Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The gene responsible for belief in God.

Read the Bible, read and watch only - or mainly - those websites and channels that are biblical. The rest is the world, the system, Satan's matrix.



"But the rest of the people-not killed by these plagues-have not broken off from the works of their hands, nor have they ceased [to] worship demons or idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone, wood, which cannot see or hear or walk. (21) Nor have they broken off murder, sorcery, fornication, and theft." Rev 9


Reading this part of Revelation, the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, it seems that it concerned some ancient past, the Middle Ages at the latest. But this contact with demons was and is happening today.

The worship of demons is done through their works: television authority figures, media stars, and of course, Marian devotion.



This is demon worship.

I once wrote how in an art textbook they teach the "work" of satanist Marina Abramovich:



Add to that the influencers of journalism:



From Sports:


These are neo idols who have received success from spiritual forces. TALENT is one thing, but the rest....


Add trans pastors, ecumenical pastors, pedophile priests and you have a powerful team that is highly respected by so-called nominal Christians.


21 verse;

 Nor did they break with murder, sorcery, fornication and theft


Evil is called good and vice versa.

Crippling people with stabbing and antibiotics that destroy intestinal flora, psychotropics, this is witchcraft.

From the Greek φαρμακεια (farmakeia) is just witchcraft.

Stabbing mRNA is high-flying magic.


Pharmakeia is not just medicine, pharmacy, because that's how we associate it, these are remedies and activities that affect the mind of a person, take control of it and make a person be someone other than they are....


In April 2005 In the year since, a highly classified presentation was given to members of the Department of Defense and top officials military at the Pentagon. Video, allegedly recorded and released by a whistleblower of this Pentagon briefing.

The report of the so-called "fake biological weapons scientist" includes the following thematic points: The U.S. military biological weapons program has created a vaccine specifically formulated to immunize targeted individuals and populations against the expression of the God gene, also known as vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2). Suppressing VMAT2 has been a major goal of U.S. biological weapons laboratories for decades, the purported goal of neutralizing terrorists who act on their religious fanaticism.



In April 2017, the FDA approved a drug primarily for the treatment of late dyskinesias and chorea associated with Huntington's disease. This prescription drug is now available in two forms, valbenazine and deutetrabenazine. The job of these drugs is to inhibit the vesicular monoamine transporter, VMAT2 for short. So why would inhibiting VMAT2's own gene interest us? Because the same gene, the VMAT2 gene, has been called the God gene.

Testing for this gene was conducted in Tabriz, Iran, by the Stem Cell Research Center of Oncology and Hematology and the Human Genetics Research Center of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Iran, together with the Iranian Young Researchers Club of Tabriz and Ahar and the Islamic elite. Azad University in Iran. Their final report was published in October 2016.

NIt should be noted that this was published by Symbiosis Publishing . International online publisher of peer-reviewed research. They mainly publish research in the fields of clinical, medical, life sciences, pharmaceutical, engineering and technology, so this study was published by a credible publisher, medically peer-reviewed, after a thorough plagiarism check.

Published study was called "VMAT2 Gene Molecular study of 2,000 people in the Religious Behaviour and Faith in God of the city of Tabriz in IRAN" . The hypothesis is that this particular gene is somehow linked to the genes of the individual and predisposes them to spiritual experiences. In 2005, geneticist Dean Hamer wrote a book "God's genes: how faith is firmly embedded in our genes" .



This study cites other previous researchers who have worked on the God gene, including one who analyzed the DNA data and personality scores of 1,000 people to isolate a specific gene associated with a tendency toward spirituality. Yes, that gene was the VMAT2 gene.


By surveying 2,000 people (1000 considered religious, 1000 considered non-religious) by measuring the expression of genes associated with individual religious inclinations, they concluded. They discovered that the desire and natural need to seek God and worship in some form has a direct relationship to genes. Several genes play a role in beliefs, but the single gene of highest importance for spirituality (religious practices) was the VMAT2 gene. This was the single gene playing a key role in the need for God.




However, the video of the Pentagon briefing in question was "debunked" after people claimed that Bill Gates was giving the presentation, even though he wasn't really. They are, in truth, posting fake news to show others that the conspirators are crazy people. That's why we have to be careful.

How was the movie rated? No, it wasn't Gates. This is a fake.

It's probably true that it wasn't Gates, but the truth is probably this conference.

Reuters itself cannot dispute the video only the fact that it was not Gates.


Do you understand this rhetoric?

Let's say someone comments on the women's protests under the lightning bolt issue of aggressive women his opponent says "no there was no Mart Lempart. It's irrelevant that these women were aggressive towards police officers, but it's important that the leader was not there....

The lie is insidious.




The gene disabling faith in Jesus was already known about a year ago. You yourselves sent me links to such materials, but I distanced myself from this information until recent months, when I learned about the influence of Szczepaneks on the brain and genes.


