Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

What does the Bible say about energy vampires?

Inspired by a post of a new ageist, I decided to write a text about energy vampires based on the Bible.


Of course, the Bible mentions nothing about such a concept, but we often feel pumped up after meeting a person with such qualities.


We all know the type - after a few hours around one of the so-called "energy vampires" you feel depressed, exhausted, tired, broken and confused.

Some people can walk into a room and the sun disappears. Flowers wilt in their presence and suddenly life seems so gray. These are energy vampires.



Who is an energy vampire?



The term energy vampire usually refers to someone who sucks (hence the comparison to a vampire) the life and energy right out of you. You can be in the most positive and happy mood of your life, but a few hours of spending time with one of these people and you are ready to scream. If you don't have enough strength, you succumb to his mood by losing your energy.

Basically, it only applies to "negative" people. Such as: cynics who think everything is bad. Those who think everything is worthless, nothing will succeed, and everyone is set up for failure and doom. They hate life, are usually bitter, depressed, angry, lonely, frustrated, and blame their problems on others.



This works according to what I would call "demons like company", meaning that unhappy people want other people to be unhappy so they can cry and make fun of their problems. This is the concept behind the dreaded "energy vampires". It usually involves a person who is spiritually dead. They are unhappy (this could be for any number of reasons).

Because they feel they have been burned out in life, they try to share their negative "energy" with others. Basically, they are trying to convince you why life sucks and that it will always be bad. They are always those people who see the glass as half empty instead of half full. They always say words like I can't, I won't, I doubt, etc.


What does the Bible say about negativity or "energy vampires?"



As I wrote in the beginning, the Bible does not talk about energy vampires,

However, it does speak a bit about our attitudes and how we are to behave in our lives. One thing is for sure: God LOVES a positive attitude!

Of course, traumas and tragedies aside. No one is telling anyone to laugh at the death of a loved one, illness, divorce, family problems and etc.


Let me give a healthy example.

Moses sent 12 men to search the land of Canaan. The men saw that the people of the land were much larger than they were. When they returned, ten of them essentially said: "No way, Moses. We can't take these guys. We're like grasshoppers to them. We'll never beat them! ' It was an angry and negative report.

However, one man named Kaleb said: "Let us go immediately and occupy this area, for we are able to defeat them."


The people who gave a negative report greatly disturbed Moses and the congregation, but even worse, they disappointed God. For God was with them and they did not believe in His power to help them overcome. Their negativity was punished, and God would not allow them to enter the land for several more years (until that generation left). However, for Caleb and Joshua, who were willing to go and believe, God allowed them to enter the land.

God loves a positive, optimistic attitude. Even the New Testament talks about the 9 fruits of the Spirit of God:

  • love
  • joy
  • room
  • patience
  • kindness
  • kindness
  • fidelity
  • gentleness
  • self-monitoring

Do you see negativity, doubt, anger or bitterness on this list? Of course not. God wants us to be positive, joyful, loving, good, kind, and in control of ourselves. Of course, we can't be happy going lucky all the time. If we have a bad day, or lose a loved one, we will be sad. But the key is to never allow ourselves to remain in the shadows because we have the solid assurance of Jesus Christ. Lift yourself back up and regain your energy anew. Let joy rejoice in your heart.


How do you recognize vampires among Christians?


They keep rolling on about their dire state because of their problems. No matter how many times you try to put on a "positive" atmosphere, Christian vampires revert to wallowing in their "poor people" attitude.

They want you to drop everything and listen to their grief so they can manipulate you. When your Christian vampire calls you and starts whining, it's best to be honest and say something like: "I can't solve this problem for you. Find solace in Jesus" .

Christian vampires need to be in the spotlight. They lack the ability to put themselves in someone else's shoes..You can help them for a long time, but it will be forever short, and in the end they will get offended.


In my estimation, such psychological vampires may be influenced by actual demons.


The second characteristic of the vampire is notorious humiliation. Vampire has to draw energy from humiliating and despising the other person. What you want to be good, you get punched in the nose in the form of belittling your role in anything.


" He who despises his neighbor - sins; happy - he who sympathizes with the poor.  Proverbs 14:21″


David's wife (Saul's daughter) despised her husband when he danced and remained childless for the rest of her life.

