Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

EtherTV and the subversion of systemic opposition. I caution against this dangerous channel.

A few days ago a sister in the faith sent me this following video:

The film begins with menacing music affecting the emotions.

The author of eterTv channel proves, hypothesizes that the anti-system opposition is controlled.

Whoever, but I can not be accused of lack of interest in such matters. The author of this channel himself appeared online just in December 2017, when the late Radtrap had been trumpeting the occult among celebrities for about 10 years. EtherTV was promoted by Sanyaia himself. The man:

The man himself promoted him:

Below, this demonized man is attacked by his colleague, just as Ether was attacked:

In this film, Sanyai's coronation is shown and how she curses...

Someone who watched Sanyai's coronation may laconically comment "clown". Dear ones, there were nearly 100 people there who unknowingly joined the demon club. Can this be trivialized?


Sandziaja is a little bit like Polish version of Russian Vissarion, maybe they have different views... but ?

"Vissarion (en. Vissarion, ros. Виссарион, pl. Life-giving) , actually Sergei Anatolyevich Torop (Russian. Сергей Анатольевич Тороп) (born January 14, 1961 in Krasnodar) is a Russian mystic, founder and head of the Church of the Last Testament.

He has proclaimed himself to be the reincarnation of Jesus and is regarded as such by his followers. He preaches veganism, belief in reincarnation and the imminent end of the world. He received his revelations in May 1990 and announced them on August 18, 1991 in Minusinsk. His teachings are a kind of mixture of Orthodoxy and Buddhism."



These videos by Ether TV and Sanyai have tens of thousands of views each. That's how many people believe the lies.

Interestingly, EterTV uncritically promotes


Let us return to occult symbols.


I myself have posted many videos and pictures of Masonic symbols.

This ether suddenly becomes an expert in discovering occult signs. The question is why so suddenly? It calls into question the sincerity of everyone's struggle against the system in the video he edited.

What is my opinion of these people? I've long considered the possibility, but unlike this etherTV, I don't dot the i's for one reason: the fear of God.

What is more, I do not post pictures of pastors who attacked me and who show such signs. Some of my acquaintances are sure of their agency, but as far as I am concerned, the signs of e.g. three sixes do not yet prove satanism or the agency of the Illuminati, Judaists etc. Why? Because it is a sign commonly used in the media as an OK gesture and is not unambiguous like, for example, the horns gesture or the covered eye.


My analysis and assessment of these people is quite different from the film. The majority of these antisystemicists practice the new age. Either openly by promoting esotericism or by linking Slavism with Catholicism and Polishness. I take into account that some of them do it unconsciously.

I could also have edited such gestures long ago and frightened people with these supposed agents, and my viewership would have increased.

The question is, is it about viewership or truth?


Let's move on to eteraTV itself.


In the video below he wrote "stars serve the devil"


Sam is a very dangerous man promoting the New Age.


He was at a rally for the Bright Side of the Force, or a certain Sanyai..:


In one of the videos he said more or less like this: "for 2,000 years Jesus wasn't there, and now he's suddenly supposed to be".


God gave reason not to enter such channels


Why did the EterTV channel become popular aside from being promoted by Sanjaje? EtherTV started doing what sites showing conspiracies of this world do. The material is already plentiful enough to be easily prepared. So it has become credible. Credible enough to be trusted by over 10,000 people.


In searching for materials, I came across a very interesting denominator of people who are supposedly in opposition to the system. A considerable part of them wears military uniforms: Kudliński, Eter, Jablonowski, and Chojecki promote weapons.





I don't know why, but I've downplayed the activities of new ageists on the internet so far.

As you can see, even the truth can be used for purposes that are against God. There is no unity in the demon world, as exemplified by Sanjai's quick separation from EtherTV. They are fighting for influence.

I also think that notoriously watching such channels is very dangerous for the average person, because it introduces anxiety, fear. There are agents everywhere. Of course, it is something else to write, to speak about agents, and something else to roll out every time.

The problem is that there is a lot of truth in these channels, but it does not direct that truth to Jesus, to the light, and the light of Jesus is peace of mind.

Ether doesn't believe in Jesus, but he made a video about Satanism in music. Why? Because it's sensational. Not out of concern for people.


I have had face to face contact with a man raised on conspiracies and have seen with Robert an authentic demonic manifestation. Watching such channels will lead to states a la depression and maybe even paranoia.

Let us pray for these people.



Updated: 12 September 2018 — 10:37


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  1. As for Sandzaje, it's actually hard to say what he's actually preaching because 90% of his material is a copy of what's in vogue now, i.e. flat earth, reptilians, conspiracies and the like.The rest is news from the garden and what he calls the laws of life.
    I listened to a couple of episodes where he discusses these supposed "laws of life". It's kind of a new age mishmash with a heavy emphasis on gnosis.

