Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Adultery to God a cause of divorce.

I think this is a very important topic and a good awareness text will come out.

Last weekend at the convention, as I discussed the Hebrew translation of Matthew's gospel, I stopped at chapter five in an attempt to show the similarity of God's betrayal to that of a spouse. I hypothesized that God's betrayal was a cause for divorce. My colleague, a brother in the faith named Miki, agreed with me and said that this was somewhat stated in Jesus' words:



"If therefore thine right eye trouble thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee; for it shall be more profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, than that all thy flesh should go to hell. And if thine right hand trouble thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee; for it shall be more profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, than that thy whole body should go to hell.


Thoughts and actions that dissuade from God's Law dissuade from God Himself, and God is certainly not the author of those thoughts.

By virtue of being a Christian blogger, I already know a lot of cases, stories, though even before I was born I knew a multitude of life stories and related life tragedies.

I know of one case where Satan gave a woman a very quick way to get rich by hurting people. She became a wealthy person very quickly. She went after dead bodies. In a relationship there were Dantean scenes associated with it. When she bought herself an expensive car she said "I really like to look at it how awesome....e is". Of course the relationship fell apart, the children were hurt, but the spirit of mammon was satisfied. Unfortunately, another relationship also fell apart. Here the idol was, demon of Mammon:


Examples abound. Success. Associated with the idol of mammon. They always go gangbusters. The woman wanted to prove to her husband abroad how she could do it on her own. Jezebel spirit, sexuality, attraction to money. Same scenario: surrender to the idol and divorce. Family tragedy again.


Lest women think I'm a misogynist 🙂 I'll give the opposite example :-). Incidentally, I have often had women around me in my life. such fate...:D. Now I also have several sisters in the faith who I respect.


The husband was a workaholic. He ran a sports-related business. From morning to night at work. The money just kept coming in. He also cheated on me because of his frequent contact with women. After all this, when he had fallen very hard, he showed me his military sling, and on it there was a handsome woman holding a sword in her hand like in that service of Father Dominic, and from behind her a demon was sticking out. The man was a sexaholic.

I think there is no need to continue to list more examples. I just wanted to show that the various extremes that draw people away from God are idols, or demons.

Sooner or later such people will wreck their relationship. Of course, some also last, but in a heathen-pagan configuration.

What then of pagan-Christian relationships?

Can a pagan partner's idol be grounds for divorce? Can the betrayal of God be grounds for a Christian to leave? Probably not, but we will consider some situations. However, before we consider I would like to say what the legal grounds are. Well, Paul in 1 Corinthians 7 writes:


"To the other married couples I declare, and not the Lord: If any brother has an unbelieving wife, and she agrees to continue living with him, let him not give her up. Likewise, if a believing woman has an unbelieving husband, and he agrees to live with her, let her not break off the marriage with him. For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by his wife, and the unbelieving wife by her brother. If it were otherwise, your children would be unclean, but in the meantime they are holy. However, if the non-believing side wanted to leave, let them leave. Then neither brother nor sister is restrained like a slave, because God has called you to live in peace. (The Poznan Bible)"


And here if the spouse does not repent and is subject to idols, there will still be a divorce for the fault of the Gentile. Remember, there is no mention here in 1 Corinthians 7, for example, of adultery being a legal ground for divorce, and what Jesus said. The law still applies. Paul in this chapter showed that a believing partner cannot just walk away from an unbeliever. But the biblical reasons for divorce still work.

It is the duty of every Christian to pray for their partner whether they are believers or not. It is the duty of every Christ-follower to show Jesus to their partner.


But as in life there is no golden rule. God respects the human will and it is often the case that people, through idols, bring about divorce and consequently it is the betrayal of God that is the cause of divorce.

I wanted to take this opportunity to emphasize that to break a marriage vow is to break a covenant.

Here is a version of the Latin or Catholic marriage vows:


"I (name of the groom) I take you (name of the bride) as my wife and I vow to you love, fidelity and honesty in marriage and that I will not leave you till death. So help me Lord God almighty in Trinity one and all the saints".


The civilian version reads like this:


"Aware of the rights and responsibilities of marriage, I solemnly declare that I am entering into marriage with (name of the other person entering into marriage) and I promise to do my best to make our marriage consensual, happy and permanent.


In practice, however, the oath often looks like this:

"vows not to leave you until you are divorced."


