Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

God's love is not unconditional.

Imagine the following situation: a husband notoriously cheats on his wife for decades, and she suffers and cries every time. The husband is often gone for the night, lies as befits adultery, fails to care for the children, and neglects every possible responsibility of being a husband and father.

It is obvious that he certainly does not love his wife or children. The question arises, however, does the wife love her husband? Is her attitude love or masochism?


Now imagine that a constantly drunk man comes to the evangelical church. Will the elders of the church accept his attitude? No and Paul wrote about this in his letter to the Corinthians that many have already fallen asleep because of it.


God's love is conditional.


As I proved in one of my texts Israel is a divorcee because he got a divorce letter from God .

This is very significant in understanding God's love. Well, Israel had many opportunities from God and that is what God's love was all about. But due to the fact that he fell away from the faith, broke the covenant, became an adulterous wife and eventually God moved away from him which resulted in Israel's captivity and complete dispersion. Today, Israel being a mixture of Edomites, Khazars and Judeans is trying to form a relationship with God on its own terms, but no longer with this God. However, there was a prohibition in the Mosaic Law against returning to invalidated relationships.


After the breakup of Israel, the same path was followed by the Judeans.


I now turn to the legal basis for my argument about God's conditional love.

In John's gospel, Jesus made this love clear and explicit.


 If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love.



All of Israel did not persevere in God's love and is disconnected to this day.

In the above verse we are dealing with conditional love. Are you keeping the commandments? You abide in God's love. Don't keep the commandments? You are not abiding in God's love.


You are breaking the covenant of marriage; you are not abiding in love.

How does this relate to marriages that have survived hard times?

There was goodwill in such marriages, which could be illustrated by Israel's conversion before he received a divorce letter from God. It is the attitude of our heart that determines whether we reject someone or not.


Further in John 15 we read:


"No one has greater love than this, when someone lays down his life for his friends:


Not for everyone, but for FRIENDS.

In the following passage from John's gospel, can we conclude that people who walk away from Jesus because of a high bar are still his friends?


"And many of his disciples, when they heard it, said, This is hard speech; who can listen to it? (61) And Jesus, aware that his disciples were murmuring because of this, said to them, Does this make you angry? (62) But what if you see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before? (63) The spirit brings life. The flesh helps nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life, (64) But there are those among you who do not believe. For Jesus knew from the beginning who were the unbelievers and who would deliver him. (65) And he said, Therefore have I told you that no one can come to me unless it is given to him from the Father. (66) From that moment on, many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him.


No, these people are not friends of Jesus.


Two spouses.


  1. Drunkenly contrite.
  2. Light Drinker.



A repentant addict will want to get out of his situation. If he has a wife - many women are drinking lately - he will apologize and ask for help.


The drug addict will do everything according to the slogan Do whatever you want.


Someone will say, God saves the latter also. This is true, but it is God who extends His hand, and they must want to need help. The Pharisees did not accept such help. They died in their sins. The Pharisees are unrepentant drunkards.



I have chosen a few verses to support my thinking:


"If you keep my commandments and my laws you will obey and keep all my precepts, following them, and I will keep my word concerning you, which I spoke to David your father. " Kr 6.12


There is a condition in both verses.


If therefore thou shalt hearken unto all that I command thee, and shalt walk in my ways, and do that which is right in my sight, and keep my statutes and my commandments, as David my servant did, then will I be with thee, and will build thee a lasting house, as I built David, and will give Israel unto thee.
(1 Kings 11:38, Warsaw Bible)



There is no unconditional love. If someone teaches this, they are either wrong or deceiving the faithful.

In the lake of fire there will be people who have not kept God's commandments, and in the Kingdom of God there will be no Christians who have not persevered in God's love.


Now it is fashionable to crack a testimony about how much Jesus did. Yes, Jesus still performs miracles and heals, etc., but just as during the apostles' lifetime people received help, and with their lives they turned away from Jesus.



"If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not hold to the truth." 1 John 6.


I know that such a text is harsh and depressing for some, but Jesus is not an inscription on drops. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Can something depressing be keeping away from sin?


It is said, "God loves you." Yes and His love is manifested in pulling you out of lawlessness. The antichrist is a man of lawlessness.

This is the anti Christ spirit.

God's love is characterized in attraction to holiness, not fixation on a life of darkness.


He who has stolen let him steal stop, he who hurts with his tongue let him hurt stop, he who has smoked pot let him smoke stop, he who has same-sex sex let him stop this procedure.



 IF YOU keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love.



Updated: 7 August 2019 — 08:18


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  1. The Gospel of John is the most important message of the Lord Jesus to us. Only people with the Spirit of Truth can understand it. That's why even the scribes of the NCC cannot comprehend it . ?
    Thank you for the text.
    Blessings to all readers.

  2. What about loving your enemies? How is it to be understood in the face of this? After all, the enemy does not fulfill the condition.

    1. Loving means respect, unconditional love regardless of the circumstances, so if someone does you wrong, you don't resent him and you can still help him. You may not like him, but you will pray for him and respect him, not malign him. That is agape love.

  3. There was a quote in the Bible. I paraphrase: What reward is there when you love your friends? They greet you, too. The reward in heaven is when you love your enemies - even though they may not be fair to you.
    Isn't that unconditional love?

    1. there are different kinds of love.
      People who reject Jesus push themselves away from His love.
      Love for our neighbor is respect despite the evil we receive, but it is not the same as love for a brother or sister in the faith, or for God, or a partner.

      Let's say you hurt me with a word. It is my duty as a Christian not to respond with vengeance and even to pray for you, which does not mean that I will accept your sin against me and make myself a mental masochist.
      Do you understand it now?

