Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Satanists know full well where they will land. Christians don't.

Over the weekend I reflected on people who are devoid of reflection, who do not want to know God, or on those who claim to be Christians but have a lot of venom and ill will within them. I came to the conclusion that Christians and Muslims are the most deceived. Only while Muslims completely do not believe in the Son of God, some Christians believe in the existence of Jesus just as demons believe but do not obey Jesus.


I found a metal band cover testifying to their full consciousness:



The title of the album is "Godless Lamentations."


I think such people God destroyed in Sodom literally.



"Woe to you, ungodly people, that you have forsaken the law of the Most High God." The Wisdom of Sirach.


Every wicked person forsakes the Laws of the Most High.


This metal band has songs or rather monsters like

"The Cursed Messiah"


"The Beast of Revelation.


They are completely or largely aware.

Christians, especially Catholics, are not being reached by the words of Jesus:

"who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me on that day: "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied by the power of Your name, and cast out evil spirits by the power of Your name, and done many miracles by the power of Your name?” 23 Then I will declare to them: "I never knew you. Depart from Me, you who do WRONG. ""



Now the time of so-called Christmas is approaching. The masses of people are convinced that the Roman church gives them salvation through the sacraments but their deeds are not in accordance with the Word of God Himself - the Bible. They have chosen to lie and trust in men.


(9) Do you not know that the unrighteous will not possess the kingdom of God? Be not deceived! 


Let us turn our attention back to the fact that it does not say here: "do you not know that those who do not go to Mass will not possess the kingdom".


Satanists at least don't fool themselves. Yes, there will be a lament there. They know it from the Bible:


" And they will throw them into a furnace of fire. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 13.42.



Personally, I think it will be not literal hellfire but a state of despair. The Lord Jesus said in Revelation to lukewarm Christians:


 For you say, "I am rich," and "I have become rich," and "I need nothing."
and you don't know that you are the one who is miserable and worthy of pity,
And poor and blind and naked.
18 I advise you to buy from me
Gold purified in the fire,
To make you rich,
and white robes,
so that you'll get clothed,
and your shameful nakedness was not revealed,
and the balm to anoint your eyes,
you'd see.



Gold in the fire purified is a time of trouble for the Christian, a time of so-called "burning out."


Syrach, whom the false Protestants rejected because of honoring the Law of God, whom they hate attests to this:


"For in the fire one experiences goldand people pleasing to God - in oven tribulations."


So hell, in my estimation and at the same time based on Scripture, will be a place of fellowship with demons, but without literal fire. There will be lamentation and gnashing of teeth; proclaiming remorse, torture of mind, a sense of inexpressible pain and punishment, the sinners will feel the evil they have done and which they now repress. They will be furious and full of black despair.

Despair is a very hard state of mind. But most prefer to live their own way and not seek God, and just as He warned Israel many times so through His sheep He warns and now.


Search Lord, when get allows find, call upon Him, as long as is near! 7″ Isaiah 55. 



Soon there will be no more excuses.




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  1. Is hell and a lake of sulfur and fire the same thing?
    Somewhere in the Bible recently I read that it doesn't. I just can't remember where.

    1. No. Hell is the common grave of mankind. People in non-being await resurrection. The lake of sulfur and fire is total annihilation forever.

  2. What if there really is a physical one? I think there is. A pastor said that there is a place in hell for each of us. But it is up to us to make that place empty if we listen and do the will of God given to us by the Lord Yeshua Christ.

    1. It seems to me that if we get new spiritual bodies in heaven then those who go to hell will also have them and suffer spiritually.

    2. "it's up to us".
      I personally disagree with that pastor. If salvation were in our hands I would have lost it probably several times since January. I am of the opinion that man can add nothing to salvation and that he can owe it entirely to God.

      1. And this is where I have a conundrum. It does not give me peace 🙂 Because it seems illogical that we would have no influence on our salvation. If not us then who ? The whole world around us is a kind of analogy. Example: does a student have no influence on whether he passes to the next grade? Does the student's ability to pass his high school diploma depend on how hard he studies? Can a student write anything and the school principal decides whether he/she passes or not?

        When you are employed as a "junk job" and dream about a permanent contract, can you also not work hard, be late, neglect your duties or have a beer before work to make yourself happy? Because you will still get a permanent contract? Coming back to salvation, I believe that we have the 10 Commandments, which nobody has abolished, in order to follow them and obtain salvation on this basis. After all, the 10 commandments were given to us for something.

