within my walls and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that will not be put to death. (6) And the foreigners who have joined themselves to the LORD to serve him, to love the name of the LORD and to be his servants, all those who observe the Sabbath so as not to desecrate it, and who keep my covenant; (7) These I will bring to my holy mountain and delight them in my house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar, for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations. (8) Thus says the LORD GOD, who gathers the scattered from Israel: Still others I will gather to him and to his congregants.””(Iz. 56: 1-8). )



Paul said that he does not teach "against the law" (e.g., Gal. 3: 16-18),

Just as God rested on the seventh day as Creator, Jesus completed His work on the Sabbath. He rose from the dead just after the Sabbath. He rested on the Sabbath. So the Sabbath was the same as the seventh day after the creation of the world.



The more I read the Bible, the more I see how important God's Law is.

I mention from time to time that the first 4 commandments are about loving God and the rest about loving your neighbor. Unfortunately, Christians are being brutally lied to by the Khazarian Roman church and its pastors. They prefer love for the church over love for God.

We are to distinguish ourselves from this world, and to rest on Sunday is to subscribe to this world. Who has it harder? The Sabbath celebrant who must confess to his family or employer, or the Sunday Christian?



So ask not what God can do for you, but what you can do for God.



Updated: 11 December 2019 — 10:52


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  1. __ Cyt. ” Złe nauki idą odgórnie przez pastorów, a nie oddolnie od samego człowieka, który musi osobiście poznać Słowo Boga nieskażone.”

    Here's an example:


    1. Pastor Bartosik has a big part in bringing this world into this world. He invites others for beer, though to be fair he did intervene against the LGBt marches in Gdansk.
      But you know, syncretism has to be...

  2. In the subject of Shabbat - Holy Saturday, the seventh day, there is only one thing I want to shout out and share with my neighbors, with you dear fellow Poles. By the way, it is the seventh day on every American calendar where the melting pot of mixed nations has never changed it for over four centuries.

    Absolutely cannot afford any of you brothers and sisters beloved not to rest on this day!

    You will have trials and passages and all the old things, but on that day you will feel on the right, on the way, in full communion with the Spirit of God, and by some invisible means as in a hiding place on a Saturday morning from all the evil of the world. A secret hiding-place with God behind the stove. This day is special for your sake.

    I don't know how better to describe it. Additionally, it will be a blessing for you that was taken from you and that you did not know existed.

    For example, I was always paid to work on Saturday. It was a day of digging, work and chores.
    Sunday, on the other hand, I disliked probably because of the proximity to Monday and seeing demanding heartless teachers clearing their throats.

    Even the doctrine of the Catholic Church, which recognizes (somewhat perversely) Saturday evening mass as Sunday mass, should give courage. For the reason that the early Christians gathered in secret in the catacombs to celebrate this Holy Day. They gathered for Mass on Saturday evening.
    And nearly three hundred years in hiding from the persecuting Empire of Rome. They risked their lives gathering on that day.

    Give God a chance. Stop working at work and at home if you can.
    It is known that someone has to work on this day such as soldiers, law enforcement, airports, railroads, etc.
    so others don't have to. Also, try not to travel on this day.

    For example, if I have to work on this day, I want to save even half of it and, of course, go to church.
    If someone were to accuse me that the Jews who celebrate Saturday were not saved by God, I would insist that
    They died falling asleep and not suffering, especially when they asked Allah in that last minute.

  3. How is it that Jesus healed on the Sabbath? In the light of those who observed the Sabbath , he was a sinner . Was Jesus the one who broke the Sabbath? How so?

    1. The Pharisees made the Sabbath a torment. It was a mass of regulations causing the Sabbath to be a burden and not a rest. This is why the Lord Jesus wanted to show for our time by translating that if someone's German Shepherd gets sick, won't he go to the vet?
      In general, Jesus' conversations with the Pharisees are very telling, as they were mostly twisting the Scriptures. In fact, just like today. Every conversation with the Pharisees was a provocation.

