"The chairman of the Civic Platform has announced the declaration "European Coalition for Poland", in which he calls "to put forward one broad list aimed at rebuilding Poland's strong position in the EU". Apart from Grzegorz Schetyna, it was signed by nine signatories, former prime ministers and foreign ministers: Leszek Miller, Jerzy Buzek, Marek Belka, Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz, Ewa Kopacz, Radosław Sikorski, Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz, Hanna Suchocka and Adam Daniel Rotfeld."
As you can see first, the godless left wants to regain power. There is a lot of pressure from below (electorate) and from above (Rotchilds and Soros). Secondly you can also see now how different PO was from sld, which is not at all. They were and still are communists in the reddest version: tax slavery, abortion, promoting homosexuality in schools like Mr. Adamowicz. Sikorski, on the other hand, is a regular at secret meetings of the Group Bilderberg.
Also of interest in this company is the figure of Mrs. Hanna Suchocka, who once represented what seemed to be the opposition right....and from 2001 to 2013 the Polish ambassador to the Holy See and The Order of Malta, which shows that Catholicism as well as Zionists are always on both sides of conflicts.
Let us pray from today that the forthcoming elections will be won by those groups and people who will defend Christian values. God alone knows who can do that.
The situation is getting dangerous, yet we don't want LGBT in schools and communism like under the SLD.
I don't know about you, but I feel powerful spiritual forces over Poland, which is the last bastion of relative normality in this rotten EU,
What remains is prayer...
Mt 5.44 And I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you; 45 so you will be sons of your Father who is in heaven;...
46 For if ye love them that love you, what reward shall ye have?
It is necessary to support Braun, despite the fact that he is a Catholic, but I prefer it to corruption and rottenness, but as I know the life after the Pis, probably the red scum will get to power again.
Better about God's people
And speaking of parties and communism, I suggest you watch the TV show Go Against the Current - last 2 weeks. Sometimes it is worth listening to them. Whether we like it or not. Let's research, search, listen (to different sides), draw conclusions and ........ pray for ourselves. More or less evil, but evil nonetheless. Poland is moving fast towards the end times. Maybe it is worth taking off the rose-colored glasses.
Paul Chojecki, who said that the Lord Jesus would come with a physical sword :-D.
And blasphemous curses, pro Israel. There is not even a little bit of acid there, but just acid.
Sometimes I watch other channels with which I vary, but this one is a complete out.
I prefer secular Wloclawek.
I meant a general view on politics rather than Chojecki as a person. Unfortunately but our different media don't talk about many things.
Is that a comment worthy of a Christian...? I don't know.
This ether looks plausible to me, unless the lie has a third bottom....
took part in the enthronement of Sanyaji the man, hating Jesus.
From what I'm watching he doesn't support soup lnie sanjai and considers him an obvious agent
https://youtu.be/DXkhiZ3ptVQ until your last entry