    Of course, let's not forget that sandzaja declared himself Jesus in one episode. He probably meant the new age one.

    A much more interesting (by far) example is a certain Popko the man-god, mystic, clairvoyant (in his own mind of course). It took me many, many hours to figure this guy out. I had to listen to hours (if not tens of hours) of his archival recordings to get to the point of what this guy actually preaches. I won't go into details here, but the guy preaches nothing but a heavily revamped Blavatsky theosophy, which is nothing but Luciferianism.

    In one of his archival recordings the guy even eulogizes lucifer as a prometheus bringing the fire of enlightenment to humanity. Blah, blah, blah.

    What scares me the most is the amount of subscriptions these people have. Popko has exceeded 15 thousand and shows an upward trend. Sandzaja in his heyday also had over 10 thousand. Let's also add that clairvoyant aron with over 20 thousand. Moskalik who researched the shape of the earth using tarot cards and a pendulum (sic !) 12 thousand. A certain Gracyana who for a few thousand euros frees, quote: souls from the wheel of reincarnation has over 3 thousand. Ławniczak, who quote: lives on this earth for over 300 thousand years also has over 3 thousand. Only with these names we have 50 thousand recipients (!).

    1. Knowledge of the Truth

      All in all, it's impossible to know what the truth is about one reality or another. It cannot be oversimplified and communicated, and it is not surprising that someone would ferment true knowledge. Biblical faith does not explain everything about this reality, but it is an excellent illustration of how people can fall, showing the consequences of human actions. Unfortunately, biblical knowledge does not tell us everything. Do you think Bible prophecies will be fulfilled in 10 years or so, or maybe a few years? Hm, I think this world will still exist many years from now. And if one were to take into account what is written in the Bible then everyone will almost be destroyed. The other issue is what is supposed to be the great city under God, some Jewish temple. Maybe this is the vision of the high ranking Jews there? They want to rule the goyim and may do something ala apocalypse. It will be run by a strict narrow elite and selected puppets. I for one would like to see it all destroyed, to put it nicely (and whoever is good has a plus in heaven), but I guess life isn't that black or white.

      As far as these authors are concerned, they are on a tough road, because if you want to do more than just believe in fairy tales that are supposed to have confirmation just where. They may even be under the dominion of evil spirits, because hookups everywhere. But that's the charm of this planet. Imagine such a world. Millions of years of human evolution, animals, extinction -> creation of cultures, groups -> development of agriculture, building houses -> industry -> high technology -> end of the world, because God makes a city of gold for himself and why so many years in vain? Suppose it was even shorter, but it doesn't explain who God is, why he did such an experiment, which destroyed many people, people kill themselves rape destroy mentally. And in this heaven? Are we supposed to sing 24 hours a day, absurd? And you are talking about Yahweh? Who murdered, killed? And Jesus was supposedly very good, etc., but also this philosophy of turn the cheek and do nothing sounds like such a passive attitude like some book mystics. Another thing... Religions were created to control people, so it's not the best way to find out the truth. The only truth is that we live in a psychological, pathological world of evil. If any of you think the game ends somewhere you may be wrong because there is no beginning or end.
      I'm sorry to say that it's a mistake to think that everything will be so perfect, like in some imaginary fairy tale. There will be Jesus and others, we will rejoice jumping and running and singing on harps or something (probably some games from that time), hugging, loving, washing dirty feet when they get dirty, helping each other. Most interesting is the description that there will be no night, and night is not from light.... Don't hold it against me, I wish it would fall apart quickly, maybe even Jesus by his power destroyed those Rockefellers, Rotshilds, etc. This group that is here is doing a great job for the truth, the light. Now ACTA 2 has come along and it's going to make a bit of a fuss. Apropos of those people who want to speak the truth widely, they may be attacked with the weapons of secret services or they are done by evil entities who want to control here further... I could write at the end, everyone says they are telling the truth, but no one can confirm completely that this is the case and that's it. As for Popko it's a longer topic, he is first and foremost a swindler for money, because from these people draw annually even the amounts of several million if you count how many people pay there for what when. In the end it also became a place of worship, a pilgrimage to the guru. I don't know if you know that he is now building and renovating a "home for the Edenic people".

      1. He quotes: "Popko is, first and foremost, a cash-strapped crook". Oh no, no, no. I will disagree.
        This is only one side of the coin.

