Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Why is nonbocentrism more real than a flat earth?

The outline of my views and beliefs is more or less the same as at the beginning of the blog, when I became interested in the concept of M. Szczytynski. This time is about 7 years apart and during this period I got to know not only other theories about the structure of the universe, but also motivations of people spreading them.

The main thing that bothered me was the fervor of the proponents of the so-called flat earth theory because at some point it became a religion. You don't believe in a flat earth? You're a pagan.

I won't say that with skycentrism.

Of course, as you can guess and as I mentioned about M. Szczytynski, I am not the first one interested in this theory.


The theory of skycentrism (nonbocentrism) assumes that we are in a closed sphere and above us are planets around God at the center.





I remember my old blog friend (AbelPolak) not liking this theory because of the similarity to prison. Despite such a poor vision as he portrayed it makes sense.

But let's look at the Bible verses themselves first.




The original concept of world-building was geocentrism, and this one was consistent with the Bible.

Genesis 1: 14-18 , Psalm 104: 5 , Job 26: 7 and Isaiah 40:22


Psalm 104: 5


(5) Thou hast strengthened the earth in its foundations: for ever and ever it shall not be shaken."

Evidence of the immobility of the earth.


Psalm 93: 1


"The Lord reigneth, he hath clothed himself with majesty; the Lord hath put on might and girded himself with it: he hath so established the world that it shall not be shaken."


The key phrase is obliterated. This majesty is the planets and stars around.



1 Chronicles 16:30



Tremble before his face, all the earth! Truly, when he establishes the circle of the earth, it will not be moved.


The Earth is not moving as Mason Copernicus' theory tells us.


Book of Kohelet 1: 5

The sun rises and the sun sets, and hastens to its place where it rises again


With the flat earth model, the sun cannot return in the same track, and so it circles the center around God while being above us.


Josh 10:12

At this time Joshua spoke to Mr. on the date on which Mr. gave to the Amorites the children of Israel, and said before Israel: "The sun, stand still in Gibeon, and the moon in the Valley of Aijalon. "


The breakdown of heliocentrism.


Psalm 19: 4-6


It's not a word, it's not a speech the sound of which would not be heard; (5) Their voice goes out into all the earth and to the ends of the world with their speech. There to the sun he set his tent,


The sun does not have an untethered galaxy above it, but it does have its tent at the ends (ends) of the world. From a flat earth you can fall 🙂 .



Job 26: 7

He spans the north over emptiness and suspends the earth over nothingness. (8) It concentrates the waters in its clouds, yet the clouds do not break under their weight. (9) He covers the view of his throne and spreads his cloud over it. (10) At the edge of the waters, he drew a line, separated the light from the darkness. (11) The columns of blue wobble and tremble before his threat.


Construction of the world. God suspended the earth above Himself, meaning there is nothingness between Him and us. He hung the earth like one hangs a chandelier at the top. Skycentrism. God could not hang the earth below Himself. He only hangs above or before.

Vocabulary: hang a curtain / lamp / painting / curtains / chandelier

At the bottom, you can only put something down.




And the sun stopped, and the moon stood still, until the nation took revenge on its enemies. Is not this written in the Book of the Law? And the sun stopped in the middle of the sky and did not hasten to set almost all day long.


Refutation of heliocentrism.


Isaiah 40:22


He sits over the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like locusts; he spreads the sky like a curtain and stretches it out like a dwelling tent



Isaiah 66: 

Says so Mr. : "Heaven is my throne and earth my footstool; what house will you build for me, and what is the place of my rest?


The quote fits every possible theory.


Isaiah 38: 8

Behold, I will cause the shadow cast by the waning sun upon the dial of Ahaz to turn back ten steps. So the sun turned back on the dial the ten steps by which it had fallen.

The reversal of the sun contradicts the Masonic Copernican theory.


2 Samuel 22: 8

"Then the earth shook and rocked; the foundations of the heavens trembled and shook because he was angry.


Only a round earth can roll.




