Black Pope Adolfo Nicolas, the superior general of the Society of Jesus' diabolical plan for a new world order.
WHO IS ADOLFO NICOLAS? Who does he rule?
Who do the Jesuits have under them?
The 1st Jesuit Superior General is the Black Pope, now Adolfo Nicolas and his six generals control Pope Benedict XVI and the Vatican "White Pope" Francis.
2. the Illuminati, the Zionists, the globalist elites, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg group, the Freemasons, the Council of 300 and the evil Council of Trent.
3. the Jesuits control the Knights Templar, the Knights of Columbus, and the Knights of Malta.
4. the CIA, FBI, NSA, ASIO, MI5, MI6, NCIS, FSB, DGSE, Mossad and every intelligence agency in the world are Masonic and controlled by Jesuits.
5. the Jesuits have infiltrated all governments and leaders like Obama, Rudd, Blair, Jintao, Sarkozy, Peres are just puppets who do the bidding of the Jesuit order.
"A NEW WORLD ORDER" is the dream of GLOBAL TOTALITARIANISM that a BANKER named Mayer Amschel Rothschild, helped bring to life in 1760, To protect his private bank from global government regulation. His brilliant blue print is best described by his paid social engineer, Dr. Adam [Spartacus]. Weishaupt, professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt. Weishaupt adopted the term "Illuminati."
Below is the "outline" that Weishaupt assigned to his banker master of finance! Note the similarities between the 10 points and Marx's Communist Manifesto and Weishaupt's outline.
The plan for the NWO is:
* Abolition of all rule of order.
* Abolition of private property
* Abolition of succession
* The abolition of patriotism
* Abolition of the family
* Abolition of religion
* Global depopulation: 500 million
* The creation of a world government
Mayer Amschel Rothschild 1828:
"Let me spend and control the nation's money and I don't care who writes the laws."
Even a four-year-old can understand that the people who control the money...write the laws!
President Woodrow Wilson certainly stepped into the Kill Zone with his statement
- "Since I entered politics, first of all, I have been privately entrusted with people's views. Some of the greatest people in the United States - in commerce and production - are afraid of somebody. They know that power exists somewhere so organized, so subtle, so vigilant, so connected, so complete, so dominant, that it is better not to speak out loud when they pronounce it with condemnation."And also:- "A great industrial nation is controlled by its credit system. Our credit system is concentrated in the hands of a few. We have become one of the worst governed, one of the most controlled and dominated governments in the world - we are no longer a government of free opinion, we are no longer a ra government by the conviction and choice of the majority, but a government by the rule and coercion of small groups of dominant people.".Wilson survived by maneuvering the U.S. into World War I and condemning us in 1913 to a third and possibly final Rothschild central bank, the "Federal Reserve" (FED) - and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to invest funds to pay off the debts accrued from borrowing our money from the FED ... money conjured from "rarefied air." This is Rothschild privilege.,czy-d-trump-wkracza-w-strefe-zamachu-na-wlasne-zycie
So who is this subtle, complete organized power that Wilson speaks of?
They are Jesuits.
Who are the Jesuits? Officially they are simply missionaries, priests and benefactors who establish schools, universities and take pride in being pillars of the community?
If so, why was the Jesuit Order abolished in over 80 countries in 1773? JEC Shepherd states that "Between 1555 and 1931 The Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] has been expelled from at least 83 countries and cities for engaging in political intrigue and subversive activities against the welfare of the state, as recorded by a Jesuit priest of repute [Thomas J. Campbell].
Virtually every expulsion was political intrigue, political infiltration, political diversion and inciting political insurrection. They are the lords of chaos. Jesuits are warlords, assassins, teachers, infiltrators, tyrants.
People don't understand that the Jesuits command the White Pope and the Vatican, Obama / Bush / Clinton / Blair / Peres / Rudd / Jintao / Sarkozy / Medvedev (and frankly every government on earth), including the evil Council of Trent , the CFR, the Illuminati, the Zionists, the Bilderberg Group, the Freemasons, the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus, the Knights Templar, the Council of 300 and every intelligence organization in the world have ties to the Jesuit Order, and more specifically , the Jesuit Superior General known as the Black Pope
Adolfo Nicolas, who succeeded Peter-Hans Kolvenbach as the 30th Superior General of the Jesuit Order effective January 19, 2008.
Additional Information:
Did you know that every anti-system website is a pro-Catholic website? Interesting right?
There is not a single anti-system jutuber from the Protestants.
There is not a single non-Catholic anti-system portal in Poland.
They give you a choice between KFC and McDonald's.
In politics even more so: between PIS and Tusk.
PIS vs Braun etc. etc.
In this way, the Jesuit system is upheld.
So we have a choice between Jesuits on the left and Jesuits on the right.
Therefore, we should not take part in any revolution, in any riot. Our weapon is truth, not carnal action.
Nice Masonic hug from Kaczynski in the photo below.
And this is also a reason, for me, not to participate in "free elections". The "elected" people lust, not rule.
"They turned politics into kitsch, love into pornography, music into noise, sports into prostitution, religion into science, science into faith" /Tad. Różewicz/.
To this maxim we can add "Art into a landfill and a dung heap".