      Ultimately, God will destroy all evil people, and that is what His love will be about

  4. The above rather yes, just don't quite agree with the title that: God's love is conditional. If so then that rules out then God's love for his enemies because they don't meet the conditions. Right?

    The way I explain it is that God certainly has patience with his enemies (those who don't meet the conditions) as well. Eventually patience/love will run out, so for his enemies also has an end and then is conditional.

    Ps. I will sleep on this. Thank you for the discussion.

    1. Those who have not died in Christ have rejected God's love, and so God will reject them at the final judgment.
      Love must be nurtured and it takes two to tango, so the rejection of one partner causes the love of the other to expire.

      Life is not a sentimental series.

      Lucifer has rejected God's love and no longer has even the slightest chance of God's love. He is already judged and condemned. Likewise with demons and the fallen.
      God does not want people to die spiritually and His love is revealed in reaching out but not loving sin and evil.

      Foxtrot I see that you have trouble understanding the nature of God, so you must have desires to know God.

  5. Possibly, but I think I'm pretty formed.

    I agree with the comment above, except that it doesn't necessarily take two to tango. But God is alone, and His zeal does not die out and He reaches out to people again and again. Right?

    1. Is God alone?
      Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
      And he has angels and saints on earth

    2. God's love is unconditional
      He did his best to save the world.
      He did it on the cross
      but it's up to the people to choose
      will they accept this love
      Everyone has free will and thus makes a choice.
      By making the choice to follow the Lord Jesus, we agree to follow Him.
      When we do the commandments, we do it out of love.
      God's love is unchanging, and just because He makes a judgment doesn't mean He doesn't love people, but it shows His holiness and justice, the consequences of His choice to reject His Holy Son as Savior.

  6. Yes, but God is one, so He is alone.
    And with angels, there are many things...
    Let's end the discussion on a humorous note.

  7. See how talk of God's unconditional love led Francis to declare that "there is no hell"

  8. This is something else. Tolerance of evil and unconditional love do not coexist (condition). Love for evil can exist, according to me, but with the intention that the one will come to repentance with heart and reason. Otherwise patience will run out. Until then, hulaj soul ...

  9. Of course it doesn't interact. As presented in the entry. God loves conditionally but tolerates evil for now. The whole situation that is life in this world is very complex. Lying has led to belief in unconditional love, which in turn leads to absolute salvation despite all sin. Satan wants us to believe in the absence of hell because then the law does not apply.

  10. According to me and the knowledge I have today, God loves unconditionally.
    He demonstrated this from the very first pages of His Word by creating the world and doing all the wonderful things that delight us.
    After the sin of the first humans,the first thing he did was to seek them out.Not to kill them but to pass care and show love.The killing of the animals testifies to this unconditional love.
    He is our Father wonderful.He gave us children so that we can feel what unconditional love is.
    No matter how much our children walk away from us
    we love them immensely
    God takes care of us until the very end
    doesn't give up
    The example of one of the villains on the cross is a confirmation of this.
    The Book of Hosea emphatically demonstrates unconditional love
    God loved the world and therefore died for us all

    1. God loves this world as we love people.
      Precisely because He loves people He will kill all sinners by the second death.
      Now we live in a time of grace, but the ST eminently showed us that for evil God punished very severely
      Here is his love:

      "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16″

      He loved the world, he loves the world, but only the one who believes in Jesus Christ, will not perish. The rest of Scripture says that he who follows Jesus, who obeys him. In summary the love of God is about making an offer of salvation to everyone, but not about absolute and unconditional love and that is a big difference.
      Unconditional love would be if everyone regardless of sin was saved.

      1. In my opinion, the proof of God's unconditional love is that He has given each person free will. Each person can choose which path they want to follow. God created the beauty of this world for every person regardless of how they act. For every person it rains, the sun shines.

  11. An interesting conversation between Christ and Peter. Peter must have realized that his love was not yet perfect (interlinear translation).

    John 21:15-17

    So when they had dined He says to Simon Peter Iesus; Simon (son of) Iona AGAPAS (you love unselfishly, boundlessly, perfectly) Me, more than these. He says to Him; yes Lord You know that FILO (shows friendly love) to You. She says to Him; feed My lambs.
    He says to Him again repetitively; Simon (son of) Iona AGAPAS ( you love selflessly, boundlessly, perfectly) Me. He says to Him; yes Lord, You know that FILO (shows friendly love) to You. She says to Him; shepherd My sheep.
    He tells him the third (time); Simon (son) Iona FILEIS (you show friendly love) Mi(!!!)
    It was grieved Peter, that he said to him the third (time) FILEIS (you show friendly love) to me. And he said to Him; Lord, You know that FILEIS (you show friendly love) to You. He saith unto him Iesus, shepherd my sheep.

    1. oh you see Robert, today I came across this FILO somewhere.
      thanks to

  12. Very good text...

  13. If I spoke in the tongues of men and angels,
    and I wouldn't have love,
    I would become like a clanking copper
    Or cymbal sounding.
    If I also had the gift of prophecy
    and knew all the secrets,
    and had all the knowledge, .
    and all the faith I could muster, so that I could move mountains,
    and I wouldn't have love,
    I would be nothing.
    And if I had given all my possessions for alms,
    and put his body up for burning,
    But love I would not have,
    I would gain nothing.
    Love is patient,
    gracious she is.
    Love does not envy,
    he's not looking for publicity,
    he does not exalt himself in pride;
    shamelessness is not allowed,
    does not seek his own,
    he doesn't get angry,
    doesn't remember the bad;
    does not rejoice in injustice,
    but it resonates with the truth.
    He puts up with everything,
    believes everything,
    He puts his hope in everything,
    will survive anything.

    Now instead of the word LOVE, insert the word JESUS.

    I know one thing, our thoughts are not God's thoughts.

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