Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

An Englishman made a pact with the devil and murdered his sisters to win the lottery.

"A London teenager brutally murdered two women because he made a pact with the devil and swore to him that he would take the lives of six people in exchange for future Mega Millions Super Jackpot lottery winnings. Investigators believe he would have killed more people had he not been captured. On Tuesday, the court found him guilty but has not yet announced his punishment.


Of course this is an extreme situation but we should ask ourselves a few questions on this occasion:


  1. At what point does compromise with the devil begin?
  2. Is it only for the lottery that people make a pact with the devil?
  3. What guarantee do we have that those stabbed will not hear similar voices and be used to destroy Christians even psychologically?


While the first question is rhetorical and we know full well that sin is an offense of God's Law (see below) contrary to false teachers who say that God's Law does not apply, the second question is not so obvious to people.



Everyone who commits sin also transgresses the law, because sin is transgression of the law. 1 John 3.


Bob Dylan was one of the few to admit outright that he got his success from Satan. The rest are hiding and waiting for their god's religion to come to light.



The mass of musicians, I would venture to say that the vast majority gave their lives to Satan for success in Lucifer's world. The world which consists of the aforementioned music promoted in every TV station, the TV stations themselves are also the system of Satan, socialist economics (fascist - socialism for the masses, capitalism for corporations), banking, medical industry with the symbolic sign of the snake, universities.





It is the people who are building the system of the beast that is the Khazarian brotherhood. The Illuminati, the Jesuits, the Khazars, the Vatican, the UN and many other organizations are all different facets of the same thing.

There are no Jesuits without Khazars and no Illuminati without Jesuits....


Is my third question absurd and out of touch with reality?

Assuming that the magneto protein will cause controllability (scientifically proven) humans will become involuntary individuals.

So, is my imagination running wild with sending information to the stabbers to mentally or physically destroy Bible believers?

Do we remember the Pokemon Go app? Pokemons were by churches.

Already, without any stabbing, people fighting for biblical values have been and are being attacked by the whispers of the Evil One. No application needed, Cain's predisposition and conviction is enough.


While the first two questions should give some people pause for thought, please consider the last one as a figment of my imagination albeit based on my knowledge. Some trends can be predicted, just as science fiction movies were a harbinger of things to come.




Updated: 8 July 2021 — 10:47

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