Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Salvation Army - Protestant military organization.

Nothing happens without a cause. About two months ago I had to deal with a man who professed to be a Christian, and showed me a gun with live ammunition.


A week or so ago, an argumentative blogger wrote a comment ostensibly supported by arguments about the death of John the apostle, but it was more of a davening. Later, under the discussion of A. Cyrikas, he resented that I had not published his comment.

This man interested me and so I decided to enter his profile. Praise God for the fact that sometimes someone attacks me, because I am now opening up to you a truth of considerable importance.

Here is this man's statement to his colleague's comment. A comment that I deleted because it contributed nothing...

All in defense of A. Cyrikas.


So I went to Mr. Andrew's profile and what did I notice?



Now let's examine what, who is The Salvation Army?


The Salvation Army (English. The Salvation Army) - international Christian denomination protestant of an evangelical, Methodist, and sanctification nature, and an international charitable organization organized in a hierarchical manner similar to military organizations. It currently operates in 128 countries around the world."



It is a Protestant army built on the model of military organizations.

Here is the flag of this Salvation Army:


The occult symbol referred to by Prof. Veith of two squares superimposed on each other.


This is the so-called Octagram, the Babylonian symbol of the goddess Ishtar, though it is also a symbol of Buddhists, Talmudic Jews and Gnostics.

On the Polish esoteric forum the octagram is described in the following way:



"The octagram, an eight-pointed star with two tips upward, symbolizes:
- A sign of evil spirits. Very old, virtually forgotten today.

The Octagram (ref. 1) is the Star of Isis, the Star of Bethlehem, a transfigured double cross, a Mercury-Hermes-Thota figure, and a symbol of alchemical power. It often appears on the Wheel of Fortune card in traditional Tarot decks. The alchemical symbols of mercury, sulfur, water and salt are drawn alternately with the letters TARO, from which the word TORA, ORAT (Latin for pray), ROTA (Latin for circle, Polish for oath), ATOR (Hathor"


By the way, in the communist TV series "Seven Wishes" a nice cat made wishes come true with the password "athor hator"... They smuggle it everywhere.

There was even a warning on another forum:


"If you know about the occult, you'd better be careful, and if you don't know, don't even think about it at all...:-I."



This is also known in occultism as the so-called Agrippa figure.


Agrippa sold his soul to the devil as did many musicians, actors, and probably clergy from the Catholic and Protestant church.

Agrippa is the legendary prototype for the character Faust in Johann Wolfgang Goethe's drama.

Like some of today's educated people, Agrippa studied medicine, philosophy, and law, so he was someone extremely intelligent.


Known for his works De occulta philosophia libri tres (On secret philosophy three books) was initially circulated only in the second circuit. The publication of the text was advised against by Agrippa Trithemius (among others, the abbot of the monastery in Würzburg and a researcher in alchemy, Hermeticism, Kabbalah, and a precursor of cryptography), although eventually he reviewed the work and pointed out to Agrippa the necessary corrections. In 1531 he sent the first volume to print, in 1532 the second volume appeared, and a full three-volume edition followed a year later. This monumental work was a summary of Agrippa's research into magic and Hermeticism; because of the Inquisition, the text had to be narrowed down to the author's safe limits. He was of the opinion that there was also a secret interpretation that could only be communicated by the master orally and directly to the disciple."



In the center of the Salvation Army flag is the inscription: "Blood and Fire" as befits a military organization.

How can we be sure that if they are a group similar to a military organization do they not have weapons?


I once clashed on Facebook with Mr. Michael R. , active in the group anti-ecumenism, who among his photos had a picture in a yarmulke and at the shooting range.

Pastors Wojciech Włoch, an ecumenist from Cracow, and Bartłomiej Kurylas also have photos of them wearing yarmulkes.

On the other hand, Zionist Pawel Chojecki is a supporter of gun ownership, as is Korwin Mikke (also known as OZjasz Goldberg).


That's not all about The Salvation Army.


The Protestant Salvation Army Movement currently numbers over 28 thousand officers, 1.8 million members (soldiers, adherents, junior soldiers), 4.5 million volunteers and 112 thousand employees working in 128 countries around the world, of course taking care of positive PR by running hospitals, centers for the homeless and addicts, homes for the elderly like the Church of Rome.



With the above information in mind, I believe that Protestant churches are overflowing with soldiers of this army or are cooperating with it.

I also believe that the slogan "Americans own guns, so it's good" is debunked at this time because it is not true Protestants who own guns, but Zionists. I don't know of any devout pastor who has owned a gun or used it during an attack by thugs, There may be instances of that, which doesn't make it the rule.


My hypothesis, and for many a certainty, is that true Protestantism does not exist in any religion, though the closest to protesting Rome are Adventists, but we know that they too are divided. Today, by the way, I will write about a well-known Adventist.


Why do they have weapons, why is faith transformed into a military formation? Because they are all carnal and afraid for themselves. They need support in the flesh, just as Francis needs protection.

