Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

THE KING DIES IN SELF - Requiem for a Messiah III. John W. Cliff.

Jan W. Klif probably doesn't need to be introduced to anyone. At least to regular readers of my blog.

Yesterday the author of this channel published a new and long because 3 hours long video.

Despite the fact that I do not fully agree with AD7 (some of them are cowidians, some in ecumenism), I recommend Jan W. Klif's films because they are rich in facts and are professionally done. However, this professionalism should not overshadow the truth.



I'm only surprised by Jasiu Klif's complete lack of touching the subject of Khazaria, i.e. false Judaeans, as if they didn't exist and didn't matter in this world. As if there were no Lubavitchers, the B'nai B'rith lodge reactivated by Lech Kaczynski. Just as the origins of Karol Wojtyla are not discussed.

He barely mentions the Talmud in this video.



That's why I don't fully trust Jasi, but if someone can connect the facts and is also alert, I highly recommend this worthwhile and awareness-raising film:





Updated: 21 November 2021 — 10:20


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  1. If he brought up too much they would shut down his account. In his videos he has talked a lot about ad7 and its mega negative how far they are from the original Protestants. He also fails to mention other issues such as the structure of the world and the earth according to the Bible and the scientific facts suppressed in this regard, the actual creation and evidence for the 6 days of creation of everything, the universe and the stars which are completely different than we are told. However, people who value the truth have reached or will reach most of this anyway. It doesn't change the fact that there are millions and millions of lies and knowing more won't help us in the final judgment. We will be held accountable for our lives, and the more knowledge and opportunities we are given, the more faithful we should be to the Law. This is what the Bible teaches and this is what we should focus on, of course informing people but only those who are interested in any information. For others it is a waste of time and not worth risking a denunciation to appropriate services. God bless.

    1. “Jakby poruszył za dużo to by mu konto zamknęli. ”

      He could hash, code the way I do.

      ” Nie wspomina też o innych kwestiach jak budowa świata i ziemi wg Biblii i fakty naukowa zatajane w tym zakresie, faktyczne stworzenie i dowody na 6 dni powstania wszystkiego, nt kosmosu i gwiazd które są zupełnie inne niż nam się wmawi”

      These are not issues that affect the identification of the beast system.

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