Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Vaccine passport after second dose of vaccination.

Many said at the beginning of the show with vaccinations that the first vaccine would not be toxic....

Now we learn that only the person who takes the second vaccination will receive an immune passport.




Deputy Health Minister Anna Golawska said that every person vaccinated against COVID-19 will receive a confirmation, which she called "the passport of the vaccinated person". She explained that this will occur after the second dose of the vaccine.

The confirmation will take the form of a QR code. As the Deputy Minister said, they can be downloaded from the Patient's Internet Account or the mObywatel application. Anna Goławska added that if someone does not have such an opportunity, it will also be possible to print them out at a vaccination point. The code "will be the so-called passport of the vaccinated person, which will confirm that you have been vaccinated and can exercise your rights as a vaccinated person" - said the deputy head of the health ministry.,Paszport-osoby-zaszczepionej-Otrzyma-go-kazdy-kto-przyjal-druga-dawke



We are already one step away:

He also causes everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, (17) and that No one may buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the animal or the number of its name. (18) This is where wisdom is needed. He who has reason, let him calculate the number of the animal; for it is the number of man. And his number is six hundred and sixty-six.



The QR code is a very quick introduction to the mark of the beast that will be electronic tattoos....



But first it will be after the QR chip code:



Polish by name, the company Hemp and Wood will be doing just that.



"Hemp & Wood, a company listed on the Warsaw WSE, expands its area of activity. In a joint venture with an American biotechnology company, Alivecel will transfer to Poland part of its research on a health monitoring tool - a subcutaneous implant placed in the palm of the hand between the thumb and index finger. The sensor, configured with an application, can continuously monitor glucose and insulin levels. Work on it is well advanced."



Cattle must be counted and classified and dependent on their master (guaranteed income).

That's why they're going to introduce a lot more restrictions in the coming months to put people up against the wall.

There will be restrictions on food, probably electricity as well - winter is the perfect time to checkmate humanity - and a ban on entering markets without a mask and later without vaccinations. We are in a prison on earth from which only Jesus Christ can pull us out.

Now think what would happen if we didn't have such a Savior? Failure, we'd only sink into despair.

Praise Jesus for wanting to pull us sinful people out of this wicked world where Satan and his men rule.





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