        Popko "created" an incredibly complex and highly addictive belief system based on the foundation of theosophy. People who come into contact with this system enter into it completely because it seems to them that they are dealing with "absolute truth".

        Of course, most people take the bait in the form of being able to develop clairvoyance, clairaudience, reality creation and the like. This is the main promise.

        Of course he didn't create it, he is just a kind of medium. As I've written before, I've spent dozens of hours listening to his archival recordings. I was listening. The guy was talking about pendulums, some kind of vibrations. So, such a standard of the so-called new age. Then in a few episodes there was just one word, a key word. The word that explained everything. The word that showed where to look.

        Then Popko discovered himself and began to preach the doctrines of Theosophy directly. I remind you that the founder and later continuators did not hide that what they preach is pure Luciferianism.

        I had a little chat with Mr. Popko to find out how he knows this, how he has this knowledge. Did he just read all possible editions of theosophists or maybe he really acts as a medium. I did not find out much because I was quickly banned, but I noticed that he reacted very nervously to my inquiries. I would like to emphasize that Popko does not preach directly from theosophical books, he only uses specific key words. What he preaches is a very modern theosophy, adjusted to the modern audience.

        Personally, I'm betting that the guy is actually connected to some immaterial forces because a person alone is not able to create such a complex and coherent system. Secondly, sometimes in his programs he conducted some rituals, prayers, trances, from which in fact flowed some "power", let's call it simplistically.

        The problem with dealing with forces higher than us is one. We have no assurance that what they show us, or what they project directly into our minds, is true. And that is what the Bible is talking about.

        There is a higher world, inhabited by beings that are favorable to man but also hostile to man. These beings can force into the human mind whatever they like. They can calmly force a vision of some Orin (I remind that theosophists also proclaimed the existence of such invisible astral cities to which the human goes after death in order to be able to evolve there).

        This is why the Bible teaches us to be careful not to contact these higher beings, because people have no understanding of the nature of these beings. These beings can show us whatever they want and for us it will be as real, as tangible as our reality is.

        Third. Popko periodically presents his audience with various prayers designed to connect the recipient to "something." And unfortunately it works. In fact, people think they are connecting to Orin, but in fact they are connecting to something else entirely.

        Fourthly, Popko teaches hard magic. For example, in the creation of so-called egregors, which is an absolutely dangerous practice. Well, unless someone connects himself earlier. See point three.

        In all this money is only a side effect, of course, very important and very desirable because Mr. Popko dreamed of a financial empire.

        1. James 4.7 "Therefore be subject to God, but resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Come closer to God, then he will also come closer to you."
          Unfortunately it also works the other way around, the more interested we are in such devilish things the more susceptible we are to Satan's attacks.
          That's why I think it's good to see the deceptions, but don't go into depth because you can end up like I think Radtrap did.

        2. Knowledge of the Truth

          Well I have to agree with that, I said wrong that Popko is just a scammer for money. I meant that he cheats people on the fact that he offers something supposedly good, but in fact it's demonic. People pay him for something that is not good for them in the long run. But they won't get out of this cult anytime soon if at all 🙁 I feel bad for these people because they have good intentions and they end up with something like this. They get fooled by these sweet words. I was momentarily fooled too, before I watched a lot more footage and saw something horrible. The thing he's been in contact with like he said since he was a kid. All in all, it's as if he signed a pact with the devil and he has full money (millions a year), these lower entities have had him on the hook since he was a child unless he makes himself credible by saying that he is so experienced. They also send to earth these lower beings in the form of a man without a soul, he describes himself as a biorobot, probably a creature from the family of Grays. He promises people eden, but it's just hypnosis hypnosis hypnosis wasting time, energy, money and entanglement in the demonic world.
          You could do a possession test like this, show him or them the Bible at these workshops of theirs or come to these free probably eden meetings as they renovate the eden house from the inside.
          I and you are probably wondering when it will all fall apart as the Bible describes already many have said that the end of the world hijacking, on this blog were also given so many dates showing at the same time that they are the false ones. But ok, there is no time if it was to be within a few years max. Otherwise it is weak.... And anyway no one on seeen exact warning or when it will be more or less. You can only see what bad things are happening in the world, but what beyond that. Why should the Bible be a 100% oracle when the obvious things are not yet seen.... And those that were supposed to be are conjectures by the authors, or inventions.

