Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The coronavirus has opened the NWO. It has already begun.

Those who watched my video from today, which incidentally I had to upload twice, may not be reading this.


In my estimation, and I could be wrong of course, we have so much data that it's hard not to see how the important components of the NWO have been implemented since the outbreak of KORONAWIRUS.


This year, the year of the rat (germ spreader) in the Chinese horoscope has brought a lot.

This is the year the NWO began. I realized by gathering all the facts.

But from a Christian, biblical perspective it is not yet the great tribulation.


The Masons work methodically and coronavirus is not something they are comfortable with, but is part of their plan. No one would agree to implement all of these following points without the kind of cribbage that is around the pandemic.

This year is the year they have been waiting a long time for.


Madonna sang during Eurovision that not everyone will enter the new order, the new future...


These plans took place hundreds of years ago.

But God also had a plan for mankind and that was 6000 years ago:


I will put enmity between thee and the woman, between thy seed and her seed: it shall crush thy head, and thou shalt crush his heel. Genesis3.



Enmity is placed by God between Satan and the woman, between Satan's offspring and her offspring.

It was fulfilled; as through one woman came sin, so through another, the mother of Jesus - a mere man - came deliverance from sin. As Adam yielded to the persuasion of Eve and Satan, so Jesus obeyed the Father - undid the curse - in heaven so that the offspring of the woman Mary, a fully human woman like Eve j, who sinned, overcomes sin through Jesus Christ. That is, he overcomes Satan.

The Kingdom of Heaven versus the kingdom of Satan. The invisible war.


Look at how big this kingdom is. Millions of Christians that Satan is fighting on various fronts. Through all kinds of communism sodomization and Islam.


God is carrying out His plan.
But Satan also has his own plan, he wants as many people as possible to follow him to the lake of fire....


We are unquestionably at the stage of the NWO coming into force .


The year began spectacularly: the assassination of Suleimani, the specter of the 3rd war and immediately the coronavirus, which is not only a threat of a pandemic, the death of millions, but its effect will be to introduce laws restricting freedom.

Why do I believe that the NWO reign, or rather the preparations for that reign, is beginning?


That's because the very slogan NWO tells us so:

ordo ad chao


Order out of chaos, and now we are dealing with our own chaos.

What you have being portrayed in the media is systemic news, systemic play on government and opposition Old Hegelian play.


And in this way you will never hear the real truth.

Such a fun argument between McDonald's and kfc....



What nwo programs are going into effect and will be implemented thanks to the crown vortex?



1. cashless program



Look at how worried he is about us who:


WHO advises against cash payments. "Money is a carrier of viruses and bacteria," the organization warns.


They weren't afraid of toxic paint on banknotes but they are afraid of the virus. Why weren't they afraid of cash when HIV was created?



Meanwhile, the same Masonic who has decided that sado maso is no longer a disorder....



WHO removes sado-maso practices and fetishism from list of sexual disorders



Hardly surprising since there was an Icelandic band just sado-maso at Eurovision....

Such people are authority figures. Such WHO are sexual and health trend setters.

Evil ungodly men in suits.


The cashless agenda is a long-term NWO agenda that goes hand in hand with transhumanism, i.e., the Digitalization of everything in society, including things like money, information, and life itself.


These are power-hungry control freaks , they love the idea of a cashless society because then every economic transaction can be traced, allowing the government to create an even more complete picture of who you are to stop any possible disobedience or revolution before it happens. They will also increase government revenue.


China has taken the opportunity to get rid of cash by claiming that paper money should now be taken out of circulation because it may contain traces of COVID-19 and thus contribute to the spread of the coronavirus.....




2. centralized control of information, i.e. Censorship and narrative control.


Many of the speakers at the Event 201 simulation (hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center in partnership with the World Economic Forum [WEF] and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) spoke about the need for centralized control of information during a pandemic, including one that mentioned "the passage on the part of the government of actions in law enforcement against fake news". Some argued that Big Tech is no longer a platform but a broadcaster and must be forced to fight fake news. Another speaker in typical fashion demonized conspiracy theories. Here is a quote directly from the simulation/successful event (which became true 6 weeks later):


Disinformation wreaks havoc...pharmaceutical companies are accused of introducing...the virus so they can make money on drugs and vaccines.



Governments in various countries are considering or have already implemented a number of interventions to combat disinformation. Some governments have taken control of domestic Internet access; others are censoring websites and social media content, and a small number have shut down Internet access altogether to prevent the flow of disinformation. Penalties have been introduced for spreading harmful lies, including arrests....



