Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Cowidian killed a man and a woman blaming them for infecting his family.

That through division this system rules is what we know.

Nothing new, the old Masonic/Chazarian ploy. It's just that on this occasion I become even more aware of the little value of the education received in this system, whether it's elementary school or college.


Little thought is given to the analogy to Nazism, Bolshevism, fascism.

Meanwhile, a great tragedy occurred in Brazil. We, with this type of situation, have an approach like any news from Telexpress, but if only we get into the emotions that now accompany the family of the deceased, the perspective changes.


A couple in Brazil was shot dead by a neighbor who "blamed them for infecting his family with Covid"

Flanklaber Silva e Silva, 40, and his wife, Marília Silva e Silva, 37, were killed Tuesday in Goiás, Which has been described as an act of revenge.


According to TheSun, it is suspected that the suspect, who has not been identified, lost both his father and brother earlier this year. Brazilian media reports that he allegedly approached the victims, who were working in a large shed, before firing 20 shots.



The suspect was later caught and arrested by civilian police on Tuesday evening. An investigation has now been launched into the case, which police say was "motivated by revenge".

The couple had previously "received death threats because they were accused of giving Covid-19 to the killer's family," said Felipe Sala of the Itumbiara Homicide Investigation Group. "The suspect went to the scene to avenge the death of his relatives."


It is one of the countries most affected by the pandemic.

That's officially. Unofficially, we remember how dim this country has been with plandemic.


In Satan's system there must always be an enemy, other than Satan himself the father liar. In Bolshevism it was the bourgeoisie, in Nazism the evil non-Aryan blood, in the Inquisition the dissenters.


What does Jesus say?

"'You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth! And I say to you, do not resist evil. But if anyone strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other to him. Whoever wants to do business with you and take your robe, give up your coat as well. Whoever makes you walk a thousand paces with him, walk two thousand! Give to him who asks you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you. You have heard that it was said, "You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. And I say to you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you; so you will be sons of your Father who is in heaven" Matthew 5


Even if the murdered couple had infected the killer's family, a believer in Jesus would bless that family and pray.

I know people I don't like have done me a lot of harm in my life, but I pray for them.

God's law changes everything, shatters the system.

Satan's system.


Cowidians are often vengeful people, full of fear and bad emotions.

It seems to me that it will be even worse, for the reason that when they see others from their families dying after being stabbed or when they themselves become ill, they will blame not the Khazar government but those who did not stab themselves.

They will have access to galleries, movie theaters, theaters, and stadiums, but the white spike has already begun production.


In fact, the attitude towards stabbing is not a criterion of morality, but it causes divisions.

I was watching Niedzielski the other day and he said of the so-called "anti-vaccinationists" "there are more of us".

No, even in this he lied. As of the date of this speech there were about 48% stabbed - late July.








Updated: 20 August 2021 — 20:29

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  1. A Freemason, a member of lions clubs international to be precise, told me that no members are peckish and if it were as tv says they would be ahead of any queue, a group at risk their loved ones too

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