Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Television drama: Fauci is "vaccinated" in his left arm, but indicates pain in his right arm after the vaccination.



When I first heard the name Fauci, I didn't know how to pronounce it, but I personally associated it with the protagonist of Goethe's drama Faust, who was depicted as a godless man who, in order to gain knowledge, signed a pact with Mephistopheles, i.e. the devil.
The prototype for the character of Faust was Johann Georg Faust (c. 1480-1540), a German alchemist, astrologer, and itinerant scientist.
Just like Fauci, a godless man who will do anything, like all his colleagues, to have a few moments of success thanks to a pact with the devil.

Dr. Anthony Fauci is recognized in this beast system as the world's foremost infectious disease expert and is an advisor to President Trump on SARS-CoV-2 issues.

On the old channel, I talked about how it's the top people who will show that they're vaccinated and it's already happening.


In a video from CBS News, we see how Anthony Fauci appears to have been injected in his left arm, but during an interview about it a short time later, he points to his right arm as the place where he experiences "pain at the injection site" .
As others rightly point out, if his arm was so sore, you would think he would naturally point to the right hand, but somehow that is not the case. All criminals are liars, and when you lie, it is hard to remember what you said. Such a person gets lost in the lies.
That's why the best antidote to the lie virus is the truth.



I also wrote about Netanyahu. Soon you will see a similar theater in Poland, where for example Aleksander Kwaśniewski, a communist, or an EU puppet Donald Tusk will be vaccinated in front of TV cameras to make goyim think that it is safe.

Justyna Steczkowska, Kuba Wojewódzki, and others will tell their impressions of vaccinations. We, on the other hand, know our own and the vastness of our knowledge does not allow Bible believers to cripple their bodies.

Remember that even if there is coercion we have this gateway that says religious beliefs do not allow us to insult the Temple of the Holy Spirit, which is the body of the believer.

Legal Basis (Biblical):


 Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you no longer belong to yourselves?  For at [great] price you have been purchased. So glorify God in your body!" 1 Corinthians 6.


It is impossible to glorify God in the flesh with devilish vaccines and the interference of something God did not create.

Unfortunately, many devil pastors and priests will persuade you to do this, and this is why I persuade you to the Word of God, for it sets you free from the snare of the lies and authority of man.



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Updated: 26 December 2020 — 13:37

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  1. Let us not forget that this is a man who graduated from a Jesuit university and praises Jesuit doctrines

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