Here is Simon's story from the internet. I was first informed by a reader and then I verified it on the internet. In fact, the information was posted on a large Microsoft portal MSN Poland.
I copy information from facebook:
Dear Friends, six months ago I was enjoying with my brother and sister-in-law the happiness that has befallen them, and Simon was born into the world. Healthy, happy baby.
16 01 2019According to the vaccination schedule, my mother went for pneumococcal vaccination. On day 4, she developed a fever. Concerned, my sister-in-law went with Simon to the doctor. It can be after the vaccination such a temperature. On the evening of 21.01.2019 around 10 p.m. Simon had convulsions and stiffness and was admitted to hospital.
The next morning the attack recurred and a head CT was done. Encephalitis was suspected. The child was given a lot of tranquilizers after which the tremors subsided. He was transported by air ambulance to a hospital in Warsaw. Children's Hospital in Niekłańska Street 22.01. The child was taken to the ICU in critical condition. During the night the child started to lose vital functions and was resuscitated. After that another CT scan of the head was done and there was swelling of the brain. The parents heard almost on 100% is brain death. Please say goodbye to your child and say a prayer. On Friday, the 25th of January, the mother got the information that the child was attached. THEY WERE TOLD THAT THE BODY WOULD NOT BE VENTILATED. After the procedures for declaring brain death had been carried out, the committee met and one of the examining doctors felt a slight pulse in the fontanel.
They stopped further activities. They do not know the cause of Szymon's condition. Medication for encephalitis was discontinued after a 14-day treatment. We started to look for help at other professors. Professor Talar from Bydgoszcz has stepped in to help. He gave us a glimmer of hope but we have to stimulate Szymon to start breathing on his own. Yesterday Szymonek had tests of his reflexes, his leg was twitching, but apparently it is caused by his spinal cord. Today he had another EEG test and an MRI eeg was not good. SZYMON'S MOM ASKED THE HEAD DOCTOR TO SLOW DOWN THE PROCEDURE SO THAT THEY COULD STIMULATE HIM LIKE THE PROFESSOR SAID. SHE WAS OUTRAGED AND SAID THAT SHE DIDN'T AGREE DEAD BODIES. AND SHE WON'T WAIT. WHEN THE MRI RESULTS COME BACK, THERE'LL BE ANOTHER COMMITTEE OF DOCTORS, AND THEY WANT TO DISCONNECT HIM. OH, GOD, WE CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN, BECAUSE THIS LITTLE MAN IS FIGHTING, HIS HEART IS BEATING, HIS OTHER ORGANS ARE WORKING JUST FINE. PLEASE SHARE THIS POST.
What does the hospital claim?
In the message, which was shared, among others, by Paweł Skutecki, it was reported that Szymek was brought to the hospital "in an extremely serious condition". "The prognosis for his health and life is very serious, which the patient's family has been informed about from the very beginning. From the very first moment the child undergoes specialized, multidirectional and intensive therapy with the use of all available means" - emphasized the representatives of the institution. They added that "To date, there is no confirmation that the child's condition could be related to the vaccination." ”
Szymek żyje. Pani dyrektor szpitala, w mojej obecności, kategorycznie zapewniła jego Mamę, że nie zostanie odłączony od respiratora. Kwestia NOP jest właśnie teraz tematem narady w której biorą udział prof. Jackowska i minister Pinkas. Ale to drugorzędna kwestia, bardzo ważna, ale drugorzędna. Najważniejsze, że Szymek walczy i nikt mu w tym nie zamierza przeszkadzać. Modlitwa na pewno mu się przyda…
Hospital announcement:
A feybsukowicz, motivation specialist wrote this post:
...or are we being deceived?
aren't we being manipulated?
#Media mainstream TVP Info, @tvn, POLSAT They are silent even though a 7-month-old boy is dying.
Why are the newspapers also silent?
Hm, because near 70% doesn't belong to us? No, it doesn't.
Hm, because the boy wasn't murdered by his concubine?
Because no one hit him in the lanes?
Bo walczy o życie po podaniu szczepionki…
Oh, sorry.
That is not allowed to be written, said.
But whether the president is or not on skis they can trumpet repeatedly.
Showing as a mantra the same faces over and over again, who create the appearance of pseudo-difference in programs, arguing constantly and endlessly making empty promises, to ultimately contribute little or nothing to our lives, they are given unlimited air time.
Has it reached the public,
that 4-month-old Susie died after being vaccinated?
Tak zmarła. To znaczy, była wielka radością i szczęściem młodych rodziców, a dziś już jej nie ma, bo…
Is the public being informed,
że 4 letnia Ola, przegrała walkę z padaczką poszczepienną i nie będzie mogła spełnić żadnego swego marzenia, bo już jej z nami nie ma, bo…
Has it reached the public,
that between 2007 and 2015, 13 hundred children's deaths after vaccination were reported to the medical product registration office⁉️
And how many were not reported and not qualified as #nop śmiertelny, tego już niewiadomo…
A przecież szczepionki to najlepiej przebadany i najbezpieczniejszy “lek” pod słońcem…
Jedyny zresztą lek, którego zastosować na wskazana chorobę nie można…
That sun, however, is setting fast,
When help is needed for families,
Who are struggling with severe complications,
and as a result, their lives are changed irrevocably.
The state is not helping.
Pharmacy is silent.
These are not topics for the media, after all.
As well as the fact that on 2.06.2018 more than 10 thousand citizens, families marched through the streets of Warsaw, demanding dialogue and changes in the law related to eligibility for vaccination and its obligation.
