In Austria they have momentum, but there the public is very disciplined and has no history of distrust of authority.
Poles are not Austrians and so far they are not giving in, but I will repeat myself for the umpteenth time: if PO and SLD rule ...
In Austria they have momentum, but there the public is very disciplined and has no history of distrust of authority.
Poles are not Austrians and so far they are not giving in, but I will repeat myself for the umpteenth time: if PO and SLD rule ...
Invariably for almost 10 years, I have thought that the mark of the beast would be an electronic tattoo and not any "regular" stab.
Since there is to be transhumanism, there will be, and making humans into robocops fused with electronics is the goal of Satan's agenda.
The British company will soon begin ...
In point 5 of the following text, there is a real purpose for the creation of the war conflict and confusion not only around our border, but also the conflict in Taiwan, etc.
Some of you may remember the phases of the introduction of kow-tow communism.
Everything is scripted and ...
I made a video about the potential correlation between the Golden Terrace and the Houston tragedy.
Click on the photo below or the link below to listen/watch my new video.
Just a reminder that I'm banned from YT.
The FARAMACEUTICAL CORPS' money-making and depopulation plan is years in the making and was sung about just before the planned demonization by Khazarian Illuminati puppet Billy Eilish, with the video emphatically showing how many doses were to be given:
Those who believed the good-naturedness of politicians, doctors ...
Basically nothing new, but maybe new readers are coming...
"As Belgium's VRT television reported, citing the minister, between October 16 and 22, 333 patients were in Flemish hospitals with COVID-19, of which 70.9 percent were in ...
“5 This is what the Lord says:
"Cursed is the husband who puts his hope in man
and who sees his strength in the flesh,
a od Pana odwraca swe serce.” Jeremiasza 17.
Kolega z Kielc niegdyś będący w grupie IPP apeluje do zwiedzionych pastorem …
To, że systemowe media piszą prawdę o tym, o czym my doskonale wiemy od wielu miesięcy wynika ze skomasowanego ataku lewicy na rząd. Gwarantuję Wam, że perspektywa zmieniłaby się gdyby to PO i sld razem z Hołownią rządziy.
Kto jak kto, ale pracownicy wywiadu wiedzą nawet od nas świadomych o wiele więcej i dlatego, że ich wiedza przekracza naszą wiedzę, postanowili się nie szczepić.
“Tysiące oficerów wywiadu może wkrótce zostać zwolnionych z powodu nieprzestrzegania przez rząd ...
To tylko kolejny dowód w sprawie. Nie ma co roztrząsać…