      1. 1 Albowiem królestwo niebieskie podobne jest do gospodarza, który wyszedł wczesnym rankiem, aby nająć robotników do swej winnicy. 2 Umówił się z robotnikami o denara za dzień i posłał ich do winnicy. 3 Gdy wyszedł około godziny trzeciej, zobaczył innych, stojących na rynku bezczynnie, 4 i rzekł do nich: “Idźcie i wy do mojej winnicy, a co będzie słuszne, dam wam”. 5 Oni poszli. Wyszedłszy ponownie około godziny szóstej i dziewiątej, tak samo uczynił. 6 Gdy wyszedł około godziny jedenastej, spotkał innych stojących i zapytał ich: “Czemu tu stoicie cały dzień bezczynnie?” 7 Odpowiedzieli mu: “Bo nas nikt nie najął”. Rzekł im: “Idźcie i wy do winnicy!” 8 A gdy nadszedł wieczór, rzekł właściciel winnicy do swego rządcy: “Zwołaj robotników i wypłać im należność, począwszy od ostatnich aż do pierwszych!” 9 Przyszli najęci około jedenastej godziny i otrzymali po denarze. 10 Gdy więc przyszli pierwsi, myśleli, że więcej dostaną; lecz i oni otrzymali po denarze. 11 Wziąwszy go, szemrali przeciw gospodarzowi, 12 mówiąc: “Ci ostatni jedną godzinę pracowali, a zrównałeś ich z nami, którzyśmy znosili ciężar dnia i spiekoty”. 13 Na to odrzekł jednemu z nich: “Przyjacielu, nie czynię ci krzywdy; czy nie o denara umówiłeś się ze mną? 14 Weź, co twoje i odejdź! Chcę też i temu ostatniemu dać tak samo jak tobie. 15 Czy mi nie wolno uczynić ze swoim, co chcę? Czy na to złym okiem patrzysz, że ja jestem dobry?” 16 Tak ostatni będą pierwszymi, a pierwsi ostatnimi».

        It could not be that the first workers AGREE with their employer (God), that is, with God's Law. With the last ones no one makes an agreement, so no agreement applies to them, yet they get paid. How would you respond to this? 🙂 .

    2. It is not that on the Sabbath we have the challenge of the prohibitions all the time and something happens that disturbs the peace of the day and provokes us to break the rest. It so happens that on the Sabbath we can also help someone and it is most appropriate and adds to that day's glory, peace, joy, fullness of experience, etc.
      The very period that Jesus came into the world was special.
      Kazdy dzien Jego obecnosci: ” cieszcie sie ze mnie macie badz poki jestem z wami” i chodzcie za mna.
      Jesus made it clear that the very idea of this day was simple: this day for you was created for your good, for the regeneration of your strength.
      The Pharisee's scoring of Jesus from the rigor of the Sabbath offends the very idea of that day.
      In a colloquial way I will say Jesus and you will not sweat from toil and in the sweat of your brow, and you will not sweat your guts out as you help a donkey out of a hole, you will lead a blind man through the street on this day. It will happen very rarely if you stay at home, in the garden, you will visit family, friends, a lonely elderly sick person in need in order to accompany him, be with him, praise the Good God.
      The detective is right, it is not rigor under the whip or the sword of punishment. Jesus gave an example of how to celebrate the Sabbath, and what is allowed on the Sabbath. He rather knew more about this day and how to celebrate it than the Pharisees.
      Otherwise you will not lose the blessing of this day if you put dishes in the dishwasher or clothes in the washing machine. In case on Friday you were unusually 😉 washed out after work and there was no time for it.

  4. Christ's words-I am the Sabbath-keeper, and if a sheep falls into a well you will not pull it out. He knew perfectly well that in Satan's system it would be difficult to fulfill this commandment. And as for adultery, he raised the bar to the max, because keeping this commandment for a willing person is easy. Thanks to the wisdom he received from his Father, in this way he makes the way to salvation easier for us, without putting an unbearable burden on us, as religions do.

    1. And the gathering of manna while wandering in the desert was not for the house or for the family? Why then was there no manna to gather on the Sabbath, but there was double the amount the day before?

      1. Właśnie dlatego, że Pan Bóg zapewniał podwójną porcję dzień wcześniej i człowiek, poza jej zebraniem, nie musiał wkładać od siebie już żadnej pracy. Inaczej jest natomiast z niesieniem pomocy bliźnim – jak np pomoc w nagłej potrzebie (zmianie koła w trasie).

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