Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

If the Great Tribulation does not begin on September 13, it may not be until 7 years from now.

At the outset I will ask the unborn to refrain from malice, but substantive comments. This is not my text, but it is interesting and provides a non-bigoted perspective on the current situation in the context of 7-year cycles.

The Tribulation will begin with the start of the new seven-year cycle at sunset on Sunday, September 13, but if it doesn't begin, it probably won't for at least another seven years.
From the translator:

"This is because God works according to the seasons that follow the Bible according to the Old Testament said.

"The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is trying to get the attention of the whole world, and His people in particular,

One way it does this is through signs in the sky, including lunar and solar eclipses, which of course have to do with the calendar. The total lunar eclipse or "blood moon" will occur on September 28, when it is the Feast of Tabernacles. This is the last of four blood moons in the past 18 months.



Religious leaders at the time of Jesus were punished for "not understanding the signs of the times," Biltz said. "God is once again applying signs in the sky to get our attention that we need to plug into the Shemitah cycle to properly understand the prophecies."

Biltz believes in the prophet Daniel and the "70 weeks" based on the Shemita cycle.

This remaining "Week," which is seven years according to Daniel's prophecy, is, also, the period that Christians call the Tribulation and Biltz believes it will be during the week of Shemitah.

"Therefore, the weekly Tribulation must begin at the beginning of the Shemitah cycle. The seven-year Tribulation cannot start anywhere. It will not start within a year on a random our pagan calendar "Biltz said.

The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, which begins at sundown on Sunday, September 13, marks the beginning of a new seven-year cycle.

"If the Tribulation does not begin this fall, then you can't run for (at least) seven more years," Biltz said. "May the Lord give us at least one more week of Shemitah or seven more years for the body of believers around the world to come to this understanding of participation in the feasts that they may be ready.


Shemitah was instituted for Moses at Mount Sinai in the manner described in the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy. God prescribed an agricultural cycle that allowed the people to work the land for six years, and then in the seventh year the land was to rest from all sowing and harvesting, and all debts were to be forgiven at the end of the seventh year. Shemitah was to be a blessing as the grain would be stored during the six years, allowing for reserves in a given year of rest. But if the Israelites turned away from God Shemitah would be revealed in judgment.

Author Jonathan Cahn assumed in his bestseller "The Secret of Shemitah," that the seven-year pattern brought significant turning points in history. He connected the pattern to numerous stock-market accidents the reassembly of the Jewish people in Israel, the revindication of Jerusalem in 1967, and the rise and fall of empires."

Updated: 11 September 2015 — 16:23


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  1. Teresa from Toruń

    I am not playing the prophet, but reading the writings of the so-called Theosophists (people preparing the world for the coming of the Antichrist and who are very active at the UN) the date 2025 is clearly given as the date when all economic, political and ideological activities are to be completed. By that date the great experiment of changing the way of thinking from the Christian civilization to the naw-age (i.e. Luciferian) is to be completed. Then humanity is to be changed enough to open its arms to the evil one....

      1. almost 4,000 days...

    1. Let's hope they're wrong. The sooner the better for us!

    2. What you are writing about is probably this UN Agenda 2030, which according to some indications is to be announced (by the Pope ?) in the near future. By 2030 all points are to be implemented. The system and the economy will then be ready and we will be faced with a choice of good or evil. And maybe then there will be oppression for those who don't comply?
      Francis has a big role to play because the KRK recognizes the infallibility of the pope in all matters
      and will submit to it without opposition. And since the KRK is also unfortunately many Catholics.

      Details of the 2030 Agenda here :,p182593966

      Of course, all plans and directives are dependent on the will of God and it is difficult to predict when prophecies will be fulfilled.

      1. Teresa from Toruń

        An Agenda but in A.Bailey's writings it is clearly indicated 2025 as the deadline date for implementing changes in the way people think and behave....

  2. May it begin now! Lord Jesus, come as soon as possible!

    1. Make it happen!
      Come, Lord Jesus!

  3. The worst time is the last time! One must wait with patience for the rapture of the church, and fear the Day of the Lord.

  4. What's wrong with you guys? A couple of days you can't stand 🙂 🙂 I don't know.
    It is the time for prayer in the meditation of life, and you waste time that will cease to exist.

  5. In my opinion, this world of ours is already so bad, so demoralized, decadent and hypocritical that it will not survive another 10 years. It is already very difficult to live here ... it is even impossible to live a normal life here. I don't believe in 2025, but I could be wrong. Come Lord Jesus as soon as possible.

