About 10 months ago a reader told me that his brother or friend had found bluetooth numbers of stabbed people on his phone. I thought he was exaggerating. In fact, I am distanced even from this video, but I think it is because I have no confirmation ...
Category: Vaccinations
US pilot: 'My colleagues are dropping like flies with crushing chest pains'
The father of lies is Satan and to know who is lying and who is not one must love the truth. Only now are many waking up, though lies have been around since the garden of Eden.
A US pilot named Greg Pearson had the courage to publicly reveal how ...
Vanishing records from hospitals?
If this is true, then the liars and cheats are not only at the level of WHO, UN, governments, but also at this lowest of levels in the relationship of man as patient vs. health worker.
Amazing things are starting to happen....
In Paris, an order to wear masks because of Omicron. Covimission.
France is a very godless country and additionally open to Islamists, so the restrictions are greater, although what is in Austria, France or Canada is only a matter of time before it comes to Poland.
Lier-stwo (lie- lie) will be on ...
The IMF website has a plan to stab all Poles by 2023.
We know more from the website of the Khazarian IMF than from the supposedly Polish government websites, but we have known for a long time that governments since 1945 have been nothing but puppets of organizations like the IMF.
Poignant information is posted on this organization's website ...
Why do young people suddenly die?
One of the few doctors to explain sudden deaths .
From the description under the video:
"Why do YOUNG, athletic people die suddenly? Why does myocarditis occur after preparation ?
Bezcenne wyjaśnienie tego mechanizmu w wykonaniu naszego doktora Piotra Rubasa. …
Does covidism meet the definition of the word cult? Rapper YOBIYO reveals the illuminati contract.
I found this meme on the Internet, which I converted to Polish conditions quoting definitions from the Polish Language Dictionary.
Masks, distancing, and vaccination have already become a religious practice and as much a rite as possible.
On the old channel, I recorded an episode in which I discussed ...
An account of the strictures in Israel.
Maybe I should point out at the outset that I am not against either Israelis or Catholics. I am against Zionism and Catholicism and anti-Polonism.
Kobieta która emigrowała do Izraela relacjonuje o tym jak było i jest naprawdę w Izraelu podczas obostrzeń i w czasie …
New Year's Eve tickets with two for vaccinated and unvaccinated.
I have consistently said that the most important element in the fight against the Khazar subculture is the rejection of their culture.
Poles who feel to be patriots should stop supporting their culture and in this case the culture of not only satanic music but also the culture of segregation.
Fostering a culture of exclusion is ...
Szczery poseł z PIS. W kwestii szczepienia przymusowego “poszedłby na pakt z diabłem”.
The PIS MP finally said what all the other MPs are covering: The compulsion to vaccinate imposed by the Khazarian government is a contract with the devil.
“- I'd make a deal with the devil, by wdrożyć wszystkie możliwe siły – dodał, mówiąc o …