"French supermarkets hired bouncers to deny people their basic human rights to food and water because they didn't get proper permission from the government," - freelance journalist Luke Rudkowski wrote on Twitter on Friday. A disturbing video he posted shows a security guard violently grabbing ...
There is a portion of Christians who I guess out of panic see vaccines as the mark of the beast, and you only have to read Revelation chapter 14 to know who the group is that refuses the mark of the beast!
9) And the third angel followed them, saying in a loud voice: If anyone ...
This is, in a literal sense at this stage, a conspiracy theory, or a theory subject to verification.
However, several such theories I have posted have been verified such as the one about morgellons and magnets.
Now another one comes along.
This needs to be verified.... Verify, therefore be careful ...…
"Starting Saturday, retail establishments will be allowed one person per 10 sq. m. (currently - one person per 15 sq. m.). These limits will apply only to people unvaccinated or vaccinated with only one dose of a product other than Johnson&Johnson. Theoretically, by ...…
I get the impression that Freemasonry (rightly so) is increasingly fond of revealing its goals, intentions, activities.
I also take it that this is what they have always done, it's just that we haven't been able to read them accurately.
In an article sent to me several times on system ...
Many said at the beginning of the show with vaccinations that the first vaccine would not be toxic....
Now we learn that only the person who takes the second vaccination will receive an immune passport.
Deputy Health Minister Anna Golawska informed that every person vaccinated against ...
Mieszkasz w Anglii? Odmawiasz noszenia maski? Markety odmówią Ci wejścia do ich sklepów. To jeszcze nie jest takie straszne, ponieważ banki zastrzegają sobie prawo do ANULOWANIA KONT KLIENTÓW, którzy odmawiają noszenia masek w ich oddziałach w UK. Na razie …