Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

54% religious Jews support civil partnerships and gay marriage.


A new survey by the Hiddush Association found that 78% Israelis support gay marriage or same-sex unions. The key question was: "Do you think same-sex couples should be able to marry or register as partners in Israel? (Registration as a partner is not a marriage, but confers rights and obligations similar to marriage) ". Among the participants, 78% voted for gay marriage or same-sex unions (55% and 23% respectively), while only 22% opposed the idea of homosexual relationships and/or marriage.

When broken down by level of religiosity, 93% secular Israelis and 54% religious people supported gay marriage or partnership.
"The Jewish community has once again made clear that it is liberal on matters of religion and state and supports the implementation of the values of the Declaration of Independence, which guarantees freedom of religion and equality," responded Hiddush president Uri Regev. "The results show that the public does not favor [a return] to the days of stoning same-sex couples, but embraces and respects them."
However, people often confuse respect for homosexuals in Catholic Poland with the recognition of homosexual marriages. We can respect them as people, but we cannot agree to the legalization of marriages. We do not agree that people who pack their privates into their asses should be considered normal. They can do what they want at home, but we have the right to disapprove of it as a social norm. This is not in accordance with God's Law.
Another question asked in the survey was: "Assuming that same-sex marriages or partnerships are established in Israel, do you believe that such couples should enjoy all the rights of a marriage consisting of a man and a woman?"
Some 73% participants supported granting full (62%) or most (11%) rights to same-sex couples, and 8% thought some rights should be granted, while 19% did not support granting the same rights. sex pairs all rights.
Such survey results confirm once again that this Israel is not the chosen people of God the Father. A chosen nation is already only one who is part of a group that does the will of the Father, and that will is unambiguous in this matter:
Leviticus 18:22.24-25.29
22 You shall not commune with a man as you commune with a woman. This is an abomination!
24. all these things do not defile yourselves, for with all these things have the nations defiled themselves, which I am driving out before you.
25Also the earth became unclean. So I punished it for its guilt, and the earth spat out its inhabitants.
29 For everyone who does one of these abominations, all who do them will be excluded from their people.
Leviticus 20:13
13 Whoever has carnal intercourse with a man as one has with a woman commits disgusting. Both will be punished by deathThey brought this death upon themselves.
Rom 1:25-28.32
25 They have turned the truth of God into a lie, and have worshipped and served the creature, instead of serving the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
26 This is why God gave them up of the feckless passions: namely, their women have transformed life according to nature into counter to nature.
27 Likewise also men, having forsaken normal intercourse with women, have become enamored of one another, men with men practicing shameless and on themselves bearing the payment due for deviation.
28And because they did not deem it right to retain the true knowledge of God, God gave them over to an unfit mind, so that they did what was not right.
32This, though they know well the judgment of God, that those who commit such acts, are guilty of deathnot only do they commit them, but they praise those who do.
1 Corinthians 6:9
9 Do you not know that the unjust will not possess the kingdom of God? Be not deceived! Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor promiscuous, nor men cohabiting with themselves,
Wis 14:26
26. oppression of the good, oblivion of benefits, misrepresentation of souls, sins against nature, dissipation in marriages, adultery and shamelessness.
1 Tim 1:8-11
8 And we know that the Law is good, if one applies it lawfully,
9. understanding that the Law is not intended for the righteous, but for the lawless and the unruly, for the ungodly and sinners, for the wicked and the worldly, for the fatherless and the motherless and for murderers,
10. for fornicators, for men cohabiting with themselves, for slave traders, for liars, for perjurers, and [for those committing] anything else that is contrary to sound doctrine,
11. in the spirit of the gospel of the glory of the blessed God confided to me.

It is obvious that the rainbow shirts are coming, but for now we still have demonocracy and freedom of speech and I still use it.


Praise the Lord Jesus.




Updated: 7 June 2019 — 20:48


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  1. We do not judge them, because everyone has sins, we on this blog also have sins, but different ones. The difference is that when we sin we are not happy about it and a man of faith knows what is a sin and what is not. On the other hand, those who organize these parades are not only proud of it but, as it was shown on TV yesterday, they mock faith etc. I wish someone or something would change their views while it is still not too late.

  2. I was going to add a comment but it's a waste of ink and paper. What else is there to comment on.
    Behold the statesman of perverted Poland.

    Last night my sister-in-law visited us. There was a Polish mma gala on polsat. She wanted to watch it. She used to train bodybuilding so she is somewhat in the topic. I said ok, what's going on in the world. After one of the fights the winning fighter nicknamed Tito commented critically on lgbt marches (probably it was his first and last show ☺). As I was getting up today he was already tiring of tvn pumpkins. Breakfast topic: intolerant statement by said contestant. Rainbow venom gushed from the screen. One of the invited opinion leaders was a female mma fighter. I learned that America's largest mma federation supports lgbt. You guys feel it! Gay mma. First a punch in the face and then a kiss, kiss, kiss. They're breaking the mold. Lgbt is no longer lefties, but masculinity.
    But ok, during the course of this sewage they played commercials. Here's one of them.
    As for the tip, hmm. But there is one plus to this commercial. The guy dancing on the tube is not white so they exposed themselves. Well, hey.

    Lgbt is not just homo, rainbow, freedom, feminism, etc. It is an IDEOLOGY!!!
    Rewind to 8:45 and watch 30sec like this because the rest is a waste of time. This is their degenerate freedom. I wonder what Satan will do when this young boy is no longer needed.

  3. Everything in reverse...

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