Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"He who has a purse, let him take it, and likewise a bag; and he who does not have a sword, let him sell his dress and buy one." - Luke 22 - a quote that entitles one to own a weapon.

The entire situation in Luke 22, the chapter that contains one argument for gun ownership reads like this:



' And he said to them: When I sent you without purse, without bag, without sandals, did you lack anything? And they said: Nothing. (36) And he said to them: But now, whosoever has a purse, let him take it, and likewise the bag, And whoever has no sword, let him sell his dress and buy one. (37) For I tell you that what is written must be fulfilled on me: Unto transgressors was I counted: for that which was written of me is fulfilled. (38) And they said, Lord, here are two swords. And He said: It is enough."


One may wonder, and rightly so, why does the Lord Jesus, so uncharacteristically peaceful and mild-mannered up to now, command the disciples to buy swords?


The answer is later in this chapter:


"For I say unto you, that it must be fulfilled upon me which is written: Among the transgressors was he counted."



This was the exception from which the rule is made.

To make you aware of the uniqueness of this situation and the difference I am posting another story:


"Henceforth Jesus began to tell his disciples openly that he must go to Jerusalem, that he was to suffer much from the elders and chief priests and teachers of the Scriptures, and to die, and on the third day to rise again. (22) And Peter, having taken Him aside, began to rebuke Him: - Have mercy on yourself, Lord, this cannot befall you! (23) And (Jesus) turning away said to Peter: - Get out of my sight, O tempter; you urge me on to evil, because you think not after God, but after men." Matthew 16.


Similar situation. Jesus is acting illogically in the eyes of others and this is what Peter dared to tell him. This devoted disciple, wanted to save Jesus, but Christ just had to go through all of this. If this were Millennial times he would have behaved differently, but here was what was going to happen. The sacrifice of the lamb was to be made.



Why did He have, had to Jesus be counted among the transgressors? Because prophecy was about to be fulfilled:


 Therefore in inheritance I will assign to him many, and great multitudes he will possess as a prey. For he delivered himself to death and was numbered among the transgressors, because he himself bore the sins of many and made intercession for the transgressors.""

Isaiah 53


And it happened, he was counted among the criminals which is in that same Luke:


One of the hanged evildoers rebuked him: "Are you not the Messiah? Deliver yourself and us.(40) Then the other rebuked him and said: "Do you not fear God at all, though you are under the same judgment? (41) And we indeed rightly, for we fully receive what we have deserved by what we have done; but he has done nothing wrong." (42) And still he said: "Jesus, remember me when you are in your kingdom." (43) And he said to him: "Verily I say unto thee this day, Thou shalt be with me in Paradise."


The Lord Jesus was among the transgressors. He was counted among the Law-breakers, though He was the most Righteous Man in the world. He broke God's Law in nothing so that we would be justified, so that Satan could not accuse us. Finally, that we might begin a new life of righteous living.


Pawel Chojecki advertised the "I am a Christian" gun action. I once wanted to show the absurdity of this action with a sarcastic meme:





If we are to misunderstand this verse from Luke, then we would have to count on our skills: martial arts skills, mechanical weapons in our possession, and we should forget Ephesians as well:


"For the battle we fight no z blood nor with bodybut with the powers above, with the rulers of this world of darkness, with evil spirits in the districts" Ephesians 6


It's not a bad thing to play sports, but this one can become our idol, a backstory, and Jesus, can become an add-on....



Much is said to others when they have problems with the famous suggestion "leave it to God," but when it comes to facing a potential problem we would like to do it our way.

So this weapon is such an action on its own, which pushes aside the Holy Spirit. It is in the style of the Pawlaks "judgment is judgment, but justice must be on our side".



In the movie "Survivor's Pass," the main character, an Adventist Christian Desmond  Doss (authentic character), decides not to shoot at the people in the enemy camp, but saves them on the battlefield.

It's very cool to watch such tear-jerking movies, but we often do things differently in life....


My perception of the subject of gun ownership by Christians is as above. There is no place in the New Testament for guns for Christians.


"Take my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."




Updated: 23 October 2018 — 22:31

1 Comment

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  1. Very good article. If we believe in eternal life then we are to go through a test on this earth as to whether we are fit at all. God does not want us to kill our enemies, abusers, thieves, etc.
    We are to fulfill the Gospel. We have everything prophesied:
    "Then it was given to her to enter into battle with the saints
    and overcome them, If he who is destined for captivity goes into captivity,
    if he who is killed by the sword - must be killed by the sword.
    This is where the perseverance and faith of the saints is demonstrated."

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