Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"The dumbest generation - the sad truth they don't want you to know"

Mark Bauerlein, a lay man, has written a book called The Dumbest Generation. The most unprepared generation that has ever lived. Not just unready to fight. Literally equipped with nothing.


If one were to look at combat readiness, there has never been a generation in the history of the world more unsuited to combat than ours. Isn't that statement astounding?


Think of it in spiritual terms, because this is a lay person doing an analysis of our culture. But I want you to realize that this physical unpreparedness for physical battle translates into spiritual preparation for spiritual battle.


75% of an entire generation of 18-24 year olds are not eligible for enlistment! Can you and I say the word "pathetic" together? And why is that? Well, obesity is at an all-time high. It's embarrassing! Obesity! They are physically incapable of performing the simplest of military maneuvers.


They are uneducated... Momentum. You can say that it is possible to go to school and be uneducated! Isn't that incredible? You can be pushed through the educational system because they just don't want you stuck in the same classroom and they will continue to do so, churning out people who practically can't read or write all the time. They can find oatmeal in the grocery store because they recognize the box, not because they can read "oatmeal." They are mentally unlearned, unable to pass the simplest academic competency tests.


They can't hear, yet you have to have that ability to get into the military at a certain level. They have lost their sharpened sense of hearing due to the volume of music they listen to. It's embarrassing.


They are incapable of protecting their lives, marriages, families, cities, states and nation. They are unprepared to fight.


So I was referring to the book "The Dumbest Generation". Another title option: "Don't trust anyone over 30." This is the attitude of a whole generation. These people cannot be trusted. Those who are over 30 have certainly seen some weaknesses in the older generation, no doubt about it. But I want you to know that those who are over 30 have probably seen more than those of you who are under 30. You may know more about computer programming, however they often know more about life. And you have disconnected yourself from any source of knowledge that could give you an understanding of how life really works.


So take a look at this; these will be 6 issues that I will mention; 6 insights about why you are the dumbest generation ever. How do you like being classified that way? Isn't that a funny title? You see, I am trying to move you. Don't accept that title! Don't sit back and let it be your designation. Reject it!


  1. Knowledge gaps - least amount of knowledge about everyday life, as well as social and cultural of all generations.And I will add these words from myself: unplug them from their devices, and they will die. You see, as long as they have their computers, laptops, and smartphones, they can get by in life, not get lost along the way, do their research. And how do they do them? Google - that's their research. Consequently, if you unplug them from these instruments, throw them alone in the middle of the woods, and drive away in a car, they die! They have no way to survive. They don't know how to live outside the system.


  1. Bibliophobia - And it's not just a fear of the Bible, it's a fear of books.The present generation shows the highest degree of disregard for books and their reading of all generations. And this is my comment: give them a book and it will serve them as kindling.


  1. Time spent in front of the screen - the greatest amount of time spent in front of a screen of all generations.You can say that previous generations didn't even have screens. You know, in the '40s and '50s, when televisions started coming out, and they watched TV all the time because it was such a novelty - that can't even be compared to what's happening in the current generation. It's almost always in front of a screen, whether it's a computer screen, a television screen, a movie screen, or a cell phone screen. Whatever it may be, we are addicted to it and it obviously influences us in some way. Don't expect them to be involved in saving this world because they are completely lost in another.


  1. Online unlearning - least effective research skills when gathering truthful information of all generations.This generation does not know how to find truthful information. They know how to find information; we have an information superhighway. But is the information true? Are they able to investigate and see if it is true? Do they have any filter that allows them to know if it is true? Is it a top ranking on a Google search? Let me tell you, he is almost invariably false. It doesn't necessarily mean that it's true, it just means that a lot of people are turning toward that kind of information. There are a lot of top rankings on Google, but that doesn't mean they are truthful.The motto of the information gathering is: "The highest ranking on Google search rules, Wikipedia is the new Bible, and good bloggers are modern oracles." If you can write, this generation will surrender to you, sacrifice their lives to you, and say: "train our minds in how we should think". That doesn't mean you know how to live. It doesn't mean you have even a shred of real intelligence. You don't deserve a medal for the life you have lived, and yet you can write and impress people with your phraseology and as a result this generation will submit to you and emulate you. You can be 17 and know nothing, but you can write and control the minds of a generation.


  1. Betrayal of mentors - most susceptible of all generations to the disbelief, disregard and betrayal of teachers and mentors.Here is another characteristic of this generation of 18-24 year olds. Their commitments are meaningless, as they are loyal only to what seems good to them at the moment. This better not describe you, and if it does, you need to abandon this behavior because loyalty is required of you.I know it is hard to be loyal to people who don't seem to have it either. However, a deep loyalty must begin to live in your soul and I am not just saying this to parents, church leaders, etc. However, if you grow in that mentality, guess what? You will not be loyal to God. You will not associate His Word. Because I guarantee you that a good, hot gospel message may not seem good to your soul at that moment. And what, will you reject it? You will betray your Mentor, the Word of God! That behavior is contemptible!


  1. No warriors - is the generation least able to summon warriors to fight for cultural, moral, civic, and private good.Soul effort motto: exert your strength and rekindle your passion only for the things that best serve your comfort and self-satisfaction. What will make you rise from the couch? Your ego. "How can this benefit me? Will I get anything out of this? It's okay, I'll put some energy into it." And the moment it's more for the benefit of someone else? "That's it, I'm back on the couch." What are warriors? A warrior is someone who knows the importance of a cause that is bigger than themselves. That's a warrior!You will go to battle for your own reputation! We, as Christians, fight for the glory of Jesus Christ! For something far greater than ego! In fact, to fight for it, you must deny yourselves! And if you follow that model, then Christianity will fail, because everything that makes Christianity powerful is contrary to that behavior! We cannot accept that.

    Remember the title of this sermon - I'm just trying to discourage you. I say, "most unexpected heroes." So there is something positive about that. I don't accept this motto as the ultimate declaration of people between the ages of 18 and 24! And neither should you, if you happen to belong to that group.

    Do you remember how it started? The most unexpected heroes. Remember how I tried to make you feel bad? The dumbest generation ever... And this is a secular look.