Conference Screen:






This unmasked Pentagon presentation also included graphs and fMRI of the brain. A functional MRI scan measures and maps brain activity. The presenter explains that VMAT2 gene is a part of the brain connected to someone's theory of mind, intentions, beliefs and desires.

Does the name antigen test mean anything to you? It's just an excuse to get tested. I said in the video that I've had phone calls offering free testing. Interestingly, under the guise of a bonus for answering a survey...

China is collecting DNA data:


China's communist government is collecting DNA from its citizens and Americans.



"Test subjects" using fMRI scans read religious texts while scanning. A person whose brain lit up when hearing a religious person expressed disgust or displeasure.

See screen above.

The second scan was of a person with strong religious beliefs whose brain did not light up. But the most shocking part was the presenter's suggestion. He said the quote -.


Do you have any more questions?

I, even on my blog, can't do much because lictor rods on social media limit me and text matters a lot.


During the Pentagon presentation researchers say: "The virus would become resistant to this VMAT2 gene. And he basically turned a fanatic into a normal person.

At this point, the birthing participant asks him "how will it disperse, aerosol?" The answer? "Yes, so the plan and the tests we've done so far use respiratory viruses, such as influenza or rhinoviruses, and we believe this is a satisfactory way to expose the largest portion of the population (the proposed target of terrorists throughout the Middle East) and we believe it would be a very successful approach."



Seven years later, In 2012, an outbreak of respiratory syndrome coronavirus in the Middle East ( MERS ) has affected several countries. A new coronavirus that was first observed in a patient from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on June 6, 2012. It was also called Covid-12 and was a virus associated with respiratory syndrome. South Korea also had an outbreak of MERS in 2015. For the sake of argument, let's say chemical plumes are not tinfoil hat conspiracy nonsense. What are the odds seven years after a proposal to use an aerosol in a particular part of the world to initiate a respiratory virus?

Another suspicion arises about the aerosol biological weapons conspiracy when one reads directly from the Pentagon PDF document dated June 1, 2007.

States the following regarding their project:

The goal of this phase of the ID 149AZ2 project is to prepare a viral vector that will inhibit/decreased VMAT2 expression in the human population.

...The design allows the virus to infect the respiratory tract, where cytolytic infection occurs, and then diffuse across the blood barrier to infect brain cells.




Book published in 2008 by Matthew Alper is titled "God" Part of the Brain," asks the question, is man a product of God, or is "God" a product of human evolution?


There are many other books and articles on this topic that support the fact that this gene is being studied.


This alone should give errant new age fans pause for thought as to how they are being manipulated.


In truth, Satan's matrix has set itself the goal of removing man's relationship with the Creator - with Jesus Christ.


Last year we had a remarkable case that you informed me about. A person vaccinated with a volunteer Astra Zenk said the now famous phrase:




Do you remember my text yesterday in which I stated that the vaccinated will lose their salvation not because of the act of stabbing itself but because of the effect, the fluid circulating in their blood?

Protein that will cause susceptibility to controllability.



To sum up, The Bible once again is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Farmakeia - witchcraft - wants to create the world of Sodom and the obstacle is people of faith. But eliminating the faith gene is a goal beyond Christianity.

The Matrix of Evil wishes to upload an upgrade of the Lucifer genes in place of the gene responsible for faith, even one perverted by their agents. Making people cyborgs will finally allow them to take the place of the spiritual being who rebelled from 1/3 of the angels. A being who through the sin of pride wanted to take the place of God Almighty:


""Oh, how thou art fallen from heaven, thou bright star, son of the dawn! Thou art cast down to earth, thou conqueror of nations! And yet it was you who used to say in your heart: I will ascend to the heavens, I will raise my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the mountain of consultation, in the farthest north. I will ascend to the tops of the clouds, I will align myself with the Most High.. And behold, you are cast down to the land of the dead, to the very bottom of the abyss" (Isaiah 14:12-15)."


This is the trend - removing the soul with pharmaceuticals (witchcraft). Man will become an unfree being.


"I don't feel God; my soul is dead."



A communist of righteous origin said

"My life goal is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism."
Karl Marx"

Sustainable Development is a new form of communism.

Private property and the middle class are just being destroyed. It remains for the builders of neo Sodom to dethrone God in the minds of men. The last 100 years have been a powerful cultural grind to dethrone God. The plan has succeeded, but the target is now expanded and the method is new - the erasure of the gene responsible for faith.


Do you want to continue being fascinated by the soccer championship and believe in Poland?

Do you want to continue to support churches that cooperate with Rome and therefore with Francis?


Let's not build an adversarial system against God.


Praise Jesus.





My blog is an alternative to the systemic and anti-systemic but unbiblical new age media.


For about 10 years I have been growing in the knowledge of God's Law and based on this Law I relate reality. We are living in a time just before the coming of Jesus. But first there will be the Biblical Great Tribulation, which humanity is already experiencing with "plandia", which is a time of grace: a time to repent, that is, to forsake sins and walk away from this broken world.





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Updated: 8 June 2021 — 14:30

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