Joshua 10: 12-13

At this time Joshua spoke to Mr. on the date on which Mr. gave to the Amorites the children of Israel, and said before Israel: 'The sun, stand still in Gibeon, and the moon in the Valley of Aijalon. ' And the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, until the nation took revenge on its enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Yashar? The sun stopped in the midst of the sky and was in no hurry to set for about a whole day.

A strike against heliocentrism.


Revelation 7: 1

Then I saw four angels standing at the four ends of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth, so that no wind would blow on the earth, the sea, or any tree.


The four edges can be on both a flat earth and a circular earth. Imagine four children standing on the edge of a circle each facing each other like two lines.



Psalm 102: 25


"You established the foundations of the earth long ago and the heavens are the work of your hands. (26) They will pass away, but you remain; all of them like a garment will grow old, you will change them like a cloak and they will be changed."


Coat is synonymous with clothing. God is going to change that "coat," the covering...


Psalm 18:15


And the depths of the waters appeared, and the foundations of the world were unveiled from your admonition, LORD, and from the blast of the breath of your nostrils.


Amos 8: 9


On that day, says the Almighty Lord, I will make the sun set at noon, and I will cover the earth with darkness in broad daylight


Psalm 104: 19


"He made the moon to measure time; the sun knows its own west."


The sun does not stand still, it has its west.

Matt 24:29

"Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be eclipsed, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.


Mat 4: 8

Again the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.


It is impossible to see all the kingdoms of the world on a convex earth.


Psalm 104: 2


You clothe yourself with light like a robe, You stretch out the Heavens like a woman. (3) You build your upper chambers on the waters


If the earth were flat and God above, He would not build upper chambers of water, or the firmament.



Job 28:24

For he looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under heaven.


God being above the earth in heliocentrism will not see to all ends of the earth.


Genesis 19:23

The sun was rising on the earth when Lot arrived at Zoar.


Revelation 1: 7

Behold, he is coming with the clouds and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all the tribes of the earth will wail because of him. Even if. Amen.



Only possible with flat earth theory and skycentrism. The stars will begin to fall, the firmament of heaven will open and God will appear at the center.


Interestingly, well-known millionaire Elan Musk supports a concave earth. Of course, the system man's opinion is as reliable as the promises of Mr. Donald Tusk, but it may be a clue.



However, the most theologically plausible theory of the earth's structure is precisely theocentrism with a concave earth, since God would indeed be at the center.


"Outside will remain unscrupulous people, sorcerers, harlots, murderers, idolaters, and anyone who loves a lie and commits it." Obj


Only with nonbocentrism assuming a limited space can someone be outed. What is interesting is that in those days homosexuals were called dogs.



I used to be interested in astrology. Just because we aren't allowed to be interested in it doesn't mean that something doesn't work. Adam and Eve learned the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and unfortunately we already know what that fruit is too....

The opposing theory to skycentrism was geocentrism for hundreds of years. An advocate of geocentrism was the astrologer John of Glogow.


If we compare certain phenomena, things in nature to nonbocentrism, there will be a lot of analogy in them.

Take such an egg as a symbol of life. There is a shell on the outside, a white inside, and a yolk inside.

The shell (earth), the white (firmament and planets), and the yolk as the place of God. To paraphrase, the yolk sees through the transparent white what is going on around it between the shell and it (the yolk).



Perhaps it is unconvincing, but now in retrospect I remember what began to happen when the discussion of nonbocentrism was undertaken. Immediately the Flat Earth theory came up. Isn't that puzzling?

Isn't it amazing that there is a flat earth on one of the illuminati cards?


The topic of nonbocentrism is not exhaustive and practically in this part I did not present any scientific evidence, but I wanted to show the difference between the flat earth theory and nonbocentrism and in what circumstances flat earth entered the Polish Internet.


At the end. When the weather is good, from Chêciny you can see about 200 km away Tatra mountains.

It is similar on the Polish coast. Sometimes you can see Bornholm....


The shape of the earth does not save and the above biblical quotations can be considered strictly as a literary device.

On the other hand, the Bible tells us to examine everything. Just so we don't lose sight of the most important thing - Jesus Christ.