    And I would like to turn them upside down.

    I wish we would stand up and say: "God, I may not have it all figured out when it comes to my background or education. Yes, I've been afraid of books my whole life and as a result I'm afraid of the Bible, I'll admit it. And yes, I have spent most of my life in front of a screen. Yes, there are problems here. I have not shown loyalty even to my parents, not to mention Your Word and guidance in my life. This needs to be changed now. Take this wreckage and transform it into a picture of Your glory."

    Jesus Christ was born in a stable. He did this intentionally to bear witness to all of us that He would take the stinking stables, make them His birthplace, in effect transforming them into castles of His glory.

    Yes, you may be incompetent. Yes, you can be weak. You can be like Gideon, the least in his father's house. The least among the tribes. God should ignore us, absolutely. But for some reason He sees us and says He would like to use us, asking if He can turn our lives into a picture of triumph? You had better let the word of God enter your hearts, to rise up and say, "Enough of this lethargy! Enough of this innumeracy! I am not going to blame the culture I grew up in for my weaknesses and ignorance. I am God's raw material, and He can do with me whatever He sees fit!"

    And suddenly a hero is created. You don't have to be brilliant, charismatic or have a high intelligence quotient. Make God's intelligence quotient in the 66 books your intelligence quotient. He is wise and gives you all His wisdom. Amazing thought. It all lies open to you, and He will even be your helper to help you understand as you look into the Scriptures. You have everything you need for a life of godliness, in Christ Jesus. Everything!

Translated by Jacek. Thank you in the name of Jesus.


Updated: 14 March 2016 — 16:34


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  1. And who raised them that way? Older Poles born during the post-war baby boom lived in ABSOLUTE social security and were not afraid of what tomorrow would bring. The generation of their parents, and our grandparents at their age went through wolf school and a good squeeze, which also became our share. In the times of Prl we lived worse, but easier, and now we live better, but harder.

    1. Such an illustration of how our ancestors lived

      1. The Catholic-Communist system has terribly animalized people....

  2. I agree with the text completely.

    As a high school teacher, I report that the system even dictates that we spoil the youth and thus break down society from within.
    We pretend that we do not see unexcused absences so that the young person does not have to suffer the consequences of his/her truancy. We give them A's at the end of the year, so that they don't have to take the final exam, because they'll have a bad summer, and they'll come to the exam poorly prepared (so what then?). We also do their corrections for them, so that the poor student doesn't fall lower. We try our best to bring parents to school, who don't want to see us at all. We don't teach pupils to bear the consequences of their behaviour, mainly their laziness. We constantly remind them of all important deadlines, e.g. revision of tests, homework, exams, etc. - We constantly remind them of all important dates, e.g. midterms, homework, exams, etc., because it is so difficult to note them down in the calendar, which they don't have anyway. And note-taking on a cell phone is time-consuming, too much trouble.
    And so I can enumerate endlessly....

    I am sick of this comedy. We still have to look at ridiculous regulations and shudder at the accusations of claiming parents. It makes me want to howl. I often ask myself, what am I doing here? I'm fighting windmills.
    And how are the youth along with their parents supposed to respect us? Learn basic values?

    I also can't believe how much the intellectual level drops with each successive yearbook. I have been training my patience and ability to explain the same thing ten times each for years. I am appalled.

    I know that a certain group of vocational high schools simplified the diploma exam as much as possible so that everyone would pass painlessly, because one year too many students failed. However, no one at the disposal asked why? Instead, such a simplified form was used that one could pass the exam without much preparation. This form is downright distasteful.

    P.S. I look on and I am always surprised to read the posts of 19 year old Liksar. I can't believe he is such a young man. I don't remember any of my students over the years displaying such fluency with the Polish language, and perspicacity and logic of argument.
    Imagine then, what is the level of a typical student of an average Polish school in a small town?

    1. Fact Liksar's statements are more like a 27-30 year old.

      So please accept from me, Anna, my deepest sympathy for your profession, in these ungrateful times.

      1. You need to read books, not pathological forums and pictures ;).

    2. My wife also stops believing in the meaning of a teacher's job. Sad but true.

      1. Indeed, the problem is not much smaller than the already legendary idiocy of young people in the USA. Our children can sometimes at least point to the United States on a map, and it doesn't necessarily work the other way round, because "polish" for Americans probably means shoe polish, and "field" is just a pole.

        But it is no longer even strictly a question of knowledge, but of total intellectual laziness, which has passed from the previous stupid generation to the present, in my opinion the last stupidest generation in human history. Fools and godless people beget even greater fools.

        While a small percentage of the children attending the school where I work are relatively untainted by this foolishness (praise be to God), for the most part children and teens are living in a total anti-Christian celebrity-technology martmix. We are seeing a whole new and frightening level of intoxication with materialism, consumerism and selfishness.

        The thing that kills me the most are the oral classes, during which they often can't answer simple, open questions because they don't have an opinion, and besides, it's an extra class, so they don't want to anyway, so they just babble nonsense and still have to make sure they don't slip out some slurs, which they use as commas. Before the new birth I was even amused by their indolence, now it only frustrates. Putting together a coherent (I don't demand correct spelling anymore, as long as there is logic) written statement presenting this (any reasonably holding together) sentence is no less challenging. But about stupid celebrity-jutubers, who recorded a new video with satanic gestures, or some bottomless stupid game, they can talk for hours.

        This is not positive straightforwardness, but simplicity, stinking primitivism. These children are, of course, products of the evil system, but as Sister Anna very rightly pointed out - and Brother Martin would probably agree - the fault lies primarily with their parents, totally indoctrinated by the system, and at the same time mentally sluggish, who, as befits big children, are entertained by the pathetic entertainment of this world, providing them with a depth of emotion... Uhhh... What a disgusting world this is!

        1. The level of readership in the times of the People's Republic of Poland was inflated by subsidising books (as many other things) by the state, i.e. the working population. Those who were mentally lazy were artificially stimulated, and when this was lacking, they returned to their normal level, the effects of which we observe today...

