Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Masturbation = sex with demons. How to get out of it?

Text provided by a sister in faith.






Masturbation involves thoughts and imagination. It is the result of not giving one's imagination, thoughts into obedience to Jesus (2 Cor. 10:5).


Satan has the ability to feed our thoughts and imagination when he is not in us, that is, at a distance, at a distance. When you let his thoughts, imaginations, voices in, you find yourself doing what he (Satan) wants you to do - that is, masturbating, sinning.


When you fantasize about his thoughts, his imaginations, the demons begin to manipulate your body - practicing masturbation, you don't physically see them with your eyes, but they are there.


Today the enemy manifests himself through sex toys, sex objects, to aid in masturbation - to steal, to kill, to destroy humanity completely. Sex toys are the industry of the devil.

Masturbation is a spirit - a demon. The spirit of darkness does not come alone, it is accompanied by the spirit of lust.

The spirit of lust combines the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, etc. It is one of the spirits that lead people to pornography and various kinds of sexual immorality.

Pornography is the fuel for masturbation.

Masturbation is a sin that turns very quickly into an addiction - a very bad addiction.

Masturbation can be caused as if inherited from generation to generation.
Our parents and ancestors, never told us about their sins, addictions or the curses they were under. We, and our children, inherit those curses. In the process, most of us blame God, blame others, and see God in a bad light.

If you masturbate or have masturbated, don't be surprised if your children or grandchildren masturbate too.

A spiritual husband or wife is also the reason for masturbation. The spiritual husband and wife are from ....kingship, which also contains the spirit of Jezebel.

People masturbate in dreams, and because they don't do it physically, they say they don't masturbate - yet they lie to themselves. In the same way, people have sex in dreams, but they deny that they are in sexual immorality because they don't do it physically - this is lying to themselves, denying themselves, freedom.

What the spirit of masturbation does. Masturbation is the spirit of Satan, whose work is to kill and destroy (John 10:10).

Masturbation desecrates and destroys the temple of the Lord-the body (1 KOR.6).

It destroys the body that cannot fill your wife or husband, or does not allow you to be filled (1 COR.7).

It destroys a man's body so that a man can have an orgasm (ejaculation) by just thinking or imagining - this is also one of the causes of premature ejaculation.

Co-operating with the spirit of lust, makes a person become an animal - from your thoughts, to how you behave, what you see, what you want to see, uncontrolled desires and needs, etc. - you become like an animal.


Masturbation causes stagnation without a break/breakthrough.

Every person who masturbates, watches pornography, and is associated with any form of sexual immorality is stagnant in life in one way or another.

Masturbation, pornography and every other form of sexual immorality closes the door so that you don't get from point A to B because you are still stuck in one point A.

When the enemy knows that there is a breakthrough in spiritual reality or a blessing coming, he pushes you toward masturbation or draws you into some form of sexual immorality, and through that destroys your blessing, breakthrough, etc. - steals them from you. This is the greatest cause of stagnation in many people in the assembly of God today.


Using the door of masturbation, the enemy can bring you all sorts of curses, misfortune, and torment he wants - he can steal as he pleases. See how we open the door to the enemy.

Many people desire marriage but cannot achieve it because masturbation, pornography, and sexual immorality blocked it from them.


Solution (advice) for masturbation :

Masturbation is a spirit of darkness, a demon. Spirits are not fought physically but spiritually - it is not a battle against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12).


The world tells you to get rid of anything that causes masturbation, physical things (not spiritual), but when desire comes, you go back to those things again.

What spirit of darkness gives you desire or passion so that you can't stop or resist, but only submit - this is the spirit that controls and manipulates you as it pleases.

Any person giving you physical solutions to a spiritual problem is not helpful but leads you deeper into a trap - don't expend energy or effort to stop masturbating, or in reference to other addictions - it's futile.

The first step to freedom is acceptance, finding out what you are in. Accept that you masturbate-say, "I masturbate."

In Jesus Christ we do not hide our sins, curses, etc, because if we hide them , we cannot be set free, saved.

Many so-called Christians I have come in contact with quote Bible verses, the name of Jesus Christ, talk about church, religion, sacrifice itc. to cover up their afflictions, curses, etc.

Accept the fact that you masturbate and don't hide it.

After accepting who you are and that you need to be set free, repent of your sins including the sins of your ancestors - ask Jesus to wash you of your sins with His blood that He shed on the cross and to set you free from the demons associated with those sins.