Another statement:


I think there needs to be some sort of honest broker, centralized command and control organization that really brings the public-private sector together, both in a global and local approach....

Doesn't this look like the NWO going into effect?


News narrative control!


3. martial law quarantines.



Forced detention for the unruly...Governments love martial law scenarios because normal human rights are suspended. Authoritarian China has been praised by many globalists such as the late David Rockefeller, co-founder of the New World Order model. Some photos and videos coming out of China showing the police state and were horrifying.

Add to this the speculation that sanitation can send in subdivisions of the military.


4. mandatory vaccinations.



The coronavirus outbreak provides a good excuse for governments around the world to implement one of their favorite NWO programs - mandatory vaccination. The reason this program is particularly well liked is that it allows he authorities have access to the human body - not only the citizen's body, but also his bloodstream.


Before long, various substances may be implanted without our consent...


Obedient medical officers for fear of losing their jobs will do anything. This is the lack of Jesus in the heart when the love of the job, fear, overrides the good of the people. All pharmacists should think about what they are participating in and what they will participate in.


A curiosity, a great curiosity..:


Accidentally (or not) China passed a law on June 29, 2019, WHICH introduced a national mandatory vaccination program . Coincidentally (or not), the law went into effect on December 1, 2019 year, Just weeks before a coronavirus outbreak made worldwide news.


Therefore, mandatory vaccinations may also include DNA vaccines and microchipping as the internet is already rumbling about. At least the internet of truth trutherers, truth seekers, and truth niczy,m gold is becoming scarce....



5 - Bill Gates 'ID2020: Digital Identification with Microchips.

I wrote about it:




The goal of the ID2020 Alliance, is to give every person on Earth a digital ID. How do they plan to accomplish this feat? By combining mandatory vaccinations with implantable microchips.



Although the testing grounds for the ID2020 program are primarily in the Third World, the group says it is now also working with governments in the United States to begin microchipping people through vaccination.


For example, in Austin, Texas, the homeless population is now being used as a collective guinea pig for the ID2020 microchip vaccination program, which the group says will help "empower" the homeless by supposedly giving them "control" over their personal information .....


Since Gates was obviously intimately involved in planning this outbreak and ensuring that his companies had patents and vaccines for the newly released virus, is he also planning to use the coronavirus outbreak to further promote ID2020?
You'll get the antidote for coronavirus from me but accept the vaccine with a chip... That's what it sounds like.


6. Agenda 2030: Wuhan to be one of China's smartest cities



Electronic ghettos.

A huge program related to the coronavirus epidemic is the program of all programs - UN Agenda 2030, which includes Smart Cities. The proponent of such smart cities is supposedly the opposition ie an important persona in the Korwin party p Mentzel.

Before the outbreak, China had already planned which of its cities would become pilot Smart Cities. Wuhan was one of them...


7 Recession.


We are entering a recessionary phase. New order must come from chaos, including economic chaos. Polish companies are already stopping work and sending on vacation because they do not have materials and goods from China.

Stock markets are plummeting.


8. face recognition system.


China has quarantined 50 million people in cities like Wuhan and used WeChat and Alipay to track people's movements and stop infected people from traveling. The government has also used facial recognition and thermal sensors in drones and helmets.


Another interesting fact.

Clearview AI made a facial recognition algorithm using 3 billion photos copied without permission from Facebook, Google and other social networks. Last week, the data breach revealed Clearview AI's client list of more than 2,000 customers, including large companies and law enforcement agencies.



Conspiracy theory. Not to be investigated.

Have you noticed that the deaths are mostly in China, Korea and Iran? Partially in Italy.
What if the coronavirus targets particular hapologroups?





These are the points that are being implemented very quickly and you can see for yourself the speed of the political puppets in implementing the above.

Every government will say the same thing: we are prepared for this and that, we have a package of laws ready. Nobody will think whether it is a good package of laws for the people or whether it will restrict civil rights.


It is that time when the NWO will soon present:

-one world government,

-one digital currency,

- one world religion



Governments are not afraid of Cancer, BECAUSE Cancer IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF PHARMACEUTICAL CORPORATIONS, BUT look at the scale:





Alarming prognosis. So how does coronavirus relate to this?


The Bible clearly says that the whole world is stuck in evil:



That's exactly how it is.

Finally, a graphic showing the Masonic structures building the NWO:




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  1. Just yesterday I said that there will be a ban on assemblies and today since morning everyone is trumpeting about it.

    1. LionheART Photography

      And as of today, all schools closed for two weeks...

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