Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Angels in the lives of Christians and their special tasks.

I will never forget how impressed I was with the book

„Władcy ciemności”. Pod koniec książki zadzwoniłem do pewnej osoby aby mi zdradziła koniec gdyż byłem do tego stopnia zniecierpliwiony, że wolałem czytać dalej ze świadomością poznania zakończenia :-).



Angels are a very real part of the spirit realm. They are constantly working on your behalf, fighting and struggling for victory and another victory.

It is worth realizing what the knights of God do. Below is a list of the functions of angels found in the Bible!





Angels of Protection


W filmie „Spotkanie” Jezus będący barmanem przypomina jak uratował krnąbrnego biznesmena kiedy ob byl nastolatkiem.

It is known, fiction, but how many times we have been saved by God's angels, only God and those angels know.



Angels bring information.


Takiego czegoś doświadczyłem nie tak dawno przez dwie osoby nie mające ze sobą kontaktu a na koniec „przypadkiem” natrafiłem na wers potwierdzający w 100% przekaz. Nie byli to aniołowie, ale wierzę, że Bóg ich posłał. Przy okazji dowiedziałem się jakie mam nowe imię :-).




There will be times when God will send angels to minister to us. But we must be sensitive and aware of this. . When Jesus was in the garden during his trial, he was protected by angels. (Luke 22: 41-43). After His days of testing in the wilderness, angels came and ministered to Him also (Matt. 4:11).



Understanding the biblical functions of angels

Angels have many functions in Scripture. Some of these functions include:


1 They are sent by God to help those who will inherit salvation (Hebrews 1:14).



„Czyż oni wszyscy nie są duchami służebnymi, przeznaczonymi do posługi tym, którzy mają uczestniczyć w zbawieniu?”



2. they help with cleansing.



" Then one of the Seraphim flew (toward me); in his hand he had a fire-stone taken with pincers from the altar. (7) I dotknął [nim] ust moich, mówiąc: – Oto dotknął on warg twoich, zmazana jest twa nieprawość a grzech twój zgładzony. „. 



3. they can assist in the healing ministry.


„Anioł bowiem co pewien czas zstępował do sadzawki i poruszał wodę. A kto pierwszy wszedł po poruszeniu wody, stawał się zdrowym, jakąkolwiek chorobą był dotknięty.”



4. protect and release from the trap.


„Anioł PANA rozbija obóz dokoła tych, którzy się go boją, i wybawia ich.” Psalm 

„Lecz anioł Pana w nocy otworzył drzwi więzienia i wyprowadziwszy ich, powiedział: (20) Go, and having come forward, speak to the people in the temple all the words of this life. " Acts

7) Then an angel of the Lord appeared, and a light shone in the prison. He nudged Peter in the side and woke him up, saying, Get up quickly. And the chains fell from his hands." Acts



5. they can help guide and direct (Acts 5:20, 8:26).


„Lecz anioł Pana w nocy otworzył drzwi więzienia i wyprowadziwszy ich, powiedział: (20) Go, and having come forward, speak to the people in the temple all the words of this life.



„Lecz anioł Pana powiedział do Filipa: Get up and go south to the road that leads from Jerusalem to Gaza. It is a desert road" 



6 They can be used by God to direct judgment.



„Kiedy Piotr doszedł do siebie, powiedział: Teraz wiem na pewno, że The Lord sent his angel and delivered me from the hand of Herod and from all that the Jewish people expected.”




„Pan nie zostawi go w ręku jego I nie dopuści, by przegrał sprawę w sądzie.” Psalm 37. 



7 They can bring prophetic guidance and reassurance in a difficult situation.


„Tej nocy bowiem stanął przy mnie anioł Boga, do którego należę i któremu służę; (24) And he said, Fear not, Paul, you must stand before the emperor, and behold, God has given you all who sail with you." 




8. they can bring divine protection from evil and danger. (Ps. 91:11).



„Rozkaże bowiem o tobie swoim aniołom, aby cię strzegli na wszystkich twoich drogach. „



9.They can serve you by force (Matt. 4:11, Luke 22:43).



„Wówczas diabeł go opuścił, a oto aniołowie przystąpili do niego i mu służyli.”. 



43) Then an angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. (44) And in mortal struggle he prayed even more fervently, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground."



10. they listen to the voice of God's word (Ps. 103: 20).


„Błogosławcie PANA, jego aniołowie, potężni siłą, którzy wypełniacie jego rozkazy, będąc posłuszni głosowi jego słowa. „.




11 They can deliver a word or message from God (Matt. 1:20, Luke 1:13, Rev. 1: 1).


20) And while he was meditating on this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife. For that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. 



" But the angel said to him: Fear not, Zechariah, for your prayer has been answered. Elizabeth, your wife, will bear you a son, whom you will name John." 



