Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A billionaire named Epstein, accused of pedophilia, was found dead in his cell. The occult is in the background.

A serial suicide is also circulating in the United States.

Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire financier accused of soliciting prostitution and abusing underage girls, was found dead in his cell, NBC television reported.


Who might have been afraid of Epstein's testimony?


Here is a list of celebrities in this world who are friends of Epstein:


Prince Andrew is the son of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II
Bill Clinton

Donald Trump

Stephen Hawking

Woody Allen. Epstein's former assistant Babi Christina Engelhardt said in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter that she was in a relationship with Allen when she was just 16 years old.


- Former Prime Ministers of Israel: Ehud Olmert and Ehud Barak

- Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair

- Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

- attorney Alan Derszowitz

- billionaire Lexie Wexner

- Former New Mexico governors (from the Democratic Party) Bruce King and Bill Richardson

- George Soros' billionaire nephew Peter Soros

- actors such as Alec Baldwin, John Cleese and Kevin Spacey

- singers like Courtney Love and Mick Jagger,nId,3141933?parametr=embed_tyt_zdj#utm_source=paste&utm_medium=paste&utm_campaign=chrome



Politicians, business and movie people make up this fallen world.

But what rmf has reported in several texts is not all. Information in the mainstream media is truncated because it harms the whole world


Billionaire Epstein

Along with this wealth for Epstein came enormous power and influence. His famous "little black book" contained the names of more than 1,000 high-ranking people in all areas of society. Epstein was also part of two of the most powerful organizations in the world: Council on Foreign Relations i Tripartite Commission . Both bring together the world's elite to decide the policies that shape the world as we know it.

Interesting fact: Epstein also served on the board of Rockefeller University.



In the early 2000s, Epstein hosted lavish parties at his homes in Manhattan and Palm Beach, attended by many celebrities and politicians. There were also many underage girls. Epstein's friend also flew his private plane to events in remote locations. The jet was dubbed the "Lolita Express" because it guided the elite to underage sex slaves.



Do you now understand what this whole LGBT thing is for? Why do corporations support this sexual-fascist movement?


Flight data show that Clinton flew Epstein's plane at least 26 times to more than a dozen international locations. The flight logs contained no secret service details for five of the flights. Epstein was also involved in some of Clinton's leftist projects: he was a large donor to the Clinton Foundation. According to attorney Gerald B. Lefcourt, Epstein was also "part of the original group that came up with the Clinton Global Initiative."


Nevertheless, the most important person in all of this at the moment is Trump.



Shortly after Epstein's July 6 arrest, media sources immediately linked Donald Trump to the financier.

Granted, Trump has reportedly not had a relationship with the billionaire since 1992, but ... current Labor Secretary Alex Acosta played important role in ending the investigation against Epstein. In 2008. As a U.S. attorney in South Florida, Acosta brokered a plea deal with Epstein that allowed him to avoid a major penalty for previous allegations of sexual misconduct.


Epstein's Seeking Island.


Located in the United States Virgin Islands, Little Saint James has been Jeffrey Epstein's primary residence since he purchased it in 1998. It didn't take long for the island to gain a disgusting reputation.



"It has been called" Sin Island ". Little Saint James is also known to locals as "Pedophile Island" and "Orgy Island". According to  The Independent "Epstein Island has gained a reputation for depravity and it is alleged that teenage girls have been invited to participate in orgies on Little St . James.

According to attorneys for Epstein's alleged victims, Little St. James is where many of the worst crimes against minors were committed by Epstein and friends who traveled with him. Court documents claim that Virginia Roberts, then 17, was forced by Epstein to have sex with Prince Andrew three times - in London, New York and as part of an orgy on Little St. James. "
- Little St. James , Wikipedia


That's not all. As befits the satanic elite, Epstein's activities are linked to the occult, or Luciferianism for our purposes.



Why do you think Pope Francis, the head of the pedophilia church has ordered the admission of Islamists into countries considered Christian?

Does Islam have anything to do with minors?


Here is Hammam Yalbugh's bathhouse from the Mameluke era.


Mamelukes were slaves who came from outside Islamic countries. They were bought by Muslim rulers and brought to their dominions....

Do we see the common denominator? Does everything come together as a whole?


During the Mameluke era, children were captured by the ruling class to become slaves. Boys were usually trained to become soldiers, while girls were groomed to become the personal concubines of their masters. Given that Epstein Island was used to import sex slaves for the elite, this symbolism is perfectly fitting.


This is spiritual warfare. Catholicism, Islam Judaism are joining together to introduce slavery and the immams, pope, bishops, rabbis, etc. are taking part.


To give Epstein's "temple" a unique occult dimension, the building was decorated with gold statues representing the gods (Neptune) and a bird similar to an owl. The building is also surrounded by labyrinthine patterns, similar to those found in Islamic architecture.


In the center of the island is a creepy sundial that is full of strange details.



Some sources claim that an intricate system of tunnels has been built beneath the surface of the island - and this is where the most horrific child abuse occurs.


I obtained similar information about the Vatican vaults.


In the latest drone footage there are signs seen from above on the grass shaped like those of the so-called crop circles... You can see what aliens are doing....


It's fun to read news like this, just how many of the new readers will come to God and how many will find the conspiracy interesting, but this conspiracy is a Luciferian conspiracy against humanity.


According to the "liberal" media, the case could link Donald Trump to Epstein and do great damage to him in the next election. According to the "conservative" media, the case could finally expose the deep connections between the Clintons and Jeffrey Epstein, while revealing the shady child trafficking network spearheaded by the Clinton Foundation.


Meanwhile, the Polish rocker is not interested in the issue of disappearances of Polish children:


Neither does anyone else:




But for truth-seekers who are not sucked into any party, this case is an opportunity to expose the evil, depraved and sadistic state of mind of the occult elite, who take pleasure in stealing the innocence of children by flaunting their symbolism. Will the dark secrets of Epstein Island and the occult elite finally be revealed to the world? Will the mass media filter and censor information that goes against the interests of the elite owners?

These are the questions truth seekers ask themselves.

However, did RMF tell everyone about this?

Will the Catholic Conspiracy Jutubers tell you about it?


Non-denominational Christadelphians know well that:


"We know that we are of God, but the whole world lies in the power of the Evil One." 1 John 5.





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  1. Very puzzling all this, but there are no coincidences....

  2. Oh boy, something felt like this is how it was going to end... Either way in deciding to kill him, the people involved equally shot themselves in the foot. Epstein was in the best guarded prison in the US. And on top of that, he was moved to 23 hours of daily monitoring after he was found badly mutilated in his cell and suspected of a "suicide attempt" some time before his death (now I wonder if that wasn't some kind of foreshadowing). And even under such scrutiny someone managed to liquidate him, hmm... After this event I guess it's even better to see that this whole system is one inseparable whole, and there are NO institutions where certain personalities are not allowed to enter. Who should wake up, will wake up anyway... It's just a pity that probably nobody will suffer any real legal consequences for this mess. Well, maybe until our Legislature returns 😉 .

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