  6. You know, I'm sure it's not going to happen in seven years. It has already started, of course, in our country we don't see it. But in other regions people are really suffering mightily. For them it has been going on for a long time. We, on the other hand, should feel it within one to two years at the most. The situation will develop so quickly that before you know it, it will happen. And all that is connected with the signs on the earth and in the sky is a harbinger of things to come. And, of course, the ruler of this world is about to speak (Papa Franco). So you focus on yourselves! Keep yourselves in perfection! And tell others about the beauty of the Kingdom of God, the New Jerusalem that the Lord has prepared for us! Let us show others this beauty! And with this awe and love we will infect others. 🙂

    1. "keep yourselves in perfection! And tell others about the beauty of the Kingdom of God, the New Jerusalem that the Lord has prepared for us! Let us show others this beauty! And with this admiration and love we will infect others."

      I'm joining in 🙂 .

  7. Perhaps this time is needed for further evangelism, for proclaiming the truth.... Let's trust in the Lord 🙂 .

  8. Nooo impossible, by 2025 the Pope will be long dead, and the prophecy clearly says that this is the last Pope who will be short and then will be assassinated, then 2025 is out of the question, made up from a finger, the situation in the Middle East is already so tense, that the maximum in August next year or before the end of Obama's government will be attacked Iran and World War III will break out, which will last 13 months to 23.09.2017, then a peace agreement will be signed just before the next series of blood moons that will occur 2018-2019 and these are the signs that will warn of the middle of the WU, while the Tetrada 2014-2015 warns of the outbreak of war in 2016-2017, which will start the WU, knock out of your heads these distant dates everyone knows that Obama has to start a war and it will break out before the end of his reign as it wrote Lamont, Icke and many seasoned experts in politics 2025 haahah you wish, but unfortunately it is not possible 🙂 .

    1. sure as you have been in every decade. First of all the Great Tribulation is supposed to last about 3.5 years. There are no prophecies in the Bible about Pope Francis and all other non-Biblical prophecies are hoaxes, or demonic deception. Satan, the ruler of this godless world, can create certain events, people, and things and tell people that prophecy is being fulfilled.

      Let me give you a simple example - the 16th chapter of John's Revelation describes the dried up Euphrates River Revelation 16:12 . This occurs after the birthmark has been introduced, because first comes the punishment for those who take it - Revelation 16:2 .

      In Turkey there is Ataturk's dam--Satan will deceive the people, will induce them to close it--the Euphrates will dry up, but it will not be a fulfillment of prophecy, but a deliberate imitation of it. But Christians will be told that this is the fulfillment of prophecy, whereas Revelation does not speak of a literal river, and specifies a particular time when it will come, some time after the mark was introduced.

      There will be more such deceptive plays of Satan, which will be for many a fulfillment of prophecies. But it will not be a fulfillment of prophecy, but an imitation of prophecy. Matthew 24:24 - "great signs and wonders" - these will include counterfeit Messianic signs, counterfeit events, counterfeit things described in the Bible - many when they see them will be convinced to the world that the Bible is being fulfilled, that God's actions are taking place. They will not see that these are counterfeits, that this is not God's work, that this is not the fulfillment of prophecy, but the devil's deception, counterfeit.

  9. You will not block the Bible The war has been foretold and it will break out, without the 3WS there is no right to start the 5th era, the last one on this Earth 🙂 .

  10. In 2030 there won't be anything here anymore, man ......

  11. From what I read in the Bible, the great tribulation is supposed to take place in the middle of Daniel's last week (7 years), or the second 3.5 years of the last 7 years.

  12. In the context of today's events and the gathering pace, I don't see much that this world will last another 10 years.

  13. Well simple evan is right and about the last pope was not written in the Bible but said the prophet Isaiah or Zechariah who got visions of popes until the last and so far everything has come true and said that the last pope will be a Roman and that also came true and that it will be short and that he will die in war , and it also came true when he said that our pope would be born on a solar eclipse and it happened, everything can be read on the Internet, not only the Bible is reliable pff...

  14. The prophecy was given to Malachi and I was wrong.

  15. After all WU will start soon if not already started.

    1. The criteria for the start of WU are in place and it is very likely that they will be met on 23.09.

    2. There were to be many tribulations in the light of the Gospel, and there were, as we know from history. The Great Tribulation, on the other hand, is listed as the last one that never was and never will be after the Antichrist is revealed, having all the characteristics of the previous ones (for there were and are many antichrists)

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