Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Bill Gates wants to implant people with an enzyme called Luciferase.


By the end of the biblical Great Tribulation, we will be familiar with shocking new information.


You must get used with me to the fact that Luciferianism is ruthlessly revealing its plans. Not only governments are showing their dirty masonic face, but all the people building this system who are receiving power from satan for the destruction of humanity....


I've talked about vaccines as part of the beast system many times, and I've also talked about tattoos, but now something more is coming.


Bill Gates is building a vaccine delivery system with micro-needle dots for implantation in humans, a system that consists of many things. I showed you this zoomed-in photo of how the needles penetrate the body to create an invisible tattoo....



The vaccination against COVID-19 , which Luciferians want to give to every human on earth, will be in the form of a micro-needle with a quantum dot, a digital identification mark with ID2020 and a human implantable device to buy and sell cryptocurrency with patent number # 060606 .


The digital ID will be in the form of an immune passport.



All of these things are financed by one man - Bill Gates, as the leading figure in the administrative organization of Satanism, the forerunner of the worldwide Mark of the Beast system.


Now comes something else that will cause great controversy. It is an " infrared bioluminescent enzyme" called luciferase , which is a chemical that will make quantum dot grafting readable through a special mobile app....



The enzyme, illuminating is called Luciferase, and it makes the vaccine legible long after it is injected into vaccine victims and allows ordinary vaccines to function as a sign. Luciferase.




This means that the artificial virus illuminates infected cells using a chemical reaction in which luciferin is converted to oxyluciferin by the enzyme luciferase. This method was used to infect the cells and see how much Spike-Protein was formed.



It is now clear in black and white that most of the top politicians of all parties are Luciferians. Not only that, a significant number of journalists, doctors, bishops, pastors and jutubers as influencers are stuck in this system. They are the builders of this system. They are the ones who keep the truth about the crown virus silent.

Now is the time of division, and as never before a contrast is beginning to appear between the followers of Jesus and all the rest. The people in the middle will have to choose which side they want to stand on.


For the past 3 years I have been writing about Guaranteed Income as part of Satan's system, the mark of the beast.


But now it's just coming out in black and white what it will look like. Won't you have the mark of the beast made up of Luciferase?

He will not be able to buy or sell.
Economics has been brought down to make everyone dependent on the system.
I also said from the beginning that bitcoin would be an important part of the mark of the beast:



Luciferase is nothing new. It is the name of the enzymes that give light. An example is luciferase from the skylight.

But someone called it like someone made the horns gesture a sign of love in sign language....

For them, nomenclature and symbolism matter.

We live in very interesting times. But for many they will be times of defining themselves.
For now, they need to destroy the middle class so that everyone is dependent on the system.

You will get money for free, but if you accept luciferase in a tattoo.
You will still be able to travel, buy, they will print money, but you will have to reject God's Law. It will be a hard choice, so it is better to prepare now and surrender your life to Jesus, repent from your existing life and follow the way of Jesus, that is God saving, not the way of Lucifer carrying artificial light. Led light of death...



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  1. I looked at this graphic of the "vaccine" and I was reminded of a part of the prophecy of the "holy boy from Russia" (I know, I've mentioned him several times before, but his visions really coincide a lot with what we are observing now, behind the sincerity of the child is also the fact that the Russian Orthodox Church at one time fought against the spread of these prophecies and the figure of Slavik himself).

    Slavik on the sign of the antichrist:

    "It will be a tiny, very nice grey plate (cardboard box) - a world passport and when people pick it up, a special device will be installed so that on the forehead or right hand, at that time
    He will apply the rays of the three tiny sixes in the form of a tattoo, and God will not forgive anyone who accepts the seal."


    "At first these sixes will not be visible, but then like an electronic plaque on the forehead and on the hand they will shine with a green light. If a person tries to get rid of these sixes and chops off his hand, the sixes will appear on the stump, and then if a person were to be chopped into pieces, three sixes appear on each piece. At first people will be ashamed and hide this mark, but later
    they will cease their restraint and begin to openly bear this seal of the Antichrist."

    I read this years ago, but only now did I associate it with the fact of this vaccine and luciferase.

    Bill Gates "predicted" the current "epidemic" already 23 years ago, in George magazine of February 1997 he gave an interview in which, when asked about the worst case scenario for the world, he said: "An overpopulated planet choking on a virus that attacks the lungs" - the words are highlighted in capital letters in the text.

    Emmanuel Macron, who has been ruling France through decrees (yes, exactly top-down law-making) for some time now. This is how the yellow vests riots started, Macron one day stood up, signed a decree and changed the labor law (and he didn't even care about it afterwards). Unthinkable in Poland (although after the recent forced quarantines I guess anything is possible now). Macron again yesterday held a meeting with people supporting the global initiative for vaccine research (including gates wife). In literally 2 hours of this meeting, $8 billion was raised for the global vaccine fund (France alone donated $0.5 billion).

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