    3. "You have hit upon a unique source of truth!

      Last Updated - February 27, 2016

      All other sources lie and the Truth can only be found on and blogs associated with this site!

      T H I S I S N O T A C H I E V E !"

      1. Mr. Heniek is already quite gone...We should pray for him.

        1. I see in the links at the bottom he recommends the blog of Peter, for whom we prayed to know the truth

          1. Blog obsolete because deleted. Current address

            1. Peter, if you want to write, please sign with your login, not with your e-mail

      2. And it went short across the cable....

        1. Waiting for Rafal Kudranski to read this 🙂 .

          1. 🙂
            and the company... 🙂 .

            1. pzpr
              kind regards


          2. As far as I know Rafal had a fight with Henrik :/

            We should pray as detmold said and not only for Heniek but for all of us

      3. Did you come across It's not a mistake, it's not a coincidence and it's not God's providence that led you there. This thing is called POSITIONING?

    4. Anna, you write that:
      "...I also can't believe how much the intellectual level drops with each successive yearbook. I have been training my patience and ability to explain the same thing ten times each for years. I am appalled. [...]"

      You do your job - pass on the knowledge that is necessary according to your conscience,
      And one that you have to...unfortunately, according to the handouts. Young people will appreciate your work
      long, long after the school years. YOU DO YOURSELF.
      Who among the young will care about teacher respect and knowledge,
      he himself, of his own free will, will work on education [whatever falsified education it was not], because he will develop in himself the "vein" of cognition and searching. Of his own free will.

      Whom the young do NOT like any education, you will not force, you will not infect,
      and that's how we have secondary illiteracy, despite graduating from any college.
      The system works that way to breed quarter-intelligent, illiterate, ape-like people,
      And why? ...answer for yourself in your own Soul...
      I recommend a video where a TEACHER in a Catholic reformatory just did his thing....
      FILM ON FACTS - Ireland

      Catholic School for Scoundrels, Criminals in the Cassock-Film Lektor

      Count on the fact that there are bad people everywhere... both among teachers and among students, and it is not your responsibility, you do your job, TEACH to the best of your ability... Regards - celery 🙂 .

    5. As for students from small towns, I believe that sometimes they can be at a higher level than their counterparts from bigger cities. This is because of the smaller number of students and teachers can give them their attention. I myself attended such schools and did not feel inferior in my studies compared to other students from big cities.

      As for the general trend, I have to agree. I was talking to my math teacher at the middle school level - when I was in middle school, a good 8 years ago, in each of three parallel classes of about 25 students, there were 4 or 5 people who stood out from the rest and who the teachers prepared for competitions etc. Nowadays if there is even one person, it is considered to be good. And just like you wrote- people are pushed to the next classes and it's not only elementary, middle, high school, but also in college because of the way universities are funded. An informal conversation with a physics professor also made me realize what it looks like from the perspective of the lecturers - they also see that successive years are more and more difficult in terms of passing the knowledge in a way that is understandable for them; students are needed, but in order to receive funding from here it is not about quality (e.g. decreasing the number of hours of laboratories - they are expensive, but from the didactic point of view they are much better than dry lectures), but about quantity.

  3. "However, I want you to know that those of you who are over 30 have probably seen more than those of you who are under 30."

    "Here is another characteristic of this generation of 18-24 year olds. Their commitments are meaningless because they are loyal only to what seems good to them at the moment."

    exactly the same arguments were used against me to prove that it is from these noble, experienced, wise and in general the most-at-best people that I should take example.... and everything would be cool, if it wasn't for the fact that it's about 30+ catlovers 🙂

    1. I think I saw it, but it was longer...

      1. I have also seen longer versions and I recommend them to everyone. Unfortunately I do not remember where I saw the long version

  4. Please, here is a lot of interesting information about education :

  5. John Gatto makes an interesting point.

  6. Ot lewacki wychowanie tkz.bezstresowe, greetings in Jesus Christ.

  7. This generation is the nagging one, I confirm from my own experience.

    I live with 17-19 year olds, I'm 16.5 myself and it's worse than you could ever imagine

    1. Can you throw in an example maybe? Let's see if I observe this on a daily basis at work.

    2. Let me comfort you. 60% people don't understand the evening TV news, so you have nothing to worry about.

    1. Cinema a bit more serious, but about the young and for the young

      1. Three days without a verdict. Sharper cinema, but not pathological

      2. Cinema for young people requires a great sense of what is in their souls. They need authenticity, not bullshit. Nothing too brutal/vulgar, but not too infantile/naive either.

        1. Teenagers can be cruel, unfortunately...Film

              1. An escapee from a reformatory, through a tragic chain of events, gets back into conflict with the law. The boy fights his own fear and guilt. Black escapes from the reformatory and, persuaded by a friend, commits a store robbery during which he hits a sales clerk over the head with a bottle. He is convinced that he killed her. He accidentally ends up in the children's home. Filled with guilt and fear, he behaves aggressively. When he finds out that the victim of the attack was not killed, he reveals his guilt to his tutor Barbara, the daughter of the shop assistant who was attacked. 1981

              2. Rafał Michalski (Barciś) is the main character of this drama series. After graduating from vocational school he tries to pass to a technical college. He fails. He takes a job at a car factory in a locksmith shop. The shy boy becomes the object of jokes from his colleagues. His mother is busy running the household, his sister is preparing for her university exams, his father has a busy job. At work Rafał meets a nice Hanka (Sosna-Sarno). Maybe his friendship with her will turn into deeper feelings? [].

              3. At the beginning of the academic year Irek, full of enthusiasm, arrives in Warsaw. Here, however, he encounters the first unpleasant surprises. His dormitory assignment has misplaced, so the boy has to look for a roof over his head on his own. The tenants of room 107 mercifully take him in. During a tour of the dormitory, the unfortunate "jack" is shocked to see how life is really lived there. Instead of books there are bottles in the corners, instead of learning there is a constant party. In the corridors there are girls running around dressed only in towels, merry pyromaniacs and Negroes in African folk costumes. Irek is horrified to think how he is going to learn in such conditions

  8. Born Early ♣ Full Movie HD Lektor Pl 1986 A clash of real values with unbridled rudeness

  9. Now no kidding. The intergenerational narrative i.e. mutual communication and learning from life experiences has broken down in white man's society. This is the deliberate work of the Luciferians to make the atomized community accept the rule of the Antichrist without much resistance.

