Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

8K TVs are coming, a KA-tastrophe for the eyes.

Granted, truther (truth-seeking) Korwinists, Bible Christians, either don't have TVs or don't watch much, but the problem is broader than a 55-inch TV.


Next year in Tokyo, the Olympics will feature the world's first 8K broadcast. A first on a global scale.

There is always a shopping boom in electronics stores before such massive events or before the Sol Invictus holiday.


This is the world and its fashion. Games, gladiators and expensive seats for watching the idol of sport. Yesterday I raptly wondered if in ancient Israel, in the days of David or his son Solomon, there were taverns or the equivalent of today's pubs. If my memory serves me correctly, there were no such pubs, because people spent time with their families and worked until evening anyway. I remind you that the day in Israel began not from 12 o'clock at night, but from dusk. Hence, Shabbat is practiced from dusk.

There were no pubs because drunkenness was unwelcome, and if there were, no one would go out for one beer or one glass of wine. There used to be a commercial for Krolewskie beer where the husband rolled around in the mud pretending to play football and when his wife opened the door he said with the ball in his hands "I shot three".


There were no games or competitions on a mass scale because there was no idolatry. The only God was YHWH, not Malysz, Szurkowski, Boniek, Korwin Mikke etc. Nor did the Israelites go out to watch the speeches of the Sodomites or the communists. Today even people who consider themselves Christians watch speeches of Miller, Michnik, Urban. Just out of curiosity. Stupid debates on TV.


It is an open secret that 55 inches is addictive as well as a smartphone.

How does this relate to vision?

All of these screens, displays, smartphones emit so-called blue light, which unfortunately has nothing to do with the Kingdom of Heaven. The bitter truth is that the more advanced and bigger the screen is, the more blue light it produces.


The least of the problems in all of this is eye fatigue, tearing, and sleep problems. It gets worse when retinal damage and macular degeneration (AMD) occur. Not to be confused with AMD.

What happens when we stare at monitors, screens, phonos for a long time? Blue light penetrates the entire eyeball. Nothing practically filters it, and it damages mainly the retina.

I once had a conversation with a lady like this, a retired woman who had worked in a bank all her life. She told me she was going to have eye surgery, but was waiting with the fund for a date. I asked her how this happened. She said that no one told them at the time as they worked in front of those little computers that it would harm their eyesight.


Imageolatry has a progression. Full HD, through 4K to 8K. Everyone wants a nice picture.

Incidentally, let us recall Revelation:


" And she deceives the inhabitants of the earth with the signs which she was given to make before the beast, telling the inhabitants of the earth to make an image of the beast, which received the blow of the sword, and came to life. (15) And it was given to her to give spirit to the image of the beast, so that even the image of the beast spoke, and to cause all to be slain who would not worship the image of the beast."


Perhaps a TV image or perhaps in fact a hologram will play a significant role in this prophecy.

It will only be a matter of a few years, when we will see such advertisements on the streets instead of billboards:




Back to the technological advances in TVs. The problem is that in order to get the most benefit from a given resolution, you need to position the TV itself accordingly from you.The further away you are, the less benefit you get from the resolution you purchased, and yet the 4K or 8K designation is also a resolution value. Full HD displays 2 million pixels, 4K 8 million pixels and 8K gives up to 33 million pixels.

Now imagine a tree standing in front of you about 10 meters away. You will not see the beauty of the apple from such a distance. You have to get closer to see the beautiful bloom of the fruit. It is the same with high-definition TVs. To fully enjoy the benefits of a 4K or 8K TV, you need to be close enough to the TV.


Here are the optimal values for TVs:


65" 4K - approx. 135 cm

48" FH - approx. 200cm

105 inches 4K UHD - approx 220cm



Once, in one of Juliusz Machulski's films titled VIP, when a friend was handing over a sports Mercedes to Malajkat, he uttered cynical words that the car was an extension of him.

I don't agree with it, of course, and I don't even want to quote it exactly. But gigantomania is supposed to replace certain deficiencies nowadays. In men mainly masculinity, because this one is not success and money, but raising his children well, having good relationships in his family that he founded, learning God's values. This is masculinity. I think it is much easier to become a star these days than to be a good biblical father or husband.

Ego grows with the inches of TV.



A substitute for masculinity. Facebook has taken away face-to-face relationships in favor of online ones. Television takes away masculinity and...sight.

A large surface area, means more blue light emission.


We Christ-followers are to emit the light of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Yes, I am different, I may be a freak to those around me in real life, but I bring biblical values into my life.


How do I protect myself from blue light emissions in computers? By purchasing a monitor overlay or glasses with BlueControl anti-reflective coating.


Modernity does not serve people, but we have to adapt to it somehow. On the one hand, teenagers are making waves on YT by fixing themselves in front of cameras, and on the other hand, we are finding God and gathering here.


Praise God the Father that He reveals all dangers to us.

God brings about every truth.

Let's respect our eyes and our loved ones.

Finally, about some other risks.

The first is a large electromagnetic field.

Beyond the technological and the other is to replace, for example, reading the Bible together with watching TV. Let's face it, nobody buys a 55-inch 4K to watch TV a few times a week.

I'm allowed everything, but not everything benefits...







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Thank you in advance in the name of Jesus Christ



Updated: 8 February 2019 — 11:06


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  1. Hey guys. Can anyone tell me where I can get these "computer" glasses and for how much? My girlfriend works in front of a screen and I could give them as a gift.

  2. Hello ! Thanks admin because you reminded me a little bit about it, so I went to the optician and ordered glasses for the computer. Glasses with "BlueControl" the name may be different, it depends on the manufacturer, the cost in my case is 400 frames + lenses, free vision test.

  3. 8K is overkill, brrrrr :/ and how much can you buy for the value of such a TV....
    By the way: does anyone know where to buy those overlays or glasses (mainly overlays, because both my dad and I wear glasses and my mom has glasses she wears to work in front of the computer, not like the ones recommended here, unfortunately... but she has glasses...)? I sit in front of the computer myself (maybe not that much but still) plus my parents (and other people close to me, like my uncle who does a lot of computer work or one of my younger cousins who is a high school student in a class with more math, physics and computer science lessons so sometimes he probably even has some homework to do on the computer...etc.) work in front of the computer quite a lot and something like that would be useful...

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