Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Marcin Rola and - another safety valve.

I was supposed to write about this channel, which by the way I was a little enamored with at the beginning, but as it turned out during my research much if not everything has been said and written before me.

I only found this historical post by Mr. Martin Rola before he started criticizing Bill 447. Here is his Twitter post:




In the following video the authors rightly noted the evolution of safety valves, when first the valve was AWS and Gazeta Wyborcza, then Gazeta Polska, and now


Studio of Poles

In my opinion is a channel meant to give people a substitute of the truth so that nothing would work out anyway. Korwin Mikke works in a similar way.


Below a much more extensive text about the channel


We Christ-followers must understand that in Polish politics there is no single person or organization acting in the name of Jesus. But there are people through whom God works, and such people can be all those who are gathered around Polish patriots. You should know what I noticed recently - a paradox and curiosity - we now have anti-patriotic patriots. Buttery what isn't it? 🙂

I'm already explaining it to those who didn't realize it. The most known anti-system movements like Konfederacja,, have their opponents in the persons of patriots themselves, but the real ones, which doesn't mean that the real ones do the right thing. They rather have not come to know God, because if they did, they would be together with us in the team of Jesus, in the Kingdom of God. But that they have a hunger for truth, which by the way is alien to evangelicals because they already live in heaven and will be held accountable for their passivity in the face of the evils of vaccines, 5G, 447, economic and banking tyranny, these anti-systemicists anti-systemicists, so to speak, do not accept the lies of the safety valves. is pro-Catholic. What do you think, do they not know the truth about the church of Rome?

A lot of knowledge about politics, and don't know about what's below?


The True Story of the Roman Catholic Church

Don't they know about the occult in Rome?



Have they not arrived at these truths? Is it so possible to separate the truth about Rome from political truth?


The Confederacy itself, which I would once again vote for out of spite, reminds me of a slogan that I will paraphrase:


"Catholic safety valves of all organizations unite."


Pride, national pride:






Jack Międlar's store - "death to enemies of the fatherland" pillow.

Sleeping pillow "death to the enemies of the fatherland". By their fruits you will know them. But Catholics don't know them, because how can they know them if they don't know the original Jesus. Jesus did not even wish death to the Romans.

Such people are believed.

Mr. Międlar also shows many interesting gestures and signs.

Pseudo national movements with thousands of subscriptions mislead the Polish people. Let me explain right away, I am not jealous of subscriptions. If I were, I would do the same as ether, Miedlar, wrealu24.

One reader wrote me:

"a few years ago I thought this blog would be shut down, and you're scaring the hell out of people."

Very good comment. An incredible compliment towards me and appreciation. Yes, I make people aware because the door closes every day with death.

More than a thousand Poles die every day.


90% like no more will be saved. They are losing eternal life and that worries and interests me. I am interested in the spiritual state of the Poles. I worry about them unlike the mercenaries of Rome or other para-masonic organizations.


This wallowing in the mire of politics such as etc. is supposed to move people away from salvation. Through such TV stations people lose their salvation, eternal life, because they believe that with their votes they will change Poland. All blessings fall on the nation when the nation applies God's Law.


You shall not make for yourself a graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or of those things that are in the waters under the earth. 5You shall not bow down to them nor serve them. I am the LORD your God, strong, envious, punishing the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me; 6And having mercy on thousands who love me and keep my commandments


Yes yes, not popular stuff I write. This truth detective writes well but why this God and some decalogue....


The Gietrzwałd Confederation was founded with the goal of building an independent, Catholic Great Poland.




Poles notoriously break the second commandment, not to mention others.

It's enough to visit comments of wrealu24 chat or Korwin's profile to see what kind of love flows from people. Korwin himself says "good communist is like good compote and good compote is cold compote"...


It is different from venting in that it does not wish death on anyone, and shows only and as much as the truth.


This is my opinion about the current political situation among the anti-systemicists in Poland.


Unfortunately, Mr. Braun, your mother god of Gietrzwałd did not help you, which I will explain in a separate post....


Praise be to Jesus Christ - King of Kings.



I don't think it's fashionable for neo-Slavs either...



Updated: 28 May 2019 — 13:03


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  1. ? Too bad this one turned out to be a "vent" too, nevertheless thanks for the warning....

  2. Simply put. No politician can make a career without his/her leading officer. Such puppets will do everything to stay on the merry-go-round of political life, sometimes lower, sometimes higher, but always on the merry-go-round :). Mikke is the best example here.

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