Last Friday night, November 5, a tragedy occurred in Houston. During the concert, 8 people were killed and several lab dozens were injured, but many more victims were spiritual:
Travis Scott as nearly 100% musicians very famous ...
Last Friday night, November 5, a tragedy occurred in Houston. During the concert, 8 people were killed and several lab dozens were injured, but many more victims were spiritual:
Travis Scott as nearly 100% musicians very famous ...
Doda, or Dorota Rabczewska, is doing a great job of scorning the young and probably the old. However, the Bible, and specifically the words of Jesus, leave no illusions as to what will happen to such people:
"Woe to the world because of the depravity. For the scorners must ...
The photo above is a screen shot from the DailyMail website.
Just a week ago, I wrote about trans inmates who rape women in prison because (without) the law allowing them to house opposite-sex inmates.
Now we have a different situation. Remember basically ...
You must realize that all corporations - 100% - are run by Freemasonry. It is no different with L-ego.
The descendants of the Canaanites are revealing their cards. But we built this system. Why did we build it? Because the Zionist pastors and Roman priests did not ...
Subculture and corporate influencers of the system of the biblical beast spoils humanity and also hits the youth and children, ...
Does the decline of humanity have a progression?
Absolutely yes, and this action on a platform for the new generation that is the youth community on Tik Tok is proof of that.
New TikTok challenge encourages students to attack their teachers, could result in serious ...
The WHO offshoot of the UN has an interesting staff, and I am not at all surprised.
The commission, which examined about 80 cases of women and girls aged 13 to 43 years old, identified among the perpetrators of serious abuse, w tym kilku ...
Komunizm chazarski jest upodleniem jednostki i pozbawieniem go podstaw człowieczeństwa czego dowodem jest wypowiedź tego zwolennika lewicy:
...Prorosyjscy narodowcy to nie moja bajka, ale muszę przyznać, że tutaj pani Magdalena Koroblewska upolowała prawdziwego orginała z drugiej strony politycznej barykady.
On Monday, Cuba began vaccinating toddlers as young as two years old, which is the first event of its kind in the world, aiming to vaccinate all children before schools reopen, AFP reported.
According to Yahoo News, the country of 11 million people ...
Komentarze wyłączyli a jest połowa łapek w dół.
Naklejki za szczepienie. Co za upodlenie!!!!!!