(1) The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what was about to happen, and he showed it and sent it by his angel to his servant John;" 




12 They can appear in dreams (Matt. 2:13).



" And when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph, and said: Arise, take the child and his mother and flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you. For Herod will seek the child to kill him. ” 




13 They will separate the wicked from the righteous (Matt. 13:49).


(49) This is what will happen at the end of the world: angels will come out and exclude the wicked from among the righteous; (50) I wrzucą ich do pieca ognistego. Tam będzie płacz i zgrzytanie zębów. „



14 They will gather the elect together at the end of the age (Matt. 24: 30-32).



(30) Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky. Then all the peoples of the earth will lament, and they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. (31) He will send his angels with a mighty trumpet voice and they will gather his elect from the four corners of the world, from one end of heaven to the other."



15 They have names (Luke 1:19).


(19) A anioł mu odpowiedział: Ja jestem Gabriel, który stoi przed Bogiem. Zostałem posłany, aby mówić do ciebie i przynieść ci tę radosną nowinę. „



Gabriel oznacza „mąż Boży” lub „wojownik Boży” wymiennie.



15 They can appear in visions (Acts 10: 3).


(3) Około dziewiątej godziny dnia ujrzał wyraźnie w widzeniu anioła Boga, który przyszedł do niego i powiedział: Korneliuszu! „.


16 They rejoice when anyone repents of sin, repents, and repents from lawlessness.(Luke 15:10).



(10) Podobnie, mówię wam, będzie radość przed aniołami Boga z jednego pokutującego grzesznika. „



17 They delivered the Law (Acts 7:53, Gal. 3:19, Heb. 2: 2).



(53) You who have received the law by the ordinance of angels, but have not kept it."


” (19) What then is the Law? It was added to expose transgressions - until the coming of the seed for whom the promise was intended. This Law was given by angels through a mediator."  



(2) For if the word spoken by the angels proved so legitimate that all transgression and disobedience was justly punished, (3) then how shall we be saved if we do not take care of such a precious salvation? It was first proclaimed by the Lord, then it was passed on to us as certain by those who heard it."



18 They have their own language (1 Cor. 13: 1).


(1) Gdybym mówił językami ludzi i aniołów, a miłości bym nie miał, stałbym się miedzią dźwięczącą lub cymbałem brzmiącym. „



19 True angels will not deny the gospel of Jesus Christ (Gal. 1: 8).



” (8) Ale choćbyśmy sami czy nawet anioł z nieba głosił wam coś innego, niż myśmy wam głosili, niech będzie wyklęty! „




20 They worship God (Hebrews 1: 6).


6) And when he brings the firstborn into the world again, he says: Let all the angels of God will fall on their faces before Him(7) Of angels it says: He maketh the angels his own windsAnd his servants with flames of fire. (8) But O son: Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever, and the sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of Thy dominion. (9) You loved justice and hated lawlessnessTherefore He anointed You, God, Your God with the oil of gladness, and not any of Your companions.



21 They can manifest themselves in human form (Hebrews 13: 2).



(2) Nie zapominajcie o gościnności, bo dzięki niej niektórzy, nie wiedząc o tym, ugościli aniołów. „



22 They are subject to Jesus (1 Peter 3:22).



„dzięki zmartwychwstaniu Jezusa Chrystusa, (22) Who, having ascended into heaven, sits at the right hand of God, and subject to Him are the Angels, the Powers, and the Mighties."



You have to be reasonable in your perception of angels, because Satan also takes the form of an angel of light. It is not that every dream is from God and every person we help is an angel.

John warns:


" Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but investigate the spirits, whether they are of God, for many false prophets have appeared in the world."



The spirit that leads to ecumenism or the church of Rome on 100% is not from God. The spirit that preaches the gospels of success is not from God.

By the way, the Roman church depicts angels as such chubby little blips with infantile looks, when they are great warriors more reminiscent of those in computer games, as indicated by their nature based on the Bible.

In my estimation, this skewed picture is deliberate so that the divisions of this world are not emphasized and the desire for spiritual warfare is taken away from Christians.


However, angels are present in our lives and see our every action. They help, warn, protect.


Glory be to God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord (of hosts) of the heavenly host.








Updated: 30 September 2019 — 10:05


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  1. I, as a child, dreamed of being an angel who helps people 🙂 .

    By the way, I once read about how they pulled a tiny baby out of the rubble alive, it was a miracle. I thought then that it was an angel who saved it. On the other hand, many little children die a terrible death, I wonder what the help of Angels to children depends on...

    1. I think largely from faith, being with God.

      1. There were many strange situations in my life, where I had a very strong feeling that something was guarding me, although I was, and even still am, a sinful person in several things, e.g. laziness. Maybe I have a wrong feeling, or maybe there is an Angel guarding me, who knows.... 🙂 Angels are super beings.

        1. Angels work even with Catholics because they do not know they are deceived, just as they work with Protestants whose churches are in ecumenism. Angels are not offended because of the level of knowledge.

