Due to the fact that several people have mentioned it to me and the video has a very high number of views, I am posting my comment on it.
According to this priest, who is either intentionally doing this or is simply deluded, the abomination of desolation is the withholding of the daily sacrifice of the eucharist 😀
This is an absolute lie because the apostle Paul clearly said that Jesus' sacrifice was made once for all.
"The one opposite, having made one sacrifice once and for all for his sins, sat down at the right hand of God, 13 Just waiting for His enemies to become the footstool of His feet*. 14 For by one offering he has perfected for ever those who are sanctified."
This priest is lying to people in plain sight because they do not know the Scriptures.
The real abomination of desolation occurred in the year 175:
They want to seize the apocalyptic electorate because there is a growing interest in end times themes. I wonder why this hasn't been talked about for the past decades? And now for the sake of the moment such a lie....
Music like in conspiracy movies. This music has already been in more than one movie.
It further states:
God sends Mary to all parts of the world to unseal the prophecies of Revelation and Mary tells us what times we live in....
Failure. Why do they need Jesus, maybe they should remove him right away, it will be wider.
Mary's warriors or the church of Rome attacks.
In another video, he not only dresses up in an idolatrous t-shirt titled Mary's Warriors, but he POSSESSES to say that MARY IS THE BEAUTIFULEST girl in the universe.
Interestingly enough, he talks about ecumenism and warns against it. If this is how things were to happen, it is highly likely to be the scenario I discussed with Star Wars, where there is the New Order and the rebels. Such a commune and BIS solidarity.
Father Dominik Chmielewski went all the way in interpreting the apocalypse and attributes everything to Mary. Jesus is still such a cradle boy according to Catholics....
So let us pray that those people who are watching this will begin to seek the truth of the Bible and that this truth will set them free. Let us turn these irreverent attacks on God's Word to good.
She's the most beautiful? Too bad they're so blinded....
"and narrow is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and few there are who find it."
Matthew 7:14 NBG
In the film there is an equal sign between Catholicism and Christianity, and not only in this film. I prefer to call myself a 'follower of Christ', or like Peter here use the term: Christian.
Fact, the part about the family, the collapse of values is true, from all the rest your ears wilt.
Jesus, forgive us who do not seek you, who do not accept your Word, who are lukewarm.
Your word is truth, your message simple and clear. Why don't people see this?
Let us pray for our country that the veil will fall, that people will accept Jesus and reject the "terrible and victorious" phantom claiming to be the mother of our Lord.
Jesus alone. Not symbols, figures, paintings, saints, intermediaries. Just Jesus.
I say this as a person with 39 years of Catholic experience, an altar server, a participant of walking pilgrimages to Czestochowa, a would-be priest (according to my family's will). Jesus allowed me to convert thanks to this website, among others. Converted for 3 years and lonely because of it (thankfully my wife and kids are with me). And very happy 😉
Jesus alone is Lord!
Praise Jesus for bringing you out of the world of the dead:-)
You are not alone...There is a God 😀
And on top of that you still have a wife and kids 🙂 .
Something scary, I feel like "shaking" these people and calling out to them what they are writing these comments under the video and watching it with a positive attitude that these are Big Lies. it makes me want to cry over them....
End times .Sign contracts , , break them in the middle of the time , oppression , 3.5 years So in general we can assume that something is up . 7 years is probably the max for the coming of the Lord
I think I wrote about how Trump has long said that if anyone is going to bring peace to the Middle East it will be Jared Kushner.
Nevertheless, they still have Iran left.
As a counter to these lies, I recommend the very wise teaching of the sadly departed Dariusz Kuberek https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8U739DzlYMuvlbEOsntZGvJ1xoPNn_oI
This man will be judged terribly.
"Later, the symbol of the eye in a closed triangle came to be seen as a symbol of the Trinity in the Christian religion."
If you're writing something about the illuminati, I think you've got something mixed up in your head...
You are a mere primitive tool to destroy the Church....
"a primitive organ."
This is the spirit of the antichrist.
You probably don't know these words of the Lord:
"By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."
But I'm sure you know many of the Pope's words...
Would Jesus have said that? You are just showing the rotten fruit of the church of Rome, and I don't need to destroy the church, Radek, because it destroys itself.
I don't know what the eye has to do with our Lord or how it relates to scripture, but this much I do know, the eye has always been a symbol of the gods of Egypt.