Updated: 14 November 2019 — 15:42


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      1. It doesn't look like an analysis to me.

      2. don't paste videos of this guy , sci fun is satanisata here is insta with symbols , regards

    1. Thomas70, that you recommended... In the last episode he signs a covenant with Satan. Therefore, this is not a person to recommend on any forum for believers in God.


    "The construction of the world. God suspended the earth above Himself, meaning there is nothingness between Him and us. He hung the earth as one hangs a chandelier at the top. Skycentrism. God could not hang the earth below Himself. He only hangs it above or in front of Him.

    Vocabulary: hang a curtain / lamp / painting / curtains / chandelier

    You can only put something down at the bottom."

    Strange your musings...

    1. Mr. Kajtek, did I stab an idol?

      In general, I will not explore the shape of the earth in any particular way, since even aviators are unlikely to prove it.
      I simply showed that of the two options that are unpopular in this world for me nonbocentrism is more REAL.
      As in the title.
      And there is a flat earth on the pages of illuminati to distract people from the most important things and perhaps from nonbocentrism.
      I will immediately reassure all PZ followers (I mean the fierce ones) that I will not make a religion out of this, nor will I specifically research it, because as I mentioned above, no one can prove it.

      1. As far as I'm concerned, we're home all the time. We're just being led astray by this one.

  2. Okay. I don't know if it's just a coincidence that you brought up this topic today, but I did a little research yesterday. I straighten out at once that idle chatter and fights with flat-earthers do not interest me. I consider it to be one of many substitute topics and of a bad kind.

    Well, I flattered Hermaszewski who said that:
    " - Only years later? Right after the flight you were afraid to talk about God?
    - Of course we didn't talk about such things! You see, everyone who flies into space is very well prepared technically, scientifically, medically, fitness-wise. But as a result of the experiences he has there, he returns from space as a humanist. A profound humanist. I will say something else. I don't know anyone who was a believer and came back an atheist, but I know some people who flew into space as non-believers and came back with faith. I am thinking here mainly of fellow Easterners. Actually 95 percent of the Soviet cosmonauts converted.
    - What about you? Did you believe in God before you went into space? As a young, promising major in the People's Army?
    - Excuse me, but what are you talking about? What are you suggesting? I was brought up in a typically Polish home, I never changed my faith. I was and am a man of faith."

    and did he forget to mention that he was rolling around on a flat as a pancake planet?

    "For example, that a day can be lived in 90 minutes, because that's how long it takes to make one lap around the Earth. And I circled the Earth 16 times in a day. Sixteen sunrises and sunsets in a day. Sixteen days and nights."
    in a very interesting interview here

    and videos from 10:20 minutes to 12 o'clock on the scifun channel
    "Flat Earth - Serious Analysis (part 5) "

    scinfun interview with Hermaszewski, a believer since childhood
    "Interview with cosmonaut Miroslaw Hermaszewski"

    Was Hermaszewski a liar like his ancestors taught him? He forgot to add the detail that the earth seems to be.... flat?

    1. Hermaszewski is from sld and his son-in-law is a supposed right-winger Czarnecki.
      All the right people.

      1. Everyone who joined the People's Army during the communist era (I don't know about the militia) had to have a communist Party card, no matter how bad or hot it was for them.
        In short, if you wanted a faster service apartment to start a family, to tempt a bride to marry you and to have children, many chose the army. There they had to sign up for the party and keep the party book. If they went to party meetings, they tended to put each other to sleep at them - I'm talking about officers from second lieutenant up, though it might have been the same for the sick.
        The end of a complicated story. The SLD is the lipstick repainted party of the communist party.
        Good old Hermaszewski was taken to the SED and earlier to the Committee of National Salvation introducing martial law because he suited the image of the people - such a helpless body or he had to repay a debt (the honour of being the first and only cosmonaut)

        The most funny thing is that in the army people sent their children for communion usually in another city or in case of a big city in another district. In turn, if there was a courageous priest who started to go after the announced courageous mass in the military blocks or housing estates, some of our professional soldiers made tactical evasions, e.g. they cleaned out cellars very strongly, checked the pipes in cellars or rats, repaired bicycles, etc. maneuvers.

