Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"A visit to Israel by more than 40 world leaders: another preparation for the days of the Messiah," the rabbi said.

"Visiting more than 40 world leaders: another preparation for the days of the Messiah"

Leaders from 46 countries, accompanied by high-level delegations, will appear in the capital in the coming days, before fourth World Holocaust Forum at Yad Vashem on Thursday to mark the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau.


This is the title of a film released by Rabbi Shmuel Elijah's office.




Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, chief rabbi of the city of Tzfat (Safed), posted a video on Facebook Tuesday morning from the Kotel (Western Wall).


"This week there will be 4 kings, princes and rulers from around the world," said Rabbi Eliyahu. "It is a joyous occasion, But not for the first time."


"It will cause traffic jams, but it's a huge blessing. It will help [the city] get used to its true function, "the rabbi said, quoting a verse from Isaiah 2:3.


Israel is scheduled to be visited by President Putin, Joachim Gauck, the German president, and Macron at this time.

The latter in December expanded the definition of anti-Semitism to:


" "anti-Semitism is a particular perception of Jews that may express itself as hatred of them. Anti-Semitism manifests itself in both words and actions directed against Jews or non-Jews and their property, and against the religious institutions and facilities of the Jewish community."


As we can see the biblical beast is not hiding from anymore, showing who its presidents are. Who defends the interests of the Khazars and Edomites.


"But when they come all nations?" Rabbi Eliyahu asked. "All at once?"

"They will come gradually," he said. "First the kings and princes will come to Jerusalem. They will feel the shekinah (divine presence) resting on the city. This will make them excited and enthusiastic about Jerusalem. Then, step by step, they will spread the word, spreading their love for Jerusalem to everyone. When you finally see all the nations flocking to Jerusalem, you will realize that it has begun here and now, with all the heads of state, just as the head leads the body ".



They are waiting for their king who will lead the whole world to peace. But this is temporary because this person is an imposter ... the antichrist. So wrote one of the commenters on this text on the source site Breakingnewsisrael.


Another issue is the fact that Trump will propose in the coming days  "Peace Plan." in the Middle East....

Trump is expected to introduce "The deal of the century." White House ahead of Israel's March 2 elections.

After Netanyahu was accused of bribery, fraud and breach of trust, his legal issues also became the focus of a campaign by the rival Blue and White party, which is now also the largest party in the Knesset.


Now for another interesting fact.

The peace plan is also expected to be one of the topics addressed by the Kushner During the World Economic Forum in Davos, which is scheduled for January 21-24.

Kushner is also expected to attend the Fifth World Holocaust Forum on Thursday and discuss the peace plan with Netanyahu and his rival Gantz.



As Jerusalempost points out in Over the past 27 years, there have been few US-sponsored peace plans, beginning with the 1993 Oslo Accords. After Netanyahu took office in 2009. He supported "a demilitarized Palestinian state side by side with the Jewish state." He later imposed a 10-month moratorium on all settler construction starting at the beginning of former U.S. President Barack Obama's administration. But the efforts have not led to a full resumption of negotiations, except for two meetings between Netanyahu and Abbas.

Another round of peace talks was held for nine months in 2013-2014, without result.


Well, the political/biblical calendar this year is going to be quite busy and mega interesting.



Updated: 22 January 2020 — 08:14

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  1. You will have to watch closely to see what happens....

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