  10. Young people (the thinking ones) are a demanding audience and you can't just bullshit them (just like children and adults). A lot of "wise people" tried, but it didn't work out and it discouraged the young people from becoming old farts (hehe) of both sexes. You can't leave the young alone, because then they fall into the hands of various Luciferians and other savages, who have evil intentions towards them. Young people want to be AWARDED because they are going through a stage of storm and pressure, when they are developing into adults. They need advice and guidance, even though they themselves believe that they do not (ah, this youthful omniscience, which is verified by life). I wish the younger ones than me to enter adulthood without any major turbulences. God bless. Ps. Deliberate spoiling of the youth must be opposed with all firmness and resisted.

  11. A new P.E. teacher at a provincial school starts a handball team. He uses brutal methods to subjugate his students.

    1. A shy boy proves his love by capturing intimate letters his chosen one wrote to a wicked man.

      1. On New Year's Eve, children from a Silesian orphanage hijack a streetcar. They ride it from town to town, meeting all sorts of people and having all sorts of adventures. That night will always be unforgettable. 1989

  12. If a woman doesn't find someone FOREVER by the age of 25 and a man by the age of 30, they will probably already be alone, I stress the word probably. Ps. For me mental/spiritual old age starts after 30. Young people, don't be more adult than you can be.

    1. The film is set in the autumn of 1981. Gathered in front of a TV set, a group of residents of an old people's home are horrified to hear a catastrophic forecast about the coming harsh winter which, given the current economic situation, the elderly may not survive. That same night, a shipment of coffins arrives. The residents, as witnesses to the dark acquisition being brought in, come to the following conclusion: the management of the nursing home, unable to provide the residents with conditions for survival, will perhaps deliberately seek to reduce the number of residents. As a result, the old men make the decision to escape collectively. 86 minutes They want us to live in fear.

      1. I have the impression ( maybe wrong ) that our grandparents and great grandparents were smarter/normal, although less educated than our parents. In my opinion the reason for this is the growing information chaos.

  13. The greatest damage among modern writers to the minds of young people was done by a certain Rowling.

    1. Right. I never understood the phenomenon of her reads.

  14. A film about chasing dreams that require a lot of self-denial, sweat, toil, and even tears

  15. Something not good has happened to Polish cinema. On the one hand, there are films which are so artistic that they are unwatchable, and on the other hand, there is so much kitsch and trash that it's almost discouraging. There is a lack of the so-called 'middle-of-the-road' cinema which speaks about things important for people in an accessible way. Such is the spiritual beauty of these times.

    1. Cinema has to be neither an over-sweetened fairy tale nor a bitter sorrow. It has to be AUTHENTIC.

    2. Television is to the mind what vodka is to the body-TRUCE. That's why people from 1947-1964 ( more or less) are so fixated.

  16. Premieres and Premieres (episode 4 of 19); 3.06.1989

  17. The best training for our mind is political-historical-social literature about spiritual life, e.g., the Bible. It diversifies our perception of the world.

  18. The worst thing you can do to young people is to make them believe that you can achieve SOMETHING in life easily and without effort... This is what pop culture does, especially that of the USA. To achieve something without "help" (honest or not) (honest or not) you have to work hard.

    1. Movie examples, for example: The Great Mayhem and Young Wolves. Dishonest nonsense laced with trendy music and box office kit is...

  19. A student at home with his professor, trying to get a passing grade. But he does not suspect that an ordinary physics assignment will become a test of his character and morality.

  20. A new P.E. teacher at a provincial school starts a handball team. He uses brutal methods to subjugate his students. I uploaded the video once but yt deleted it.

  21. The film, belonging to the so-called Black Series of Polish documentaries, tells the story of a group of young people from Warsaw's Praga district. The authors' intention was to draw attention to the problems inherent in the life of society.

  22. The youth should not be so snubbed. Why? Because they are yesterday's us, and because of the lack of serious/value/attractive role models for their attitudes and behaviour they are like they are - this is a different matter; it is mainly the fault of adults (their parents) who, for various reasons, disregard their upbringing, that they behave this way and not differently...

  23.,76842,133446.html Youth in Poland 2001 Based on public opinion polls from 2000.

      1. Zerwany Poland 2003 A sad morality play. Not for the sensitive. Screened as part of the 5th edition of Filmostrada.
        Matthew is a social orphan. He is surrounded by a world full of violence. Everywhere - in his foster family, in the children's home, in the reformatory, at the police station - the stronger oppress the weaker. When he tries to rebel, he is bullied. When he finally gets to a normal school, he still feels his degrading otherness.

        The story of a boy who flits between an orphanage, a foster family and a reformatory, experiencing in each of these places a test of character and strength. At first we perceive his fate as a real hell on earth, but with time the director introduces elements of black humour and everyday absurdity. In this way he widens the gap between the cruel and the ordinary.

        1. Young people are in an awkward situation. On the one hand, adults stupefied by Babylon, and on the other, the Luciferians who prey upon them. Let us pray for their sanity and fortitude.

          1. How cruel people can be... A sensitive teenager tries to overcome his mother's overprotectiveness. In his new class he fights for the sympathy of his classmates by all means.
            Poland 1970 color

  24. Deviating from the topic. It's terrible how childish adults are these days, as if being over 25-27 is something terrible and shameful that you can't admit to. How, then, can the wider youth respect us and take us as an example? How can they?

  25. A girl nicknamed Farba travels across Poland and decides to find her grandmother whom she hasn't seen for years. During her search she meets various people and gets to know their attitudes towards life. However, the search turns out to be too late. Poland 1997 Tough, life-like, but not pathological.