Ask Jesus to show you where the release is and run in that direction - run to Jesus. Remember there is a time to pray and a time to run physically to Jesus.

The only solution to masturbation is to run to Jesus physically and mentally at the same time. He is faithful, He delivers, He sets free, He heals those who come to Him.

Release in Jesus Christ banishes evil spirits, the cause of desires and passions.
When Jesus Christ delivers you from masturbation, you no longer have the desire, the desire to masturbate, even the imaginations, thoughts, dreams disappear

Many people claim to be saved, but they are still in their lusts, fighting against the flesh, sinning in their thoughts, and so on. - They are lying to themselves; you are not liberated.

In Jesus Christ we do not starve the flesh, we do not beat the flesh as Baal worshippers do and as various religions do, but we live in freedom. Freedom is where there are no lusts, desires, passions, etc. to sin or do what is wrong.

Only that person is in freedom who has everything to look at pornography but doesn't do it because they don't have that desire, lust, passion for pornography.

Only that person is free who has the money to buy the alcohol of the world, but does not do it because he does not have that desire, the need for alcohol.

Are you free? There is only one person who can set you free. A prisoner cannot free himself. Masturbation is a prison, it is Egypt, it is bondage, all of which need release.


Remember that the kingdom is at war with itself (MT12) - the demon cannot drive the demon away.

I myself masturbated and went into it deeply and the Lord freed me once and completely, so I am not teaching a theory here but something I don't know or copying from others, but I am preaching and teaching what the Lord has done and given me. See, you can't preach about something you don't have yourself.

Because Jesus has set me completely free from mastrubation, I am indebted to all the people of Jesus Christ who struggle with masturbation. My happiness and joy is to see you in the freedom that I am in.

Therefore, when you come to me as a sinner seeking Jesus, know that you are speaking to a person who has gone through what you are going through and has been set free, has received freedom - and I will never open my mouth to condemn you but will welcome you with open arms for Jesus Christ, for Jesus came to sinners (Luke 5:32) to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8)


I do not associate with evil company ... (Psalm 26:4-5; Psalm 1:1)

When it came time for me to masturbate, God told me to go talk to my brother (my brother in Jesus whom I love) and God spoke these verses to me.

Therefore confess your sins one to another and pray one for another, and you will be healed (James 5:16)

The reason I told you to confess that I "masturbate", told you about your sin - I am here by His will for you.

Don't let mastrubation or any other sin distance you from Jesus but let it bring you to seek Him more because He is faithful and will bring you healing and save you.

If I have been set free, believe in my Jesus Christ, He will set you free also.


Many people in church today masturbate in one way or another, covering it under a blanket because no one can see, they can't see Jesus setting them free from it. Some of these churches, have told them that masturbation is not a sin, their preachers are whitewashed (lying) never telling them what they themselves have gone through and been set free from. By which people know nothing about how Jesus Christ sets them free, etc.

Jesus comes

Repent of sins,

Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand



Text was translated by Agnieszka and sent by Diana. Thank you.

Updated: 28 February 2019 — 08:25


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  1. "You can't see them physically but they (demons) are there" the sister in faith saw them during...,does she have this ability?

  2. A very destructive addiction, considered by the world as something not only normal, but even cool. When I see some of my friends' posts about it (pictures, memes, etc.) on Facebook, it makes me sick. Sexual sins are probably the most heinous sins and also the hardest to combat. The demons and supernaturals behind it are some of the strongest. To this day I still deal with the "spirit husband" mentioned in the post, a spirit that enters not only through sexual sins but also witchcraft. Despite the abandonment of one and the other, despite the passage of years, the bonding still takes place. I have to admit, however, that I did not seriously fight against it before, because I did not even allow myself to think that I was bound, preferring to think that it was just oppression from outside. Now that I have admitted to myself and to God that I am bound, I stand firm against this spirit in the name of Jesus Christ.

    Unfortunately, there is not much information in the Polish internet about these spirits (otherwise known as marine spirits), which are under the authority of Leviathan - a power that cooperates with the spirit of Jezebel. They are not only spirits of lust, but also of pride, rebellion and control, among other things. The knowledge I have gained so far by God's grace on this subject has given me answers to questions about my male-female relationships, but also certain events and experiences that have happened in the past or are happening now.

    It is a vast subject and I could write a lot about it, and perhaps, God willing, I will write in more detail. In the meantime, I pray for all who are bound by sexual sin of any kind, that the Most High will give them the strength to resist evil and that God will deliver them from this bondage. Amen.

