Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A woman has filed a lawsuit against a Roman Catholic hospital for refusing to perform a hysterectomy.

A woman who identifies as male has filed a lawsuit against a Roman Catholic hospital for refusing to allow a surgeon to perform a hysterectomy for a requested "sex change" operation.

"On information and belief, it appears that defendant is prohibited by religious policy from caring about sex, that he classified Knight's hysterectomy as" sterilization "and refused to provide medically necessary treatment."  reads the lawsuit .


A hysterectomy is a procedure to remove the uterus.


A woman named Oliver Knight began hormone treatment in 2015 and underwent a double mastectomy the following year. Her doctor then recommended a hysterectomy with bilateral fallopian tube removal for further "treatment," meaning all of her uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries would be removed.

Knight scheduled the procedure at St. Joseph's Hospital in Eureka and went through the pro-op protocol. A few minutes before the surgery began, she was informed by the surgeon that the surgery was cancelled.



The lawsuit states that Knight began crying and trembling and was given medication for an anxiety attack. She called her roommate to go home.

Knight underwent surgery at another facility but contracted an infection after the operation, and has now filed a lawsuit claiming St. Joseph's Hospital discriminated against her and violated the California Unruh Act.

"Knight's medical records show that the decision to cancel ... Knight's medically necessary care was initiated by" an ethics evaluation "completed by David Groe," the complaint states. "Defendant does not prohibit physicians at his hospitals from performing hysterectomies on cisgender patients with diagnoses other than gender dysphoria."


"The defendant's alleged conduct is extreme and outrageous and goes beyond the bounds of what is tolerated in decent society," he believes. "The actions alleged herein were done with malice, fraud, oppression and reckless disregard ... of Knight's rights."

Knight is seeking both monetary damages and an injunction prohibiting the hospital from rejecting such procedures in the future.

St. Joseph Health Northern California says it is reviewing the lawsuit and investigating the allegations.

"At St. Joseph Health, we believe that health care is a basic human right and that every person seeking care should always be treated with compassion and respect," said spokeswoman Elizabeth Brophy in a statement shared with Los Angeles Times . "We are making every effort to investigate this matter.

As previously reported , in 2017. Another California woman, who identifies as male, also sued the Catholic hospital for refusing to allow her to undergo hysterectomy surgery at the facility. Dignity Health, which is the parent company for Mercy San Juan Medical Center, prevailed in the legal dispute. The case is currently under appeal.


While some see transgenderism as a disease, Christians see the issue as a spiritual issue - one that stems from the same predicament that all people without Christ face.

The Bible teaches that everyone is born with the nature of Adam's sin, having various inborn tendencies that are contrary to God's law, being completely incapable of changing themselves.

Jesus outlined in John 3: 5-7 that people must be reborn through the second birth and get transformed from being in Adam to a new creation in Christ for without this they cannot see the kingdom of heaven......


People!!! what's going on. In this text being a translation, I encountered as many as several new concepts:


  1. Hysterectomy.
  2. Cisgender
  3. Gender dysphoria.


Satan's system specializes in giving intellectual concepts to all kinds of deviations.

Arguably, they may soon introduce such terms as thieffobia - a morbid fear of thieves, or pedophobia - an irrational fear of pedophiles....

People, wake up, because what is happening in the world is one big goy brainwashing and neo-Sodomite rule.

Sadly, most put more hope in a 55 inch TV than in the truth... It will get worse, but we must persevere in faith and truth.

Praise Jesus Christ.



The time of grace is ending. If you are not sure you are saved, you can accept Christ into your life now by praying:


"Lord Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God. Thank you that you died on the cross for my sins. Forgive me my sins and give me the gift of eternal life. I invite you into my life and heart to be my Lord and Savior.






Updated: 17 April 2019 — 20:04

1 Comment

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  1. This "woman-to-man" alone is a huge contradiction in my opinion....

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