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Pedophilia is an "immutable sexual orientation," "Anyone can be born" this way



A video of a German speaker calling for compassion and understanding for celibate pedophiles, arguing that "no one wants to be a pedophile" but that "anyone can be born" that way and "no one can stop being one," sparked outrage around the world.


First the Psychiatric Society decided about 50 years ago that homosexuality was not a disease, and now the legalization of pedophilia is slowly being introduced using the same arguments....



Mirjam Heine gave a talk at an independently organized TEDx Talk at the University of Wurzburg in Germany in May, but the footage was recently released to the public.

While Heine is strongly against child abuse, she also believes that there must be a distinction between those who act on children's feelings and those who suppress them. She argues that no one can help the way they are born, and that pedophilia-which she describes as a "sexual preference for premarital children" - is like any other "immutable sexual orientation."

"[Heine] believes that no one is responsible for their sexual orientation, for their feelings, but that everyone is responsible for acting on that sexual orientation," reads an outline on the event's website . "It also asks how we all stand to gain if we clearly distinguish between our feelings and our actions. Since pedophiles cannot change their sexual desires, they must learn to control them so that they do not act on them. "


During her speech, Heine asserted that the vast majority of people who sexually abused children were not pedophiles because they were actually attracted to adults. She claimed that some may have simply acted on the child because they were available.


"Not every pedophile harms children, and not everyone who abuses children is a pedophile," - she told the gathering. "The distinction between the two groups is essential."


What a nightmarish spirit of deception...Intellectual gibberish.


According to current research, pedophilia is an immutable sexual orientation, much like heterosexuality, for example" claimed Heine. "No one wants to be a pedophile. No one can stop being one. The difference between pedophilia and other sexual orientations is that living out that sexual orientation can end in disaster. "


She went on to discuss the ways she believes pedophiles are hindered from getting help, in that they cannot tell anyone about their struggle.

"Right now we live in a world that already excludes pedophiles based on their preferences. Someone who is single and excluded from society has little to lose and is much more likely to commit a crime such as child sexual abuse, "Heine said.



Telling the story of a 19-year-old named Jonas who struggles with his feelings toward children but did not act on them, she said society needs to overcome negative feelings about pedophiles and not feel isolated.


"[Most of us feel] discomfort when we think about pedophiles. But like pedophiles, we are not responsible for our feelings - we do not choose them - but we are responsible for our actions. We must make a decision: it is our responsibility to reflect on and overcome our negative feelings about pedophiles and treat them with the same respect we treat other people, "Heine said.


"We should accept that pedophiles are people who have not made up their minds about their sexuality and, unlike most of us, will never be able to act freely if they want to live an honest life," she continued. "We should accept that pedophilia is a sexual preference - a thought, a feeling - not an act. We should distinguish between child sexual abuse and pedophilia. "



Heine said she once felt disgusted with pedophiles until she heard about Jonas, and now feels as a medical student with a background in psychology, that "it is my duty to help others overcome and avoid bad stigma and have a positive impact on our future society."


"By changing our view of pedophilia as a society and offering them support and therapy, we can help millions of people have better lives and we can effectively reduce child sexual abuse," - he asserts. "No one is responsible for their feelings, but everyone is responsible for their actions."


Heine's remarks caused great controversy, as some found her words deeply disturbing and others said she was making a valid argument about the need to help those who struggle with wrong desires before they commit a wrong act.


"It's coming. They will try to incorporate this abomination in the same way that they will be able to manipulate and mainstream all homosexual/gay marriage.Maybe not tomorrow, next week, next month or next year, but it will happen. There have already been people who have said there is nothing wrong with it " stated one commentator.


"Just think, there are people openly promoting giving 16-year-olds the opportunity to vote. All they say is that 16 year olds are intelligent enough to make their own decisions. It won't be long before this way of thinking will carry over into other "aspects" of these 16 year olds. When this happens, who sets the age limit for decision making? "They asked.



"The simple fact is that if someone has pedophilic impulses, they must seek help immediately. Otherwise their life will end in disaster not only for them but also for their victims, victims' families, etc. ", Another said.



The uproar over the issue led Heine to demand that the video be removed. TEDx has since released a statement about the speech, saying that Heine's words were misconstrued by some as aiding child abuse.



"Furthermore, after contacting the organizer to explain why the video of Miriam had been removed, we learned that the speaker herself had requested that it be removed from the Internet because she had serious concerns for her own safety," the statement said.



As previously written, Scripture teaches that all people are born with the nature of Adam's sin and have various innate tendencies that are contrary to God's Law, being completely incapable of changing themselves and the wickedness in their hearts. This is why Jesus outlined in John 3: 5-7 that people must be reborn through the second birth,.


"Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God," He declared. "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not be surprised that I said to you: you must be born again ".

2 Corinthians 5: 15-17 also teaches: "He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again. ... Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation: old things have passed away; behold, all things are become new.


Germany is not a Christian country and that is why such ideas appear there. It is the Mecca of Islam there because the public has been led to believe that Merkel is from a Christian party. It is enough to call something Christian for everyone to believe that it is Christian....



Updated: 20 July 2018 — 11:10


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  1. hello, can't you also open the website, because I can't for many weeks now and I get this
    but I don't have my own internet and I'm writing from the library, so maybe that's just the way it is
    kind regards Krasula

  2. But she is embarrassing...

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