I've had a ban from fashi fey and in general a good portion of fey readers are already so programmed that if I'm not on fey they won't come to the blog...It's a shame because what if I had some important alert....
Ok, for this comeback I wrote an interesting article on where this is going.
I asked my sister who knows German to translate the video below for me and here is the summary:
The patch, with micro-needles, is called the mark of the beast here.
The vaxxas company has received $20 million in funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and WHO and is expected to be ready to begin mass production.
The first company to be licensed for a patch is Merck.
Merck is a pharmaceutical company that currently specializes in neurostimulation.
For example, they are currently interested in nanobots, a product of nanotechnology, to treat diseases inside the body.
Something similar to the Neuralink from Elon Musk that sits on the skull.
The micro-needle patch in question is also based on nanotechnology. It injects substances into the body and is connected to a chip, which in turn has a network connection.
Well, the question is, is it conspiracy theory again, or is it facts?
5G, nanotechnology, gene editing, graphene.
This company is called vaxxas
This picture is many pictures from this world is a lie. Neither the child nor the mother will be happy.
Just as on the Marlboro commercial they advertised a male actor who poisons himself with nicotine. However, such a man may be but a weak man, not a manly man, and by the way he fuels the finances of the Khazarian tobacco corporations.
Those who were fooled by the lie lost their money, their health, and went to hell.
I have been writing for 10 years that the mark of the beast will be the electronic tattoo. Now I know how the public will be convinced....
The evolution is as follows.
- Injecting tattoo fashion into pop culture.
- The proliferation of RFID implants for several decades mainly in Sweden.
- Plandemia along with vaccines.
- Vaccine patches.
- Final phase: electronic tattooing.
Once again, I will outline what progress has been made in electronic tattoos:
- The primitive tattoo of the Motorola corporation.
2. a tattoo that looks like an integrated circuit.
This is what a tattoo from recent years looks like:
W serialu science-fiction (programowanie predykcyjne) „Circuits” przygotowują nas do czegoś, co przeciętnemu Kowalskiemu nawet się nie śni. To rzeczywistość Cyber Punka notabene reklamowana raz podczas konferencji prasowej „polskiego” rządu.
Unfortunately, I no longer have this graphic as it featured a Cyber Punk ad behind Moravian.
They are all believers, but certainly not to Jesus.
Wracając do filmu „Circuits”.
It showed tattoos adorned with flashing lights and sophisticated circuitry. We are told in this video and probably others that they will monitor our vital functions and give us personalized health advice in real time. They will enhance our five senses and maybe even give us new ones.....
Below is the video:
Electronics is becoming a garment. It is worn on and in the person rather than outside the person.
We already have biocompatible materials that allow electronics to fuse seamlessly with the body, there are already e-tattoos that can control a smartphone.
Conspiracy theory? Or the real thing?
Japanese researchers have created a stretchable, ultra-thin electrical "skin" that can read and display the user's heartbeat.
Thanks to advances in solid-state technology, these devices can now monitor health by first measuring vital signs or performing an electrocardiogram and then transfer data wirelessly to a smartphone, external storage device, or even sync to the cloud.
Do we understand the gravity of the situation we are in?
„(16) And he causes everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to take the mark on his right hand or on his forehead; (17) And that no one may buy or sell, but he who has the mark, the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (18) Here is wisdom. He who has understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of man. And the number of it: six hundred and sixty-six." Rev. 13.
The Bible foreshadowed this dystopi world 2,000 years ago....
By the way, yesterday I was attacked by some unkind woman as if vaccinations were the mark of the beast. She wrote it in such a form that I would rather deal with a heathen than with her.
When I started to biblically explain to her that the vaccine does not cause ulcers, she decided that cancer from the vaccine causes pus. She even attached a photo for me. The problem is that many people die but from myocarditis. There are no ulcers there.
Now the vaccinated can still convert. If one accepts the mark of the beast they will not have that opportunity.
It is not the lack of vaccinations that saves, but the SURRENDER OF JESUS. How can you give yourself to Jesus? By being obedient to the Law of God.
By the way, if anyone thinks vaccines are a mole, stop reading my blog and go your way, because you have to be consistent.
I keep repeating this, there are many vaccinated people who are role models for the fruit of the Spirit, and many unvaccinated people who are the offspring of Cham with a pride for heaven.
The mark of the beast I have been repeating about this for a long time is the process.
The culminating point of this process will be the rejection of Jesus, Anyone who accepts the sign will have to reject Jesus and accept the antichrist.
This animation many years ago prepared people for what was to come and what the bible warns against:
Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of man. And the number of her: six hundred and sixty-six.
Truth seekers in this new age focus on the physical mark of the beast and its rejection, but it is not the mark itself or the vaccine itself that will equate to loss of salvation, but the renunciation of Jesus. Satan will confront people with the choice of either giving him glory and thus losing salvation, or rejecting Satan and accepting Jesus.
It is not the rejection of a medical procedure such as vaccination that saves, but the rescue from the death of the other is faith and obedience to the Word of God.
My blog is an alternative to the systemic and anti-systemic but unbiblical new age media.
For about 10 years I have been growing in the knowledge of God's Law and based on this Law I relate reality. We are living in a time just before the coming of Jesus. But first there will be the Biblical Great Tribulation, which humanity is already experiencing with "plandia", which is a time of grace: a time to repent, that is, to forsake sins and walk away from this broken world.
If you'd like to support me in what I do, I'm providing wire transfer details:
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Thank you very much
I understand that everyone will have an informed choice, either Jesus Christ or Satan? the declared elect of evil will receive the mark of the beast?