        2. And I have had similar experiences. Many times I was rescued from various hopeless situations and I had the impression that someone was protecting me, even though I had not yet cleaned myself from everything. I smoke cigarettes, I'm addicted to this stuff, it's terribly difficult for me to overcome, although earlier I smoked pot and I smoked it so much that everyone associated me with weed. Not a day went by without smoking a couple of joints. And I quit it. And I can't smoke cigarettes. I also have a problem with vocabulary, although less so. I sometimes use vulgar words, though more in English (I live in the UK) than in Polish, so it doesn't really matter what language it is. There are also some other things: nerves, sometimes anger (although I try to control it and it is getting weaker, but there are moments when I explode).
          Maybe one of you can suggest something?

  2. W kosciele katolickim wspominamy trzech Archaniolow ,ktorzy sa przedstawiani godnie odpowiednio do ich poslania jakim ich Pan Bog obdarzyl . Te pulchne angeloty i „inne amorki” zdobiace bardzo stare koscioly nie maja rzadnego znaczenia ,w tych nowo pobudowanych kosciolach tego nie ma .Zrezygnowano z takich ozdob w stylu baroku i rococo .Fajna praca na temat Aniolow i z samego rana sie bosko czytalo.Szkoda ze prawie za kazdym razem masz ta potrzebe aby wykazac jaki to rzymskokatolicki kościół zly i jakie herezje tam sie dzieją. Ile w Tobie nienawiści ,do katolików .Czesto mam wrazenie ,ze nie jestes zbyt przekonany do swojego nowego wyboru moze masz wyrzuty sumienia? I chcesz je uspokoić? Modle sie za ciebie aby twoje serce wyzbylo sie tego niepokoju .Z Panem Bogiem

    1. Ms. Alicia, I trust that you have good intentions although on Facebook you have mocked me several times.

      Just because I sometimes write that Catholics have more humility doesn't mean I want to go back to Rome. Fortunately, I am aware of the evil they do to people.
      The lady will probably explain it to herself somehow:

      I don't.
      You explain the mass of pedophilia, etc.
      For the same reason I do not identify with Protestantism in the USA, which supports a thuggish Israel that sends people to war who have families - soldiers - and orders them to murder other people who have families.

      To Catholics:

      I have no hatred for Catholics at all. I don't even have it for edomites.
      My WHOLE family is Catholic and ALL of my friends and neighbors 90%.
      Pani jak i Pani podobni nie możecie pojąć, że pisanie prawdy nie jest tożsame z nienawiścią. Tak patrząc dołącza Pani i Pani poplecznicy do grona żony Adamowicza, która uzywa techniki manipulacji o tzw „mowie nienawiści”.
      I hate lying, religious institutions pretending to be Christian, but I have no feelings of hatred towards Catholics.

      I would also like to point out that you are entering a blog of truth that you cannot experience at all in the church of Rome. Rome has barely begun to address the apocalypse for several years. But whopo talks about the mark of the beast for example?

      Ms. Alicia, I respect you and if I had the opportunity to help you, I would, but I consider you to be deluded and stuck in a pagan and deviant Judeo-Roman church.

      May God bless you and guide you in the name of Jesus Christ.

      1. Peter I applaud you (sincerely) for responding to Ms. Alicia, concretely and substantively, it only remains for us Biblical Christians to sincerely pray for Ms. Alicia that she will be converted in time for the coming of Jesus Christ.

    2. The church as a building should never have been built because it is not, never has been, and never will be the home of the Lord Jesus.
      Churches are houses of Satan and demons who lead innocent people through deception to perdition. This is the truth.
      Open your eyes sister.

  3. I have a problem. Due to the fact that I work at McDonald's I will probably have to get vaccinated against the flu and here is the question of whether to get vaccinated or take time off work.

    1. change your job from corporate to a decent one, because the mere fact that you sell unhealthy food or are complicit in it already puts you at a disadvantage

      1. But I only clean, I don't work in the kitchen.

        1. I'm just cleaning up around here 🙂 - I don't know.
          Michael, I will pray for you and you think about changing jobs.

          1. Well that's going to be a problem because I renewed my contract for six months ☹️

            1. then wait six months and get ready for another job, look.
              Or if you refuse to vaccinate, your contract will be terminated, but I don't know if there will be any consequences

              1. Well, I can't really break the contract because I want to have a positive vignette so that the next employer will take me on.

  4. Nice and factual article. However, according to me, we should not focus too much on whether some angel is watching over us or not. We have to keep in front of our eyes only the Lord Jesus and God the Father, and what happens in the spiritual world during prayer is not our business. So it is good to know that angels perform some function appointed by God, but it is not worth putting any weight on it, so that later someone would not pay more attention to the angel instead of God. Praise the Lord Jesus for His sacrifice on the cross, and for His life-giving Living Water, which is a Power for those who will inherit Salvation. Glory be to the Father

  5. Beautiful... ❤️
    How nice to see that angels have a role in people's lives....

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