    1. Thank you for your comment.
      How do you know Iza about Leviathan?

      Super idea with the prayer

      1. Since the problem affects me directly, I'm digging through the Internet to find out something concrete. It's mostly written about on English-language sites, and it's often mentioned by pastors from Africa, where the problem is quite common (which is not surprising, since shamanism and witchcraft are commonplace there).
        I don't have any specific links saved, except for two youtube materials, which by the way I am just about to listen to. Generally on Christian websites, some churches, blogs and on youtube you can find specifics, but unfortunately you need to know English. And, of course, as everything - you should study it passing it through the filter of the Holy Spirit.

        1. Thank you, although I didn't have a specific site in mind, but rather the way you arrived because I know it from Pastor Jasinski.

          1. Oh, and do you have a link Peter? I'd love to check out what Pastor Jasinski has to say on this topic 🙂 I'd love to see what he has to say.

            1. I read in the handouts from release school.
              Leviathan is a very powerful spirit, or rather, a powerhouse with many others under him.
              It is mainly characterized by pride and conceit in the enslaved person.
              I saw at a release session how they chased away from the leviathan for a very long time, but this man's mail still had the "booster" in it, etc.

  3. Thank you for the text...

  4. Suppose someone is attracted to children but has not yet raped a child. How to help such a person?

    1. She prays hard, but she has to admit it to God herself and beg God to take it away in Jesus' name.

  5. And leviathan is not simply satan? I wonder where people get their knowledge on such subjects from and if it is safe. I don't know if we need to go into so much detail. It's enough for me to know that there is Satan and demons... there's no need to elaborate further.

    1. I support being interested in the good spirit and not the evil spirit. We are to know as much as is in the Word of God. Anything more than that can (or does) come from the devil.
      Pray to God to strengthen us in faith and fight temptations. The kingdom is won by violence, so you have to make some effort 🙂 .

    2. Satan is otherwise known as the adversary.
      On the one hand, the Bible purposely restricts the names of demons, which is why the book of Henoch is not part of the main canon. On the other hand, if one is releasing, he must know who he is releasing. Yes, he first finds out by asking the one being released, or rather his spirits. The knowledge of charatteristics supports releasing from others. But this is not an activity for everyone.

    3. Necessary it may not be, but in some cases (such as release, as Peter mentioned below) it certainly helps. I agree that there is no point in exploring the realm of darkness too much, as it can actually do harm, but nevertheless I think it is useful to know the tactics of the enemy. I suppose if I hadn't had a personal clash with this spirit, I wouldn't have sought out such detailed knowledge about it (at most I would have read some superficial info somewhere along the way). After all, we are supposed to look at Christ first and foremost, not look around :).

  6. Specific text on this topic. Thank you for your comment Elisheva, it explains a lot. The consequences of sexual sin in life are very destructive, in the case of sexual harassment these consequences remain also in you, not only in the one who does it, I know how many times it ruins the whole life.

  7. As far as addictions are concerned, for example alcohol, which has already been freed, other addictions as well as the one described in the article, there are attempts but they are difficult and possible, but not by man, because one has to ask God to change one's will, for the Lord is the God of will and performance, and another quotation, everyone who sins is a slave of sin, which means that it is finished, but there is a way out and it is Jesus "if the Son sets you free, you shall be truly free".

  8. It is well written, but I am not sure it is all, because to say that it is not necessary to "starve the flesh" (abstain from sin) is to take the easy way out, because it is also written "when we knowingly sin, there is no longer any excuse, but the expectation of judgment ... etc." and "whoever has suffered bodily has forsaken sin" (abstain from sin spiritually, bodily).Jesus was and knew this world and its lusts, only He was able to completely win against it, but being on earth He knows that it is not easy for people, so He gave instructions such as prayer, constant prayer, fasting love, faith and many others.

    1. I feel, Janie, that you are growing spiritually, although I am aware that you are like everyone else on the way...

    2. Continually pray. This has been on my mind for some time. No matter the circumstances without fail, we need to pray constantly. Ask for peace of mind in difficult situations.

  9. Thanks, God bless you. I owe it to God who tells me what to write and also to this blog and to you that you write, post articles that make us aware, remind us. May we surround ourselves with people like us and strengthen our clout in this world to be able to stand fairly clean before the Lord.

    1. and I thank you for your kind word often in the flood of pinching etc Christians

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