        Hermaszewski, therefore, from what he says was not an exception, that is, he was a lukewarm or secret Catholic or possibly the type of faith, but for the sake of the work does not practice or practices rarely and pro forma (it was due to the boss for the family). Otherwise he would lose his job and dreams of aviator already in the early stage of career.

        Of course, most of the officers were atheists or had long forgotten about religion, etc., out of convenience and compulsion, and even sacrifice themselves for the sake of having a family and for which they needed official accommodation.

  3. I don't really wonder what the Earth looks like, although I am curious about it, like probably everyone else. I have no way of checking it out, and you can see different things based on the description...

  4. This is better than a flat earth hahaha. Z .. sam.

    1. Sir, I am notorious for writing about literary styles in the Bible, but you, my permanent oppressor, have an untransformed mind, with a desire to do ill will, demean, pinch, and hector.

      The very fact that it is you who is against nonbocentrism gives me food for thought. I would treat the matter differently if someone with good fruit had written the criticism. There is a lot of evil in you and I suspect that to many other people you are also mocking, malicious, demeaning.

      You have become addicted to my blog in a negative way because you do not like, as I assume, the Edomite origin of the current "chosen". With your comments you only blend in with this nation of people who hate Poles.
      I sincerely wish that the Lord Jesus touches your heart and transforms it completely, that he changes your life to one full of love. That you would stand on the side of truth and love.
      All the best.

        1. Franc, may God the Father deal with you in the name of Jesus Christ. May he burn you in the furnace. Amen.

      1. Mr. adi, if you have a bit of manliness in you and honor then I recommend you to be concise and stop reading the blog. Otherwise you will become a hypocrite of your own accord.

          1. Mr. adi, the God of the ST and NT is the same, and you do not have the character of a man. I, if I were asked out, would not, in Roman life, appear where I am not wanted. I have my dignity.

          2. Oh and one more thing. If you are my regular reader, the adim who about 3-4 years ago created maps on the basis of which you predicted the future of the world, I will ask you whether you have already come out of your sin, or do you justify your loathing of God's Law and continue to practice cheap grace to overshadow your sin, because Jesus constantly forgives everything and you can sin?
            You do not have to answer this question.

  5. " biblical quotations can be considered a strictly literary device"

    In the same way, some people say that the Bible was written by stoned shepherds. that nothing is true there and they are literary quotes, and you can't take it seriously.

    1. Yes, but one interprets the gospels of Matthew differently from the Psalms, which are characterized by poetry and metaphors.

  6. Apparently, the Germans, while researching the subject of aghartha during WWII, fired in the direction of the sky to hit the opposite surface. I think that it is irrelevant how it is all built, the important thing is that it works, as God commanded. Anyway, by analogy with the natural world, everything strives by surface tension to be a sphere, e.g. a drop of water.

    1. Due to your superiority tone, I am deleting the comment.
      Mr. Mirek, I constantly write about metaphors in the Bible and other literary means, but I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the Psalms of David contained prophecies about the messiah. It's supposed to be just poetry...
      David was inspired by the Spirit of God. The Spirit of Truth.
      Of course, just because this poetry may sound ambiguous, as I mentioned both on PZ and this topic, I will not go into it, because for me it is unprovable. I will simply show an alternative.

      I wish you all the best.

  7. Okay I'll end the topic fairly quickly. The Bible simply refutes every theory that the earth is a sphere (i.e. heliocentrism or sky centrism). The ends of the earth are repeatedly mentioned in the Bible. A sphere from the outside - heliocentrism - or from the inside - celestialism, cannot have any extremities, ends.
    "(10) He puts an end to wars to the ends of the earth, He breaks bows and crushes spears, He burns wagons with fire." Ps 46
    "(1) Then I saw four angels standing at the four ends of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth, so that no wind should blow on the earth or on the sea or on any tree." Rev 7

    The earth has four ends of the earth.
    "(24) For He alone looks to the ends of the earth and sees all that is under heaven." Job 28
    The ends of the earth are mentioned every now and then in the Bible. So to me the issue is clear simple. The earth is not a sphere.