        In the Catholic Church, when I was still attending it, I also wondered if someone's salvation depended on whether they paid the priest for the expiation or the Mass.

        1. Salvation is by grace through faith and not of works [eph2:8-9] and man can add nothing to it. Man's whole contribution to salvation is such that he can either accept it 2 Cor5:17 or reject it: Heb6:4-6 and Heb10:29 Even the fact that I believe is by grace, not some of my own efforts and endeavors. I have nothing that I have not received. The examples you cited are based on works and it is clearly stated in Romans 6:23. The 10 commandments as well as the entire law was given to the Israelites and we are bound by the apostolic teaching which also refers to the decalogue. But a Christian should not live by the law, that is, by the letter, but should live close to the Lord and be filled with the Holy Spirit so that keeping the law will come of itself, as it were. For it is written the letter kills, the Spirit brings life. The closer you are to Christ, the more like Him you are in your daily life. This is what grace and new life in Christ is all about, that you are not a slave to sin and given a choice you choose obedience over sin. Using alcohol as an example; I can have a beer but I don't drink because I don't want to. A newborn person hates sin and wants nothing to do with it. Although falls do happen, because although the spirit is new, the flesh is old and imperfect. If you want to be saved then pray for it with a sincere heart. It is written, "He who comes to me I will not cast out. I waited several years for salvation.

          1. I don't quite understand what you mean, Maciej, when you write that God gave the 10 commandments to the Israelites, and we are bound by the apostolic teaching, which only refers to the 10 commandments. So you just negated the 10 commandments? You think he can throw them out? I don't think that's what you meant. I think the commandments are still valid for everybody. There is no better instruction to live happily and safely 🙂 .

        2. Salvation is by grace through faith. Each of us sins, and the penalty for sin is death. If you believe in the atoning death of the Son of God, God will show you grace on the basis of that faith. Out of gratitude you begin to listen more carefully to God's instructions and put them into action. You strive for perfection, but you will not attain it on your own. So salvation is by grace through faith, not by works.

          1. I will only add that the sacrifice on the cross was made by God Himself, the creator of heaven and earth, Jesus, therefore nothing can be added to it and nothing can be done by man beyond this act to save himself amen.

            1. Probably not Martin, Jesus the son of God when he died on the cross said: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do (Luke 23.34). Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. After these words he gave up the ghost (Luke 23.46)
              He spoke these words to God or his father and not to himself.

          2. Hannah, striving to be better - agreed. That is, doing good things and not doing bad things. If someone didn't strive to be better then they would stand still and wait for that grace of theirs 😉 And that's not likely to be the case 🙂 So it does make sense to be good and do good.

            I believe that it will not be so easy, that for passivity and waiting for grace there will be salvation.
            After Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise, God said that man would work by the sweat of his brow. For free and for nothing it is only the refugees who get welfare and housing. Does it ennoble them? On the contrary.
            In the 10 Commandments you have a simple recipe for how to be a better person.
            Did Job receive blessings from God just because God had a whim or was it because he was a righteous and well-meaning man?
            You have to think about it carefully and read the Bible to understand it.

    3. piterek3688 (ex 1234)

      And isn't it the other way around, where the Bible states behind Jesus' words that "there is plenty of room in my Father's house" (something like that)?

  3. I have a question about the Wisdom of Sirach. Apparently it is inconsistent with the rest of the Bible in many places, which is why it was rejected
    Then cling to the counsel of your heart, for above it you have nothing more worthy of faith. (14) For the soul of man is sometimes more revealed than seven chattels sitting high to look out."-Sirach 37:13-14 "Deceitful is the heart, more than all else, and corrupt; who can know it? " - Jeremiah 17:9 Warsaw Bible ..... "He who trusts in his own heart is foolish." - Proverbs 28:26 Warsaw Bible
    Or lyrics like "Better the perversity of a man than the goodness of a woman," etc.

    1. discussion matters.
      I choose what is 100% consistent with the rest. There are sometimes apparent contradictions in the Bible itself

  4. For Halloween 2019, or just recently, the 666th episode of The Simpsons aired. Has anyone watched it?

  5. I know there have to be ads, but not like this.

    1. That's right. Please report inappropriate ads and I will then block them. That's within my control. I have no influence on new ones.

    1. to show the lukewarmness of the churches. The three angels who are to preach the message have entertainment.

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