    1. A hot July 2005, a big Silesian city and three people who do not know each other: little Sebastian, teenage Marta and Józef. Fate forces each of them to quickly get a small but out-of-reach sum of money: not to lose their dignity, to change their lives, to keep their dreams alive. The screenplay, with parallel and intertwining storylines, tells of their struggles with everyday life. The bravery, passion and hardness with which they try to reach their goals. About how this common path binds them together. Finally, about the determination with which they pursue their dreams. The fourth, equally important character of the story is the city. Disorderly, marked by war, border changes, dirty and beautiful, poor and full of nouveau riche enclaves, cruel, but also a shelter for those in need. A city dense with its own undercurrent of life. Poland 2005

      1. The film belongs to the TV series "Polish Holidays". Three men: a son, a father and a grandfather, live far away from each other. Each has his own world and interests. But a Father's Day meeting and the unexpected news about the illness of one of them will change their lives forever. Poland 2001 TV

  26. Adam, Siwy and Dworaczek are teenage boys from poor Silesian families. They spend their time wandering around dumps and stealing cars. From time to time they try to sell the stolen goods, but they usually get into fights with adults. One day, the boys are faced with the possibility of making their "big heist". However, it turns out that this deed brings them nothing - neither a sense of success nor money. Will their dreams of escaping the monotonous, boring reality never come true? Hard cinema. Poland 1993

    1. Tricity, nowadays. 16-year-old Agata is going through difficult times. Conflicted with her parents, betrayed by her boyfriend and cheated on by her best friend, she spends her time alone in a perpetually empty apartment. By chance, one day she meets Piotr, a homeless middle-aged man. Out of sheer compassion, she strikes up a conversation with him which turns out to be the beginning of a fruitful friendship... Here two people from completely different worlds, ignoring commonly accepted customs, start a close relationship. Are their intentions sincere? What are they looking for in each other? How will their environment react? And is true friendship even possible between a teenage girl from a "good home" and a vagrant rejected by society?
      That's what this film is about... A bit wooden cinema, but contemporary. Poland 2011

      1. A university professor (Wiesław Michnikowski) leads a sad retired life. Alone he goes for walks, prepares meals and plays chess. One day he meets Ania (Katarzyna Chrzanowska), the daughter of his friend Andrzej, who tragically died in the mountains. It turns out that the woman has the opportunity to go to a management course in England, but she has no one to leave her children with. The professor makes a heroic decision that violates his old bachelor lifestyle and decides to become a guardian of the children, whom he brings to his apartment. Their presence causes many funny and sometimes troublesome situations. Significant changes take place in the old man's life. Comedy of manners Poland 1993

  27. A story about high school classmates: Anka (Barbara Kurzaj), Inga (Katarzyna Bujakiewicz) and Xena (Monika Kwiatkowska-Dejczer). During the prom the participants gradually lose their minds... The film is based on real events. The filmmakers try to answer the following questions: what was the cause of the evil? Was it hidden inside, or did it come from the outside world, from the chaos of everyday life? Who was at fault? This is a story about desires, plans for the future, fears and attempts to find a place for oneself in the world.
    drama based on facts. Poland 2001

  28. Zbyszek Gąsior, a thirty-five-year-old singer and youth idol, despite his fame, money and success with girls, sees emptiness and falsehood in himself and those around him. Ola, his ex-wife, accuses him of a lack of ambition. An old friend, Ula, returns from Sweden not as a famous singer but as a prostitute. After some time she marries a private contractor. Guitarist Wojtek commits suicide after an operation on his arm. His successor in
    The band includes the musically gifted Maciek, who is threatened with blindness. Kosiński, a retired teacher, is resentful of the lifestyle of contemporary youth, but in fact envies their moral freedom. Zbyszek causes a scandal with his clothes and behavior at an official ceremony, and drunkenly ends up in a den where he is robbed and then thrown out. In particularly difficult moments, he seeks comfort and care from his mother. He finds understanding and true affection from Weronika, a young cook and graduate of a catering technical school, whom he notices while walking with his son. Poland 1987

  29. Marek Krajewski, a student at a Warsaw high school, plays on his school's football team, but wants to make a name for himself at all costs. When, in a crucial match, the coach does not allow him and a friend to play, the desperate boy spreads the news around the school that captain Markoniec "sold" the match and that is why he got rid of his best players. Conflict grows within the team. But these are not the only problems of the boy. Both he and his sister Irmina are brought up only by their mother, who is married to a man. Marek is supported by his grandfather, who is his best friend and the only man who understands his grandson's problems. When Marek learns that his grandfather has to undergo surgery, he decides not to go to the GDR and stays to take care of him. He tries to make friends with Ewa, a girl he has admired for a long time but only knew by sight. Poland 1985

  30. A comedy of manners about a film scriptwriter who, lacking creative energy, boards a city bus and listens to the conversations of passengers. Everything would be fine, but... Poland 2002

  31. Henryk Roszponka, a bricklayer with thirty years of experience, and his young helper, Berbeć, wake up with a severe hangover. They do not manage to make it to grandmother Stangreciak's funeral. When they reach the cemetery, the ceremony is already over. By chance, Roszponka discovers the abandoned grave of her friend and mentor, Staszek Łabędzia. Feeling indebted to him, she decides to take care of the grave. But it is not easy when you don't have a single penny... Poland 2000

  32. Three directors, three stories, three visions of one Polish reality. The heroes of the stories are young people from different backgrounds and regions. Their lives intertwine in one place - the bus to London. Poland 2005

  33. When one of them ends up in the hospital, the three 60-year-old friends will have to correct the mistakes of the past and come to terms with the passing of time. Poland 2004

  34. A drama of manners. Wealthy banker Adam Hynczak and his wife Magda, preoccupied with their own affairs, fail to notice that their adolescent son has a drug problem. One day the boy disappears without a trace. Adam starts looking for his son... Poland 1997

  35. The film is the story of the life of a stallholder, Crunchy. He had a difficult childhood. He had to work to earn money for his house. When he had all the money he needed, it turned out that the money had lost its value. But he did not break down, he started collecting again. As a stallholder, he collected a small sum, but all was lost because of a failed business. As a result of his friends' malice, Chruścik gets involved in a criminal scandal and stands trial. Poland 1990