God's law yesterday and today forever:


"Why then do you condemn your brother? Or why do you despise your brother? For we will all stand before the tribunal of God.
Romans 14:10″ 


Vampires are never grateful and must feed on another organism, according to Old Polish The saying "even if you put honey on your rump, you can't please her/him anyway".

Jesus can also be despised. When He was on earth He healed, He set people free, and still He was despised, and today anyone who despises others despises Jesus.


" Whoever despises me and does not accept my words, he has his own judge: the word that I have spoken, it will judge him on the last day.
John 12:48″


Jesus came with the commandment of love so that we would love one another.




How to deal with energy vampires or negative people.



If you know someone who is an "energy vampire" or pessimist, you need to be kind and loving to that person. Try to pull them out of their bad moods. This is an invocation for neurotically strong people.

However, if you cannot get them to change and they refuse to live the fruit of the spirit above, it may be a good idea to distance yourself from that person. Try to spend your free time with more positive people. It's worse if that person is your life partner. But such people also need respect.


The Bible suggests that we choose our friends very carefully. If you walk with a wise person, you will become wise:

The one who walks with the wise will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.

Proverbs 13:20

If you constantly surround yourself with negative or bitter people, that negativity will start to enter your head. You will start looking at things in a different light. This is why it is so important to choose your friends carefully. Take a look at who you're living with right now, because that's likely to keep you alone for a few months or years.

You can see the same principle at work in the story of Joshua. He stayed around Moses all the time, and after Moses died, Joshua took over and led Israel into the promised land. He gained very good leadership skills by watching and learning from Moses all those years. The same is true today. If we hang around negative, vile or sinful people all the time, they will eat us up and we will not bear good fruit.... and vice versa.

If we circulate around godly, wise, loving people who support us, we will go forward like Joshua having Moses as a companion before.




I'm not saying we shouldn't help people or not spend time with negative people. But we should take care to protect ourselves from their negativity. Sometimes the only way to do that is to distance ourselves from those people.

Life is short. We will have enough pain and hardship throughout our lives. There is no such need to add extra worries on a daily basis of our own accord. Let us exalt God and reach the peak and height of life.

God gave us one life contrary to New Age teachings and satanic reincarnation.... So we must make the best use of this one life. We should not be negative and bitter all day long.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1: 7

We should be optimistic and positive. God has great things for us. Rejoice in Jesus. We have the opportunity to have a relationship with the mighty King who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.


And we do not wish, brethren, that you should be in uncertainty about those who have fallen asleep, lest you should grieve as others who have no hope. 1 Thess 4:13


Have you trusted Christ as your savior? Are you living in obedience to Him? If you have never accepted Jesus Christ, the Bible says that you can have your sins forgiven by putting your faith in Christ and believing that God raised Him from the dead. Jesus died so that you could live a sinless life.


The thief comes only to steal, pillage and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly. John 10.10



The filling of the Holy Spirit is the filling of Jesus where there is joy, love, peace.




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  1. Quite recently I had the (un)pleasure of entering into a fairly close relationship with such a person. In the world they would call it narcissistic personality disorder, psychopathy or borderline, we know that it is a demonic invasion (which can be clearly felt). Manipulations, lies (not only on the lips, but most of all in the head; about yourself, about people, about the world, etc.), requests and threats, blackmail. The desire to own a man and subjugate him in every millimeter, in short, to have a puppet instead of a partner (truly satanic). You lose your soul for him, but he won't make any effort on his own. At the same time, a complete lack of responsibility for one's own emotions and actions, transferring one's own behavior to the victim, putting him in the light of the perpetrator...
    I sincerely sympathize with these people, because they are suffering a great deal that I don't think they are fully aware of. Controlled by fear, they live a lie, and by lying they control others, creating fear in them. They create chaos and destroy not only themselves but everything around them.
    It is best to stay away from such people, unless we really have strong nerves and this person really takes action to change something in himself. Otherwise, it is a waste of time, energy and health, and only prayer remains.

    1. I sympathize with the situation with this acquaintance :/
      And as for the tip of the comment- I agree with you....

  2. Amazing how we are all one body, a system of interconnected vessels.
    I've only been talking about it for a few days... Always.
    When I have a dilemma, the answer to everything soon appears. It is in the Bible, but also on the Internet, in the newspaper... and on your blog it is very often.
    God bless all of you Brothers and Sisters!!! 🙂

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