Now something for dessert:


"Salvation Army Superintendent General André Cox, along with a delegation from the community, held a meeting on December 12, 2014 at the Vatican smeeting with pope francisduring which the will of the Salvation Army and the Catholic Church to cooperate was confirmed in the field of charitable work and further ecumenical dialogue."



A Salvation Army general... Doesn't that remind us of something? Or maybe a Jesuit general?


Here is General Andre, the leader of a religious and supposedly Protestant organization:




Protestantism is not imbued with dangerous agency. He is an agent. Perfectly prepared people to lead others, often wielding weapons and possessing biblical knowledge, are missing one thing - Jesus Christ.



"Not everyone who says to Me: "Lord, Lord!" will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me on that day: "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied by the power of Your name, and cast out evil spirits by the power of Your name, and done many miracles by the power of Your name?" 23 Then I will declare to them: "I never knew you. Depart from Me, you who commit iniquity!" " Mt 7


All you cooperating ecumenical pastors: you are servants of the serpent of old. You will end up lousy salesmen of Jesus.


Be careful in your churches. I'm sure the situation is similar to the Catholic church, where there will be some true servants of God, but deceived by top-down teachings.

If this Salvation Army has military structures, are they not prepared to pacify the population during the Great Tribulation?

As you have seen the Salvation Army works for Rome and it is Rome they will obey.

To the Jews: do not believe the Jewish leaders. They, like everyone else, also work for Rome. The Vatican plays everyone off by creating apparent divisions. The Vatican is always on both sides of the conflict as well as the Zionist Jews.


I wrote this text for about four hours. These things are not so obvious. Therefore, when fans of certain pastors argue with me, they are blinded by idolatry and have no idea what I am writing about. Everything is a matter of knowledge and knowing and experience. It was God who led me to this information because you won't find such a text in the Polish Internet, so I "accidentally" entered it here and there showing the dark side of Protestantism. Will any pastor tell you about what you read here? Of course not. The truth is not available in the churches. Truth in churches is limited to theology.


A Salvation Army general reports to his supervisor:


Below, the famous and benevolent John Paul II with influential Salvation Army officer Eva Burrows³


The Salvation Army with Benedict:


The world is not the way you want it to be.

Masses of foundations and charities work for Rome . Open Doors, Voice of Persecuted Christians, etc.


By contributing money to these organizations, you are contributing to the Vatican.



In conclusion, the Salvation Army is one of a thousand heads of the same hydra, and the military-like organization shows what is not only that army but the Vatican itself.

Well, Happy Sol Invictus from the Salvation Army of the Protestant denomination 😀





Updated: 26 November 2018 — 15:27


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  1. And it would be nice to have a specific Army ☺

  2. I thank God that I found this website and to you, Peter, may Jesus Christ bless you greatly

  3. In the meantime something is going on, maybe even martial law in Ukraine. As you wrote once I think that Poland will be in Russia's sphere of influence, although for now things seem to be different

    1. From Wikipedia: "Martial law - one of the states of emergency that involves the military taking over the administration. This state may be imposed by the government of a country to restore public order in the event of events such as a coup d'état or to suppress political opposition."
      Poroshenko has very little chance of re-election and made a provocation on the principle of "grasping at straws".
      I read about how Poroshenko's only chance to stay as president is to heat up the atmosphere with Russia a week ago. And bam. All according to plan, he entered with 3 ships despite the temporary ban.
      It is a pity for ordinary people, because politicians cannot come to their senses. Money and power take away common sense.

  4. I once listened to Pastor Chojecki, he called Christians who do not want to have anything to do with weapons idiots and pacifists, or Russian agents;) He considers America to be an idyll for Christians and a land of happiness built on Christian values - no kidding.He used a prophecy from the 37th chapter of Ezekiel about the dried bones, saying that Israel is like these bones clothed with flesh in which there is no breath yet - that's why Israel is not yet acting in God's way: murdering Palestinians - but only when it receives the breath will immediately convert to God and Christ.I think that it is not lack of knowledge of this man, but a deliberate deception of people in the direction of America and Israel as a work of God.It is therefore essential to ask the Lord Jesus Christ for a spirit of understanding while reading the Bible, studying and comparing everything, because without this personal relationship with Christ - considering how many deceivers there are who mix the truth with a small dose of poison - it is very likely that you will go astray. And regarding the weapon, Matt. 10:39, "Whoever wants to find his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

    1. Oh you see Paula, interesting testimony. I barely started listening to it 5 years ago and stopped immediately.
      It all holds together: gun ownership, Israel, USRAEL, pastorocracy and deception.

    2. Sorry to butt in, but what's the deal with Yeshua?

      1. Some say this was Jesus' name in Hebrew.

  5. Thank you for the warning, I had heard something about this "army" but didn't know too well yet where it was calling 😀 now I at least know who to avoid....

    1. I am a member /soldier/ of the Salvation Army. I do not carry or use firearms. I am also far from ecumenism. The motto and program of the Salvation Army is "A heart for God, a hand for people". I am not a conspiracy theory believer either. Warm greetings#

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