Nothing. Zero. There was no trace. People evaporated, a crippled herd walked by.
But when a few people in code moods shout accusations against authority, the whole country knows about it.
When a black march against life walks through the streets, the whole country knows it.
What Ms. Pawlowicz says or doesn't do, the whole country knows.
The whole country knows what Mr. Schetyna will say out of envy for PIS.
And so on endlessly.
But what happens in the Cape Verde islands, for example, few of us know.
We don't know much about what's going on in Europe, though 46 countries stand in its ranks.
For that we know very well what in #EU in a number of pieces happens all the time. Especially when bad things are said about us, Poles and Poland.
Oh, sorry. It's also shame and nationalism.
But when an American flag flies on a juesej movi and a grejt britan is on a bag or socks it's ok and proud.
We are told that the perfect housewife or other celebrity is getting a divorce, magazine covers then trumpet the pain.
Because it carries, because it sells.
Funny and sad at the same time.
People who question whether it is reasonable to vaccinate on the first day and in general question the quality of the qualifications are considered to be crazy, anti-vaccinators and parochial people. They are even considered to be fuckwits.
Godni pochwały są za to wszyscy Ci, którzy ślepo wierzą w to co zasłyszą, nie mają pytań i idą ramię w ramię zgodnie z tym co “mądrzy” im nakażą, a kalendarz wskaże.
W imię dobra ludzkości… W imię…
Dziwne, bo Niemcy, nasz Wielki sąsiad, którego tak często za wzór nam się podaje, wzór biznesowy i “jakościowy”, niemiecki proszek i auto najlepsze, sławetne ordnung muss sein, obowiązku szczepień nie ma i mają się świetnie. A może świetnie mają się właśnie dlatego…?
Would a blind belief in superstitions and others have led humanity to where it is?
If it weren't for the passion and curiosity of Copernicus or other misfits, the rational thinking of madmen backed by hard analysis and new conclusions, would we as humanity be moving forward so rapidly?
Isn't thinking, reasoning, drawing conclusions, analyzing, combining facts and self-determination along with responsibility for oneself and one's offspring one of the fundamental differences between us and animals?
Not to mention the capacity for faith and conscience.
Where are you noble #media?
I ask, where?
Why are you so afraid of uncomfortable topics related to vaccinations?
Is it just the ohs and ahs alone and mankind's greatest discovery fits into this format?
A round of applause and thanks for taking care of both legal and formal National Association for Vaccination Awareness STOP NOP The family of little Szymek, who could not afford to stay in Warsaw, had to pay for accommodation and transport.
For publicizing the issue.
Tak dziwnie się składa, że zafiksowane “antyszczepy” pomagają rodzinie, której dziecko zostało zaszczepione i walczy teraz o życie, a zwolennicy milczą twierdząc usilnie, że sprawy nie ma i nic się nie stało…
Truth today ravens noble and how rare.
That's what many say today, only when it works for them.
God help.
My comment.
The truth is, the baby was born healthy. It's sick. We have forced vaccinations. The media are silent. The Poles are not interested in anything except calming their conscience while donating a symbolic amount to WOSP and resting from helping and thinking for the whole year. How can we help if we do not know the truth about what they do to us.
Let me remind you what I discovered recently while writing about vaccinations. here is the logo of the most influential vaccine company:
6 6 6
Today heroes are meek and politicians are puppets of the mighty of this world. Puppets who have dressed themselves in suits and ties.
I'm curious to know what the sanitation workers have to say about this? You can always blame someone else. Because of the law, because of the politicians, but it is YOU who convict people and are co-responsible for diseases, complications, permanent health impairments. It is you, the sanitary workers, who mediate in this procedure. December 24th on Christmas Eve and every day sent letters to parents urging them to vaccinate.
Pray for the sanitation workers that God will stir their consciences, pray for the politicians that God will make at least some of them men, and finally pray for Szymek and his mom.
Straszne to co się stało z tym chłopcem…i niby te zastrzyki takie bezpieczne? Ta, jasne…
Oczywiście że pomodlę się za chłopca…
I prayed for the little boy and his parents. The media heavily publicizes when natural therapies have failed to help someone with a serious illness. Meanwhile there are no official statistics about academic treatment of various diseases. Come Lord Jesus. Praise God, it's worth watching, this woman's moving testimony. Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior.
I may have already posted. I ask myself after reading the EU vaccination calendar why enlightened Germany and the UK have no compulsory vaccinations?
Vaccines are murder. My brother was born in 1981. In 1981, when he was not quite 9 years old, he fought the disease for 3 years (Children's Memorial Health Center).
He was vaccinated according to the calendar
Cause of complications after ODRA vaccination
Do we have anyone to talk to next
I come from the Bydgoszcz area and I will tell you frankly that such doctors as prof. Talar are now being suppressed. Why? Because they think and know what is harmful and what is not. They look for alternatives. Here in the medical community attempts were made to degrade this doctor, to humiliate and defame him.
Now he has found a group of recipients who no one gives a chance anymore. You can see what matters, not health, but money.
I mean, the truth is somewhere in the middle, for example, people are now vaccinating their children less and less against measles and we have a growing epidemic among unvaccinated children, not all vaccines are harmful, certainly vaccines were less harmful in the past, but the facts speak for themselves. It is popular now to blame everything on vaccinations, but it is not really true that children die from vaccinations, it is often used as a campaign, it has helped to preserve people from serious diseases that have been eliminated by vaccines, too.