  36. Not so long ago, people in the countryside had to toil for bread in Poland 1975

  37. The film is set in the present day and is set in the everyday life of an average family: a wife - dressmaker, a husband - worker and two daughters. The monotonous life, counted down by days of work, is shattered by the appearance of "the third one" - a teacher of one of the daughters. - the teacher of one of the daughters. The prose of a grey day that sometimes brings many surprises. Poland 1971

  38. A freshly graduated high school student tries to raise money for his first "adult" party. Poland 1967

  39. 16-year-old Ania and 17-year-old Tomek are studying at a technical school. Unexpectedly they fall in love with each other. They decide to live with each other as adults and move in together, but they are unable to cope with their new responsibilities... Naive and artificial perhaps, but still better than today's pathological juvenile film junk. Poland of the early 70's

  40. A story about the inhabitants of a certain block of apartments standing somewhere on the edge of an Upper Silesian town, ordinary people living from day to day with a sense of hopelessness and apathy. 25-year-old Goździk has lived here since he was born. He has no job, no education. His only occupation is playing field hockey for the district team. Among the tenants of the block are an old man named Leon and the Dąbrowski brothers. The appearance of beautiful Zosia, the epitome of a better world, brings some joy into Clove's grey life.
    Poland 2002

  41. After getting out of prison Rysiek wants to start his life anew. When he finds out that he has lost his girlfriend and his house, he decides to get them back. Poland 2004

  42. A young couple on the verge of a happy life and a love that was supposed to last a lifetime are put in a situation that makes it impossible for them to stay together. Arthur is sent to prison for many years, and Natalia, although outside the prison walls, is serving her sentence together with him. In an attempt to save their relationship, the woman tries to save the bond with her husband. Does she do it for the love she believes in so much? What exactly is this love? What sacrifices does it oblige? Can one decision made under the influence of self-love destroy what her whole life was supposed to be built on? Poland 2007

  43. The film deals with the extremely difficult and at the same time important issue of saving family life threatened when one of the parents becomes an alcoholic. In this case, Marta, a pre-matriculation girl and a half-orphan whose father, who earned his living as a musician, fell into a drinking habit, has to fight to save their home. The film tells about the difficulties of this struggle, the indifference of the family, who by virtue of kinship should feel obliged to come to the rescue, about the ineffectiveness of efforts on the part of social institutions which even try to come to the rescue. Marta's friends, too, full of youthful naivety, do not try to see the reality of the girl's situation. Only an old neighbor tries to help her by showing warmth and interest. In these circumstances only Marta's own sensitivity, inner strength and will to fight for her home show the only way out of the situation. Before she can take her high school diploma exam, she already has to pass the maturity exam of life. Poland 1980

  44. A story about love and boundless devotion of parents who live in small towns and help their children gain an education in big cities. Poland 1975

  45. Filip, a teenager from a broken family, whose father is not interested in him and whose mother, an attractive woman busy organizing sports competitions, has no time for her son. The boy meets Danka, a girl in a similar situation, only she hates her young stepmother. The two soul mates decide to join their fate for better or worse: they decide to escape together to the Island of Happiness discovered by Filip. Unfortunately, Danka's father, accompanied by the militia, takes his daughter home but, seeing the young couple's feelings, allows them to meet again on condition that Filip takes a job at his factory. The boy, however, rejects a stable lifestyle and steals a car from his mother's friend, which he smashes. Sentenced to a reformatory, he escapes from it and kidnaps his beloved, already involved with another boy. He locks her up in his den. The girl leaves despite being blackmailed into suicide by Filip; she wants to return to a normal life. Poland 1970

  46. A radio reporter asks about the most important day in the life of a young boy from the countryside. He has come to the city to live his life according to his dreams and hopes. The reality, however, dramatically diverges from his youthful fantasies. Disappointed, he decides to go back to his first girlfriend. His "most important day of life" has not yet arrived...
    Poland 1974

  47. Waclaw Kaczmarski has been breeding pigeons for many years, which is a family tradition (earlier his grandfather and father bred pigeons). Birds are an important element in his life, he spends every free moment with them, they are his escape from everyday worries. Kaczmarski and his family live in Targówek, in old apartments which are to be demolished. He gets a new apartment in Ursynów, where he immediately installs pigeon boxes on the balcony. The neighbors are outraged. Poland 1988 Ps. I wonder if you've noticed that I've been uploading mostly morality tales of various hues? Special kudos to admin Piotr for his patience.

  48. The adventures of a young couple looking for an apartment. The pursuit of a place of their own causes many life complications - difficulties at work, family conflicts. Finally, they manage to find their dream apartment. But one day, while walking with their child, someone drops a large sum of money on their doorstep. Andrzej decides to appropriate it. But later it turns out that the former owner wants it back. Poland 1985

  49. Such cinema is the best. Not explosive-shooting-cop movies or other rubbish.

  50. Two film novellas about girls. The first, Matylda, dreams of wearing colorful stockings but her mother cannot afford them; the second, Jadźka, has to face the reluctant peers. Poland 1960

  51. Twelve-year-old Paweł Grzela (Tadeusz Wiśniewski) lives with his mother in an old Warsaw tenement house. He feels the absence of his father, who left many years before to go abroad. Paweł's friends constantly talk about their fathers and boast about their achievements. The boy's authority grows when he discovers that his absent father was once a famous circus wrestler. Soon Pawel's father announces his return from France... Poland 1962

  52. Born in 1968, he got a taste of the Gierek era, saw the first Solidarity period, experienced martial law and the marasm of the 1980s. He dreamed of becoming an actor and almost succeeded. The year 1989 came and it was time to adjust to the new reality. How will Marekóźny, the Polish Forrest Gump, cope? Will he find success and be able to appreciate it? Poland 2003

  53. A toxic mother puts pressure on her teenage daughter, Marysia. Wanting to fulfill her own unfulfilled ambitions from her youth, she forces the girl to participate in beauty contests and photo shoots. Poland 2001

