Twenty-four thousand people died after a single dose, so it is clear that the more doses, the greater the loss of immunity.
Twenty-four thousand people died after a single dose, so it is clear that the more doses, the greater the loss of immunity.
Here we are arguing about the worshippers of the known flag, and here, quietly, very quietly, they want to finish the work of exterminating the Poles. Fortunately, a petition was constructed, which you can read and if you want to sign it. Link at the bottom:
It is enough to look at the videos from Canada, France, Belgium to realize that we are dealing with a total war of Khazar power against the citizens.
An example from France:
For not agreeing to medical segregation heavy equipment against the public.
That's how ...
I wish I could help as many people on earth as possible, but neither I can do it, nor can God make everyone aware because He gave us a wonderful gift that is a curse: free will.
Moderna in partnership with AZ are developing ...
Italy is a very restrictive country when it comes to cowid passports, which are required for buses, restaurants, and so Italians have found a way to bypass the restrictions on their love of feasting: they meet in the streets at restaurants.
This should ...
Once upon a time, but not that long ago at all, children were the parents' and not the state's.
After refusing to be vaccinated against COVID-19, a father reportedly lost his right to see his children in person, one of whom is immunocompromised. Canadian Press reports , ...
Sportowiec nakłania do wzięcia udziału w ankiecie w związku z dużą ilością tzw. nagłych zgonów.
Prosi o udział w a ankiecie anonimowej, ponieważ lekarz prowadzący drużynę piłkarską zajmujący się przyczynami śmierci sportowców od wielu lat chciałby nagłośnić kwestię korelacji zgonów …
A very good film showing the powerful Schwab Klaus Director of the World Economic Forum:
Okazuje się, że przez szkołę Liderów Schwaba przeszli wszyscy ważni politycy bez względu na różnice: Macron, Merkel, Trudaeu, a nawet Putin, a więc jeśli wojna wybuchnie, …
Casualties of War. It is sad to read such information, but if people don't want to know the truth they will die not only physical death....
The 28-year-old wrote on Instagram:
"I have to speak up... I had my first punch, because I was told that our government should ...