Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Provocative banners by the atheist group "In No God We Trust" in Fort Worth.


Banners saying "In No God We Trust" (No God We Trust) are stirring controversy in downtown Fort Worth.

Metroplex atheists say the banners are part of an initiative to change the U.S. slogan from "In God We Trust" (God We Trust) to the Latin (Roman) "E Pluribus Unum" - which translates to "Of the many, one“.


Motto E pluribus unum is found on the Great Seal of the United States. It is (note) a thirteen letter motto, and the reverse of this seal looks quite familiar:




"The reverse of the seal shows an unfinished pyramid of 13 layers of stones, at the base of which is inscribed the year 1776 (written in Roman numerals). At the base of the pyramid the year 1776 is inscribed (in Roman numerals). Eye of Providence. Additionally, on the reverse side there are two Latin sentences - composed of the 13 letters "Annuit Coeptis" ("[God] has looked kindly upon our undertaking"; from Virgil's Aeneid) and "Novus Ordo Seclorum" ("New Order of the Ages" - originally the motto of freemasonry, taken from Virgil's fourth eclogue). The reverse of the Great Seal can be found, for example, on the back of a one-dollar bill." wikipedia.


We can clearly see the Roman Empire launching all sorts of forces to eliminate God from public life, but no one would say that instead they would offer the people by force another god. One who hides with his world of values, who has to lie to have support.


The city says the banners must be removed within five business days of the group's July 14 event. But this is another satanic move after LGBT mass actions and the removal of the Decalogue from schools.



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Updated: 3 July 2019 — 10:46

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  1. Another bad action...

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