  54. Contemporary Lodz. A young married couple and their 6-year-old son return to Poland after several years of living in Canada. They cannot afford to buy their own apartment, and when they start looking for a job, 33-year-old Wojtek turns out to be an unattractive employee. In the end, the man decides to take up selling roast chickens. Meanwhile, Magda, who has always dreamed of becoming a director, starts attending a private film school. While making a film about her husband, she leads to an improvement in her own marriage. Poland 2002

  55. Tolek has just left prison. However, he does not intend to lead an honest life. Together with his gang, he plans a heist. He also wants to take revenge on his ex-girlfriend who cheated on him with his gang mate, Gnat. Poland 1977

  56. An intimate psychological drama. Mr. Wojtek, an architect from Warsaw, tired of the monotonous pursuit of success, contact with the environment and the benefits of civilization, settled in the countryside. Here, in contact with nature, he found peace and gained true friendship among people. Neither his wife, a well-known actress, nor his old friend succeed in convincing him to return. Poland 1979

  57. Gdansk. Playwright Wiktor supervises the preparations for a play based on his novel. He rents a room in the apartment of Krystyna and her mentally ill mother. Poland 1973

  58. Adam and Eve are young people who have grown close to each other. They decide to start a life together. However, it is not a successful relationship. Eve is very possessive and jealous all the time. Adam cannot stand it anymore and decides to move out. But can you forget your beloved? Poland 1972

  59. Psychological drama; a retired sailor, after 40 years of absence, returns to his home village to spend the rest of his life there. Petty Officer Ignacy Krzeminski returns to his home village in the Suwałki region after forty years at sea. His meeting with his former beloved, now a widow with four children, ends in a fiasco, as they have nothing in common anymore. Also encounters with relatives and old acquaintances make Ignacy realize that he is a stranger here. He never stops longing for the sea. He sneaks out from home at night, but dies on the bus carrying him to Gdańsk Poland 1979

  60. Major Grela is an experienced pilot. He dreams of a promotion, but this one is given to his colleague Horycki. Both were once in love with Grela's current wife. A conflict ensues between them. In addition, Grela starts to fall ill. Poland 1973

  61. Based on fact, the film shows the tragedy that occurred in December 1970 during the events on the Polish coast. On December 18, 1970, Stefan Stawicki, a 16-year-old student at the Basic Shipbuilding School, is killed on his way to school. The parents searched for their son and finally found him killed, but the Security Office refused to release the body and gave the parents permission to bury their son. Humiliated and repressed, the Stawickis start a fight for the right to bury their son with dignity. Poland 1991

  62. A story about friendship between two girls from a provincial town. Maria, working at the signal box, watches trains go by in unknown directions. She herself rarely moves. Dependent on her mother, she is helplessly following the attractive, energetic Krystyna who is constantly trying to get out of the drowsy city. Maria's situation is complicated by her brother's return home from work and her mother's affair with the local plumber. Zbyszek, a young engine driver, seems to be a chance for a change but Krystyna successfully seduces him, warning her friend before she can get close to him.
    Poland 1999

  63. Several episodes from the life of the film's title character form a portrait study of small-town society, providing a sketch for a picture of the Polish countryside. "The Polish Idol is a fictionalized ethnographic documentary, completely devoid of action. Its place is taken by observation, the world is seen from the perspective of a man suffering from TV paralysis, looking for answers to some of the simplest questions in life, such as: What time is it ? What will be for dinner ? Where did I come from and who am I ? The plot was based on a simple scheme: here is another hopeless day has just passed, it is again as it was yesterday, and tomorrow will be the same as today. "Oh God, it's so boring here" says one of the characters. - says one of the characters. And so it goes from day to day. The dry record of everyday life is left without comment or drawing hasty conclusions . . . "The film begins when the protagonist leaves the madhouse and goes for a walk in the city. He finds the ruins of the house where he was once born. The house is about to be demolished and the hero, as if influenced by the sight of these ruins, begins to recall various facts of his life. He asks himself "who is he?" In response, he recalls images from his childhood, various situations, people" - Łukasz Wylężałek summed up the plot of "Darmozjad Polski". The film's script had been waiting to be made for 12 years. Finally, mainly thanks to the initiative of Jerzy Kapuściński, the artistic director of Channel II of Polish Television, the project was launched from a dead end. "Darmozjad polski" is one of the cheapest Polish films made in the 1990s. Its budget was the same as that of two television theaters. Famous actors agreed to play for a pittance. The cast is dominated by naturists. Also debuting are the cinematographer, set designer, sound designer, production manager, editor, and several others without whom no film could be made. The world presented in Wylężałek's film is located on the borderline between reality and dream. The action takes place in the Polish countryside, though in a way different from the works of Andrzej Barański or Janusz Kondratiuk. Wylężałek is closer to Czech cinema, especially that of the young Miloç Forman. There are in "Darmozjad..." There are irresistibly funny scenes, but there are also reflective or even tragic ones. There is no doubt, however, that Wylężałek has managed to say something important about contemporary Poland, especially about the "ordinary bread eaters" who live there. A comedy of manners. Poland 1997

  64. The protagonist, Wojtek, is a country boy who against all odds decided to become a doctor and in spite of enormous difficulties achieved his goal. After graduating from the Medical Academy he took a job in one of the hospitals in Łódź. His life is not too bad. He has grown accustomed to the city, its culture and customs. A sign of this symbiosis is for example that he lives with his girlfriend. She, however, reproaches Wojtek more and more often for not having introduced her to his parents yet. When the young doctor finally decides to visit his native village, remorse returns. Was he right to turn his back on his loved ones? Was it too hasty and cruel to burn the bridges that connected him with his parents and old friends? Returning to the places of his childhood and early youth, Wojtek realizes what he has lost. But it is only when his father dies that a turning point in his life occurs. Poland 1978

    1. Poland 1970 A young boy enters adulthood.

  65. The film deals with the problems of adolescence. The protagonist - Łukasz, a serious young man, comes into conflict with his surroundings due to his uncompromising attitude. Poland 1974

  66. Poland 1993 Adam, Siwy and Dworaczek are teenage boys from poor Silesian families. They spend their time wandering around dumps and stealing cars. From time to time they try to sell the stolen goods, but they usually get into fights with adults. One day, the boys are faced with the possibility of making their "big heist". However, it turns out that this deed brings them nothing - neither a sense of success nor money. Will their dreams of escaping the monotonous, boring reality never come true?