Scripture says:


"What you have vowed, fulfill it! It is better not to make vows than not to fulfill what you have vowed" Ecclesiastes 5:3-4 NBG


By the way, I would like everyone to think about whether they are doing EVERYTHING to make their marriages compatible, happy and lasting.

Is it just such a cool moment to be the center of attention for your guests during your wedding ceremony. The guests, the food, the gifts, the wishes.


Marriage is the forge of Christian personality.


Going back to my assumptions I promised to give some examples. Suppose a partner becomes a Buddhist. This is adultery towards God. More obvious than the spirit of mammon. The spirit of mammon is not seen by everyone. You can see Buddha by his big belly. I used to be a Buddhist because of my belly size.

All right, no more jokes or they'll consider it hate speech. Assuming the partner is a Buddhist, how long do you think such a relationship will last? Maybe there are situations of conversion and not from such and such worse religions, but I want to show only and until the mechanism. I would like to hear from people who know such cases in the comments.

Am I able to back up the Bible regarding adultery to God translating into adultery to a partner?


They also exchanged the glory of the immortal God for the likeness of the image of transient man and of birds, quadrupeds, and amphibians. Therefore God gave them up to corruption in the midst of the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves. Romans 1:23.

Exchanging the glory of the immortal God for putting your hope in the idols of this world will lead to divorce. Adultery toward God will lead to adultery toward a partner.


 2 Corinthians 6: 14-16 says:

"Do not mix in yoke with unbelievers, for what have righteousness and wickedness in common, or what fellowship can shine with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? And what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? there is harmony between the temple of God and idols, for we are the temple of the living God."

Paul also tells us that "bad company spoils good manners."


Several people have asked me if a relationship between a Christian and a Muslim is possible. Yes it is possible, but only with a lukewarm Christian, but not a Christ-follower. Of course there are probably cases of one party's faith changing in favor of our faith, but in general what does Allah have to do with Jesus? Well, unless it is ecumenical.


Marriage is a contract and a community of faith:


 Can two walk together without agreeing on ways?Amos 3.



Now let's think, could Jesus and Buddha have taught together? There would be some elements in common, but so have we with the Catholics.


And let's replace Buddha, with more far-reaching cases: a Scientologist partner and finally a partner who goes to the Church of Satan.

Will such a relationship hold up? Will the indirect cause of divorce not be the spirit of antichrist?


Is it a coincidence that Mr. Biedroń, like the ancient Israelites who betrayed God, has a collection of Astarte figurines?

What was the cause of the fall of Sodom?


"You shall not enter into ties of kinship with them: your daughter you shall not give to their son, nor their daughter you shall take for your son, (4) for it would draw thy son away from me, and he would serve other gods; and [then] Yahweh would have burned with anger against you, and would soon have destroyed you." Deuteronomy 7.


There is a large section of people here who are fond of the Law of God. Here he gives for your consideration:


' Shekaniah the son of Jechiel, from among the sons of Elam, spoke up, saying to Ezra: We have betrayed our God, for we have married foreign wives from among the people of the land. But there is yet hope for Israel. (3) Let us here make a solemn commitment to our God that we will send away all [foreign] wives and children born of them, according to the advice of my Lord and all those who have respect for the commandments of our God. Let the Law be fulfilled!"

10) Then the priest Ezra came forward and said to them, "You have committed adultery by taking foreign women as your wives, and by this you have increased the guilt of Israel. (11) Make confession of sin now before Yahweh, the God of our fathers, and do His will! Separate yourselves from the pagan people of this country and from foreign women! Ezra 10.


Precedent or God's will?


Separation from God leads to disintegration, and while there are probably mixed relationships full of torment, there have also probably been some that are no longer there.

The text is meant to make you think. He who has reason will understand.

The Christian, as I mentioned, is supposed to do whatever is in line with God's will to save the relationship, and certainly not one Christian has done that, but lusts for foreign gods are often stronger.





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Updated: 22 February 2019 — 10:39


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  1. And what is your opinion about the so-called dating - is this also a marriage? Among the people of the world this is the norm.

    1. You can go but without premarital sex

      1. Thank you for the clarification...

  2. And I have this question. If two people (believers), had sex before marriage, and were together for a few years, but then something didn't work out, and one person left the other. Is this relationship not considered a "marriage" at all? Neither party will be living in adultery, even if they choose a partner they will not have sex with until after marriage?

    kind regards

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