    Here Peter you write, "The four edges can be on both a flat earth and a round earth. Imagine four children standing on the edge of a circle each facing each other like two lines."

    No ball can have extremities. Show me the ends of any ball, such as a basketball or tennis ball. Take a picture and show me those edges?

    You won't. Because no sphere has extremities.

    A sphere is a closed system therefore it has no edges or boundaries. And so Einstein in his model of the universe and the theory of relativity basically created the universe as a sphere or a closed system with no edges or boundaries.ńców&source=bl&ots=2S-6VnXSrW&sig=ACfU3U2Ew_Z6qsxbMoO5Jw4mmIzFcWNVtg&hl=pl&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiwzpbA8OzlAhVSEVAKHXDcCAEQ6AEwBHoECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q=kula%20nie%20ma%20krańców&f=false

    "As we shall see further on, the answer to this tricky question: can a globe have four ends (angles, corners) of the earth? , may be no less tricky, and deceptively leading astray.
    It is customary to believe that a sphere has no ends;(corners, angles), and this is indeed the case, but for the believer that the Bible tells the truth, that the earth has ends;(and corners, angles), and at the same time the believer that the heliocentric model 'must be true,' the cognitive dissonance in which he finds himself, suggests propositions that allow this dissonance to continue peacefully. "

    As you can see Peter, the Bible clearly indicates that the earth is not so much flat as it is not a sphere. The evidence clearly points to this.

    Greetings 🙂 I'd like to thank you.

    1. I think of the extremities as figurative. Just as children would, say, be playing and the babysitter would say go to four sides each in a different direction. Then whether we are on a pancake or a concave or whatever the four sides would be geographic directions: north south east west.

      However, I'm not going to argue because I don't really care whether I'm on a turtle or a concave earth. I have only shown an alternative interested in the films of the Television Liberty channel. I will be glad to see your discussion with this man. Personally, I'm not going to roll out the topic.


      I didn't know there would be so much excitement. I was attacked as if I at least thought that Jesus is a historical figure... But PZ is a religion. I am not saying about you that you attacked me because you showed your point of view in a cultured way and praise God for that.

      1. I don't care if someone believes in heliocentrism, sky centrism.... What disgusted me about Mariusz Szczytynski was that he classified people who believe in heliocentrism or the flat earth as devil worshipers.

        As for the Flat Earth, I agree it is a religion for many. Because many Christians who follow it feel superior to other Christians who believe in heliocentrism or other world models. It's like veganism, for some it's a personal matter of dietary choice, unfortunately for many it's a religion because they feel superior to non-vegans, as depicted in this video:

        The same is true of believing too strongly in other teachings, theories. Too strong a belief and the desire to impose one's view causes..... well, a morally and spiritually exhausting argument that causes a cooling of love for other people.

        And so Mariusz Szczytynski himself marginalized the theory of nonbocentrism that he promoted by classifying people who do not believe or reject it as devil worshippers. Meanwhile, devil worshippers make themselves known by their hatred of other people.

        Greetings once again 🙂 I'd love to hear from you.

  8. The water level is only possible in the so called "flat earth" in quotes only because it spans the horizontal water plane of the oceans surrounding the continents the only earth we know. What it looks like as a whole is just speculation because no one is going to get out of the system we live in. Water level is an observable and measurable fact. The very concepts of definition are derived from what we observe. A straight line segment does not form any kind of arc either convex or concave. This is not to be taken on faith.


      Coriolis effect

      It is taken into account by shooters at distances over 600m.

      In short, when shooting north or south the bullet is deflected from the target axis by the rotation of the earth (it is out of alignment so it appears to be moving left or right). This effect works and matters for long distance shooters. In my opinion the round , rotating earth explains it. If someone can explain it differently I will look into it.

      Is the moon also flat? How do we view the rounded shadow of the earth on it?