          1. Well, now I'm also wondering how Mr. Popko got this gift from childhood, and I don't have such a gift? The only mystical contacts of my childhood were nightmares.
            And you could say they were spiritual encounters. Including the face of a demon that looked like the devil, and what I remember to this day is his face flying down below the floor. It lasted for maybe a second, but I saw it after I woke up. Today I know why I had these so-called spiritual encounters. The old picture with Isis and the child on the wall was hanging at its best. I even prayed to it, although my parents were not religious at all, but the painting was hanging there and I, as a naive child, prayed to it, because maybe it would help me to fight the nightmares. And today I actually doubt everyone who has such visions.
            But I do not exclude the possibility that some of these apparitions may not have a demonic origin. If they do, it's probably just a small percentage.

            1. Knowledge of the Truth

              I was also afraid to sleep with a picture of Jesus above my bed. Often when I looked at it, I could see that it was looking at me, moving, etc. That's why I closed my collection of pictures a few years ago. As for the visions of Popko and others, hmm I am not quite sure of their origin. But I am more inclined to think that they are entities that addict, enslave and show false projections that may be full of love, etc. I myself have evolved a lot with consciousness over the last few years, I have rejected all animal products. For the time being I am a vegan, later I can go even further. One might wonder where the upper limit is, or think maybe it's a trap. I am not denying those who eat meat, but its production is so expansive. It would be enough to eat it once in a while.

  2. It's a shame to write about him. He is really a ridiculous person. I don't know who takes his words seriously. He mixes esotericism with the Bible, undermines God's Word, and creates his own ideology. Besides, his appearance is like that of a circus. He and Paulina Moskalik are two Pokemons. I am amused but I feel a little sorry for them and the deception they have fallen prey to.

  3. This was to be the case in the end times 2 Timothy 3.13 "Meanwhile evil men and deceivers will go on to do worse, going astray and [misleading others]."
    And let us not forget Rev.12.9 "The devil deceiving the whole inhabited earth"
    Unfortunately, the New Age in its broadest sense is growing in strength, and Christianity has actually almost disappeared (on a world scale, of course)

  4. Oho...thanks for the warning....
    It's good that he's talking about these signs, but it's a shame that he's squeezing all this New Age into it....
    And that Russian mixing veganism into it all... :/
    I once watched a Sandzia film about something with healthy eating in the background...maybe he didn't talk too bad (surprisingly, there were no references to the New Age in the background...), but the whole time one had a feeling that something was wrong with it....

  5. First of all, your own reason and a firm imperative based on the Real Word of God. Of course it is better not to see it all, but if you have a filter in place you can at least be sure that none of these self-proclaimed shamans, medics and saviors will be able to fool you. I have an impression that their number grows with every week, month, a short time after they appear they start to turn against the others and prove to us how wrong they were and how close to the truth they are. The whole scenario repeats itself over and over again. The main thing is common sense. Best regards to Admin.

  6. I don't see a conflict between what Ether personally believes in and what he shows in his films - namely Satanism in show business and Catholicism. Even if he is a non-believer he shows people religious deception. If there is a cult of Lucifer in the world and people are doing evil in the name of this deity and his symbols are pushed everywhere, many are showing his signs then exposing this is good. He reveals these things without looking through the prism of any religion, with a clear mind. As we know, religious blindness can sometimes obscure logical thinking. He cut himself off from Sanjaji the moment he flew off like a madman and declared himself the new Jesus. Ether cut himself off from this crib, to which Sanjaya reacted like a true offended ruler. His whole association with the deplorable King Lehji started when Sanjaya found Ether's tiny channel on jutube and invited him to join. In fact, he wanted to draw him into his sect like many other people. A good example is Assan, whom he brought from the other end of Poland. A good example is Assan, who he brought from the other end of Poland. Asperger's, who ran away from home. Sanjaya destroyed him mentally and threw him out of the cult when he rebelled. When his next victim Dormir starts "popping up" the same thing will happen to him. also I would not make Ether an agent because seeing how far he flies away Sanjaya categorically isolated himself from this man. You only need to see Sanjaya's videos after Ether left to see what kind of desire he has to manipulate people and keep them in check. He accused Ether of not recognizing his coronation. He is a very dangerous man playing nothing but a positive, harmless madman. He was married for 10 years, has two sons, after his second was born he probably developed schizophrenia. He changed his name Slawomir to Sanjaya and began to form his sect. He himself previously belonged to the Antrovis sect, which worships alien civilizations and believes in the annihilation of humanity from which 144 thousand Poles are to be saved. The number 144,000 is known to us from another sect, Jehovah's Witnesses, which is a sect founded by a pedophile, a Mason, and is deceptive and launders people's free will like any other sect. At this point she is fighting to enforce the alimony that her ex-husband is not paying. In private, this deceiver is regarded as a vindictive and narcissistic person. Unfortunately, the Internet is full of his followers who support his activities and troll people who write about their king as an agent.

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