  67. An intimate story about one day in the life of a young, loving couple who want to give each other presents on Christmas Eve despite their meager financial resources. Poland 1972

  68. Poland 1957 Cztery obrazki moryczajowe (Four Pictures of Manners) - showing different ways of treating love.
    Stefania and Adam, employees of the film archive, watch and describe with the help of assistant Maia and cinema operator Wiktor (novella I) fragments of films (novellas II-IV) found under the rubble (from the war ?). [].

  69. A detective story What greed does to a man. Poland 1975

  70. Poland 1988 A retired director of a large company, still active and full of the will to live, is put in an extreme situation. He takes care of his dying wife and saves his children's failing marriages. In this hopeless situation he tries to save his family.

    1. Correction, the previous link is inactive.

  71. Poland 1973 Rational modern man, suffering without God, and seeking solace in the follies of this world.

    1. Arthur I bless you in the name of Jesus. May God the Father protect and sanctify you.

      1. I apologize to you Peter if I have saddened you. I want to embellish your blog, and our biblical community, and minister to lost neighbors who I want to make it easier to understand in this way the essence of the gospel of Jesus Christ-the message of God contained therein. that's what I'm all about 🙂 . About nothing else 😉 .

        1. You haven't offended me. I just want you to be a happy 'Seventh-day Baptist'. Out of brotherly love I wrote.

  72. Poland 1967 A mockumentary about a young man fiercely looking for money for his first "adult" party and his moral dilemmas.

  73. Jurek is sent to a reformatory. Here he learns life the hard way. After some time, he and some of his friends leave on probation to work at the Gdansk shipyard. When a theft is committed there, the suspicion falls on the "reformers". However, the boys manage to free themselves from the charges and expose the real thieves. As a reward, they are released early. Jurek also reconciles with his mother, because of whom he once committed a crime.... Poland 1964

  74. Poland 1978 A man discovers his humanity and what true masculinity is.

  75. Poland 2006 The protagonist of "Factory" is 19-year-old Adam, who takes a temporary job at a doll factory to pay for his future studies. Meeting a girl working there forces him to look at reality in a different way.
    This is a story about the first important decisions made in life.

  76. Poland 2008 The paths of the two main characters, Karol and Marcin, intersect by coincidence and lead to a confrontation. However, each of them is a member of his own community - Marcin is well-respected by the local hoodlums, Karol is a budding entrepreneur - so neither of them is going to back down, which sets the stage for a long and acrimonious fight. Their rivalry takes on an increasingly serious tone. What can an inflated ego, morbid ambition, and relentlessness lead to?

  77. Poland 1985 An epic about a modern man.

  78. polishfilmfabric on yt. I recommend this channel, I also recommend you to dig around on cda or other sites in search of forgotten, but decent home movies. On filmweb such have less than 1500 votes.

  79. Poland 2002 Two homeless garbage men struggle with the harsh realities of their homeland at the turn of the century.

  80. Poland 1991 drama Helena and Wacek are residents of a small town. The boy went to the West, where he made a lot of money. He did not know that at that time the girl gave birth to their child. For fear of poverty and the opinion of her neighbors, she gave the child up for adoption. When Wacek returned, Helena began to fear that his love had faded. She decides to tell him about her son, but since he already has a new family, she steals a "foster" baby boy from the orphanage. Wacek, however, discovers the mystification. When he finds out what happened to their real son, he decides to get him back.

  81. Poland 1977/1981 moral and psychological The end of the sixties, after the events of March 1968. The academic year begins. The students notice that several names are missing from the lists. Józef Moneta and a group of his friends intervene with the dean. The mysterious "Lewandowski case" has not been explained. Jozef cannot stand his nerves, he is impetuous and convinced of the rightness of fighting to defend his colleagues. He is detained by the militia for tearing down posters and then expelled from the university...

    I apologize for going silent, but I am trying to evangelize in various ways on

  82. He hopes that there is nothing sinister on this channel 😉 .

  83. Poland 2001 drama A man's wife left him because he failed in business. He is forced to smuggle alcohol across the border, and a 12-year-old girl has left home where she felt unnecessary and unloved. On an empty road, a driver inadvertently kills a dog, perhaps the only creature close to the child. The little girl demands to bury the animal, the driver gives in to her request, and so begins their journey together, the purpose and meaning of which the man does not anticipate. The strange, mysterious child makes him realize that in this soulless world there is still something worth striving for, inner freedom. As it happens in road movies, their journey together is risky, for outsiders it seems that the man has kidnapped the child, and the subsequent events only make the situation worse. Perhaps to the extreme. The viewer has to content himself with guesses. The happy ending happens only in the hearts of the characters.

  84. Poland 1994 drama

    Andrzej, a young Varsovian, comes to Zakopane. During his visit to the Strążyska Valley he decides to visit the caves of sleeping knights. Unfortunately, he has an accident. He is saved by the legendary blacksmith Fakla. During his stay with him, the legends of the mountains begin to come alive around him...

  85. Poland 1986 tv drama drama of manners A teenager simulates mental illness in order to get out of a reformatory. A boy she meets accidentally helps her.

  86. drama Poland 1987 Romek, a nine-year-old orphan, finds a foster family. The new parents get a bigger apartment because they adopted the boy. However, the need for parental feelings fades away, selfishness and convenience of life prevail. The foster parents take the boy to an orphanage. Romek suffers and does not understand why he was abandoned. Will he ever trust people again?

  87. South Korea: Runaway youth
    ARTE Reportage google Some believe South Korea's economic success is just a facade - a luminous dream, cruel and unattainable. South Korea has the highest rates of alcoholism, suicide and working hours. After 50 years of toiling to become a champion of capitalism, young people are wondering if it still makes sense. 88% people under 35 want to go abroad.

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