      The Germans did not hit the American ships at the opposite end , so they supposedly abandoned the study of the concave earth. Taking literally what is written about the four ends of the earth in the Bible, we can conclude that the earth is as square as a Chinese board.

      Why would the Lord do something differently on the macro scale when it works well on the micro scale?- you know he could of course. The water level on a round earth can easily be explained by the surface tension I gave earlier, which can be seen in a round drop of water, then all the forces are balanced etc. It is the same on all sides. Another experiment is to pour a glass of water full- two phenomena occur:
      Inferior and superior meniscus or concave and convex meniscus. The first occurs when the glass is not full enough - the surface of the water is concave, the second, when it is full a little more - then it protrudes above the glass convexly.

  9. Luke
    You wrote "How do we view the rounded shadow of the earth on it?"
    I clarify that it cannot be the "shadow of the earth"

    Haven't you ever seen the moon in the daytime sky, in the afternoon, high above the horizon, and on the other side, also high above the horizon the wandering sun.
    They are opposite each other, the earth is below, there is no obstruction between them, and we see more than once a thicker or skinnier "horn" moon.

    Didn't you find it interesting that the moon is not always full, and according to your view there should be no "shadow" phenomenon on this object then.

    1. Sorry, with this shadow it was my mistake. You, however, did not address the other arguments, and I give here an explanation of the phases of the moon, which are not caused by the shadow of the earth

  10. Luke
    The sun is not a flashlight, its energy and light does not spread in one direction. like from a flashlight.
    FURTHER This is not that scale of magnitude.

    Don't believe what you're told by people in the naok world with mage /mag and helm titles - you might say it's just a coincidence!
    According to these naoches, the sun is baaaaaaaarooo much bigger..... Compared to it, the earth is a meaningless little dot, and the poor moon is even smaller.

    I am partially copying my previous post
    "Have you never seen the moon in the sky during the day, in the afternoon, high above the horizon, and on the other side, also high above the horizon the wandering sun.
    They are opposite each other, the earth is below, there is no obstruction between them, and we see more than once a thicker or leaner 'horn' moon."

    The moon and sun are sometimes seen high in the sky during the afternoon, and the moon is not always "chubby" at that time.
    The earth cannot be the cause of this phenomenon, or as you write "shadow" because the sun shines straight into the moon's "mouth" and the earth is no obstacle to the sun's rays, so the earth is well below them, and cannot be the cause of this phenomenon, and yet our satellite is "overbitten" on the left or right.

    I don't subscribe to any theory about the shape and size of the earth, and I don't believe the authorities that "this insignificant little ball is flying at unimaginable speeds, and rotating at inconceivable speeds", and we don't know where or why. However, it amazes me that the mathematical data on these issues happen to contain a lot of "sixes"

    I don't know what age you are, what knowledge you have, and it's not relevant.
    I suppose you are rather young and infatuated with the world and science, you believe in the world and people. I don't know
    What are your views on faith, religion, whether you know the Bible and believe in its message.

    To me, two events described in the Bible concerning the sun and the earth are interesting, specifically:

    1. the stopping of the moon and sun for several hours and the lengthening of the day, by Joshua, during the desert battle.

    2. the turning back of time ten degrees on King Hishkiah's sundial, by the prophet Isaiah, as proof of the fulfillment of prophecy.

    IF THESE FACTS REALLY HAPPENED, and I believe they did - because I believe the Creator, not people, the more so I don't believe the naokovists - magicians with glorious titles - then what would have to happen to this poor little planet pirouetting through space, which in the first case was suddenly stopped, and in the case of
    The second rotating sphere was not only abruptly stopped, but was caused to move backwards 10 degrees instantaneously.
    I mention that there was no flood, no earthquakes, and no other worldwide disasters after that.
    I don't think to fight unnecessary battles "for the only and right cause" - I know my own - it's a waste of our time.

    You have the time, your eyes and your mind - observe and study your surroundings, watch the phenomena taking place and use many available sources of knowledge, make your own conclusions.

  11. Well currently for me sky centrism is also more real than flat earth. I am still researching this topic.

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